Acronyms - FlyFF WIki


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This is a list of commonly used acronyms within the FlyFF game and community, and what they mean.



Acronym Title Description
GM Game Master WEBZEN staff who handles administrative duties inside and outside of the game.
Acro Acrobat The Acrobat class.
Mage Magician The Magician class.
Merc Mercenary The Mercenary class.
BJ Bow Jester A Jester that uses a bow as the main weapon.
BP Billposter The 2nd Assist class.
Ele Elementor The 2nd Magician class.
Psy Psykeeper The 2nd Magician class.
RM Ringmaster The 2nd Assist class.
YJ Yoyo Jester A Jester that uses a Yoyo as the main weapon.
FS Full Support An Assist or Ringmaster with a stat build focused completely on supporting and healing (INT) rather than fighting.
Vag Vagrant Vagrant is the starting class of flyff.
Slayer Slayer Slayer is the 3rd job from a Hero Blade at lvl 130.
Templar Templar Templar is the 3rd job from a Hero Knight at lvl 130.
FM Force_Master Force Master is the 3rd job from a Hero Billposter at lvl 130.
Seraph Seraph Seraph is the 3rd job from a Hero Ringmaster at lvl 130.
Ment Mentalist Mentalist is the 3rd job from a Hero Psykeeper at lvl 130.
Arc Arcanist Arcanist is the 3rd job from a Hero Elementor at lvl 130.
CS Crackshooter Crackshooter is the 3rd job from a Hero Ranger at lvl 130.
Harle Harlequin Harlequin is the 3rd job from a Hero Jester at lvl 130.


Acronym Title Description
AoE Area Of Effect Attacks that hit multiple targets at once.
BC Burst Crack An Assist skill which hits around the caster when being used (AoE skill, target needed).
Bgvur Bgvur Tialbold A Billposter skill which hits around the caster when being used (AoE skill, non target).
Serpent Piercing Serpent A Billposter skill which hits a line in front of the caster when being used (AoE skill, target needed).
Asal Asalraalaikum A Billposter skill. Also known as the strongest skill of Flyff.
SF Spirit Fortune A Ringmaster skill that increases the striking power of a target.
GT Geburah Tiphreth A Ringmaster skill that greatly increases attack speed and attack damage (party skill).
HC Holycross A Ringmaster skill that doubles damage on an enemy for one hit.
Merk/Merkaba/MH Merkaba Hanzelrusha A Ringmaster skill which is an AoE skill. The AoE damage is based on the Attack Rate of the weapon and slightly on INT.
HoP Hit of Penya A Jester skill Penya Strike, which in previous versions of FlyFF was called Hit of Penya. The damage that will be done, will be taken out of your inventory (penya).
DI Dark Illusion An Acrobat skill which makes the user temporary invisible.
Ress Resurrection An Assist skill which brings a dead player back to life.
BotWM Blessing of the Wise Man An Master Ringmaster skill which removes debuffs when succeeded to cast (party skill).
Rhisis|ToR Touch of Rhisis A Force Master skill which adds 45% Crit to anyone who received the buff for 5 minutes (party skill).
HS Heavens Step A Seraph skill which adds 42% movement speed to anyone who received the buff for 5 minutes (party skill).
Grasp Priest's Grasp A Seraph skill which roots a target for 1 minute with 100% success rate.
SoR Soul of Rhisis A Seraph skill which gives the caster a PvP shield for 5 minutes that gets removed after 400k damage or when time runs out. It's possible to remove it through a healing skill as well. (Only works for PvP, not PvM)
Aether Aether Grasp A Mentalist skill which summons a demon from the ground attacking its target. A powerful and close range attack (with cooldown).
Scream Cimetiere's Scream A Mentalist skill which deals damage over time for 10 seconds.
Sleep Echoes of the Weary An Arcanist skill which sleeps its target for 1 minute with 100% success rate.
EVA EVA Storm An Arcanist skill which summons thunder around its caster and damage who is close to the caster (AoE skill, no target needed).
Condor Condor Dive A Crackshooter skill which hits multiple targets that are close to each other (AoE skill, target needed).
Greeting Harlequin's Greeting A Harlequin skill that sneaks behind a target and delivers a powerful blow to it.
Pande Pandemonium A Harlequin skill which hits a target with an magical explosive attack from a short range (target needed).

Party Functions

Acronym Title Description
ADV Advanced Refers to an advanced party, meaning one that is level 10+ and usually set to contribution experience share.
Contrib/Contri Contribution Party Can also be called a Contrib Party or a Contri Party. Usually in the context of looking for a Contrib Party.
FD Lucky Drop A party skill that increases the chance of masquerpets dropping unique items. The name however is changed to Lucky Drop, although people might still use FD.
GB Treasure Hunter A party skill that increases the amount of items dropped by masquerpets, formerly known as Gift Box, although people might still use GB.
Linker/Link/LA Link Attack A party member who targets the same masquerpets as the Leader increasing his damage by 100 (7linkers +700 damage). Linkers need not attack just target.


Acronym Title Description
GS Guild Siege Weekly tournament between guilds, with prizes going to the winning guild.
GW Guild War When one guild battles against another guild.
CW Clockworks A Lv.80 boss monster that requires completion of a quest and being in a guild to fight.


Acronym Title Description
Rori Stick of Roritoren The name of the level 45 unique stick.
f-bow Flaming Bow The name of the level 45 unique bow.
G Guardian The name of the lvl 60 series of unique weapons. Will be used when people are looking for a type of weapon. Example: Looking for a G. Stick/G. Bow.
H or Hist. Historic The name of the lvl 75 series of unique weapons. Will be used when people are looking for a type of weapon. Example: Looking for a H. Knuckle/Hist. Knuckle or H. Yoyo/Hist. Yoyo.
A Angels The name of the lvl 90 series of unique weapons. Will be used when people are looking for a type of weapon. Example: Looking for an A. Axe/A. Sword.
LG Legendary Golden The names of the level 105 series of unique weapons. May also include the type of weapon at the end. For example LGA for Legendary Golden Axe or LGS for Legendary Golden Stick.
B Bloody The names of the level 120 series of unique weapons. May also include the type of weapon at the end. For example BStick for Bloody Stick or BBow for Bloody Bow.
V or Vamp Vampire The names of the level 120 Ultimate series of unique weapons. May also include the type of weapon at the end. For example VAxe or VampAxe for Vampire Axe and VSword or VampSword for Vampire Sword.
L Lusaka's The names of the level 75 Non-Master series of unique weapons. May also include the type of weapon at the end. For example LAxe for Lusaka's Axe or LStick for Lusaka's Stick.
LC Lusaka's Crystal The names of the level 75 Master series of unique weapons. May also include the type of weapon at the end. For example LCAxe for Lusaka's Crystal Axe or LCStick for Lusaka's Crystal Stick.
U Ultimate Used to indicate that the weapon has been upgraded to Ultimate status. For example: ULGA for Ultimate Legendary Golden Axe.
Anc Ancient The name of the lvl 120 Master series of unique weapons. Will be used when people are looking for a type of weapon. Example: Looking for an Anc. Axe/Anc. Sword.
Baruna|Muran Baruna The name of the lvl 135 series of unique weapons. Will be used when people are looking for a type of weapon. Example: Looking for a Baruna Wand/Baruna Staff.


Acronym Title Description
1hKO 1 hit Knock Out Used when referring to an instant death with 1 hit. Can be applied to player vs monster or player vs player.
Agro or Aggro Aggressive Refers to masquerpets with a red name. An aggressive will automatically attack if a player comes within a certain range of it.
Masquerpet or Mob Also known as monster. Flyff is using the term masquerpet for some quests while they are just monsters.


Acronym Title Description
BW/Blinks Blink Wings Such as Town Blinkwing an item used to teleport to the game's cities and sometimes other locations.
MP/FP Pots Potions Though is actually used to refer to recovery items such as Food, Refresher, and VitalDrink.
QI Quest Items Refers to items required to complete a quest.

Cash Shop Items

Acronym Title Description
CS Cash Shop Cash Shop items.
Amp Scroll of Amplification ES (S) An item used to increase the amount of Experience gained from killing masquerpets.
Apro Scroll of AProtect Refers to Scroll of Aprotect, which is a scroll used to protect accessory from breaking while upgrading.
FS Full Shout 2. Can also refer to Full Shout, a Cash Shop item that allows shouting to the entire server.
Gpro Scroll of GProtect An item used to prevent armor from breaking during Piercing.
Spro Scroll of SProtect An item used to protect equipment from breaking during upgrading.
Xpro Scroll of XProtect An item used to prevent a weapon from breaking when upgrading from Unique to Ultimate, and also upgrading Ultimate weapons.
RS Red Scroll Enhanced Party Skill Range also known as the "Red Scroll" in some circles, this powerful party item enhances Party Skills, negating their distance limitations.
Blessings Scroll of Blessing Scroll of Blessing prevents experience (EXP) loss upon death when used.
Velos Scroll of Velocity This is a rare scroll as it is no-longer available from the Cash Shop. This item makes the characters ability to jump and walk at an above normal rate for 3 minutes.
Revs Scroll of Reversion Reverts an awakened item to its original form.
Reduct A Scroll of Reduction A Reduces the required level to use an item by 10.
Reduct B Scroll of Reduction B Reduces the required level to use an item by 5.
Fpro Scroll of FProtect This scroll prevents fashion items from being destroyed during a combination attempt when used in conjunction with the Fashion Compound system.
Rpro Scroll of RProtect This scroll protects your Ancient Rune from destruction during a failed rune socketing attempt.

Shopping and Selling

Acronym Title Description
S> Selling Used to indicate that someone is selling something.
B> Buying Used to indicate that someone is seeking to buy something.
T> Trading Used to indicate that someone is trading something for something else.
A> Auctioning Used to indicate that someone is auctioning something.
A/W Auto Win Used to refer to the price someone will sell something for instantly, usually in an auction situation.
C/O Current Offer Used when a player is auctioning an item to indicate the last offer someone has made on it.
S/B Starting Bid Used when a player sets a price that needs to be offered atleast.
L/O Leave Offer Used when a player wants to get offers on a certain item.
M/O Mail Offer Used when a player wants to get an offer mailed through the post box on an item.


Acronym Title Description
Flarine Flaris The first continent you will explore as a vagrant.
SM Saint Morning Is sometimes used to refer to the city as well as the continent.
D1 Darkon 1 May also be used to refer to Erons Factory 1.
D2 Darkon 2 May also be used to refer to Darken.
D3 Darkon 3 May also be used to refer to Darkon 3 Vending Area (old lodelight).
VotR Valley of the Risen North from Shaduwar.
CoA Catacombs of Anguish Dungeon in the Valley of the Risen.
Azzy Azria Premium Area that can be accessed by using a Azria Ticket.
Trazzy Traseia Premium Area that can be accessed by using a Traseia Ticket.


Acronym Title Description
Say - If you see a player shout this: "Buying Twinkle Stones! /say me". Then you have to type in /say [player name] in order to contact him/her.
Exp Experience Experience gained from fighting masquerpets and some quests.
KS Kill Steal When one player starts attacking or kills a monster that another player had attacked first. Usually when a player is AoEing. The act can also be referred to as KSing.
DC or D/C Disconnected Means logging out of the game either by choice or a poor connection.
NPC Non-Player Character A character in the game that is not controlled by a player. FlyFF's NPCs have blue names.
PK Player Kill When one player kills another outside of a duel situation. Such a person is also referred to as a PKer.
Plvl Power Level Refers to a two players leveling together. One player is higher level than the other, fighting higher level monsters. The experience is shared and so the lower level player is "power" leveled without contributing to the actual fighting.
Dlvl Deleveled Refers to losing a level from loss of experience through death.
Leech Leeching Someone who is doing nothing while he's get plvled. They mostly are on board and afk.
AFK Away From Keyboard Refers to the player not being at the computer while logged in game.
PM Private Message When one player sends a message directly to another, usually with the /say command in-game.
PvP Player vs Player When two or more players battle one another.
PvM Player vs Monster When a player fights against a non-player enemy.
Awk Awakening Refers to items that have had a Scroll of Awakening used to reveal additional stats.

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