Magician - FlyFF WIki


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Female and Male Magician.



Magicians are ranged spell casters, they are able to focus large amounts of magic upon an enemy, dealing a great deal of damage before they are even reached. Magicians generally have lower defense, lower HP, and sometimes even delay when it comes to casting spells. However they are able to cast spells that not only damage enemies, but slow them down as well. Silent and mysterious, the magicians will always mystify curious eyes.

Class Development
Pre-Classification 1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class
Vagrant Image:Right Arrow.png Magician Image:Right Arrow.png Elementor Image:Right Arrow.png Arcanist
Psykeeper Image:Right Arrow.png Mentalist


First Class skills are normally reserved for use only with Primary Weapons.
All classes may use previous class weapons. So Magicians may use Vagrant tagged weapons, but first class skills may not be accessible.


The Magician can use Staves and Wands ,when equiping a wand they may use Shields.


A complete List of Armor used in game can be found here.

Magician Skills

View individual skill pages for detailed information and skill animations

Magician Skills
Skill Weapon Level Pre-Skill Type Region of Effect Description
image:Magician_Mental Strike.png Mental Strike Staves or Wands 15 None
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Ranged Mental attack.
image:Magician_Flame Ball.png Flame Ball Staves or Wands 18 Mental Strike 3
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Strikes at the enemy with a ball of flame.
image:Magician_Static Ball.png Static Ball Staves or Wands 18 Mental Strike 5
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Damages the enemy with a ball of static.
image:Magician_Stone Spike.png Stone Spike Staves or Wands 18 Mental Strike 2
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Damages an enemy with a stone spike. Chance to stun the enemy.
image:Magician_Ice Missile.png Ice Missile Staves or Wands 20 Mental Strike 3
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Blasts the enemy with a missile of ice.
image:Magician_Swordwind.png Swordwind Staves or Wands 20 Mental Strike 5
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Ranged, wind attack.
image:Magician_Flame Geyser.png Flame Geyser Staves or Wands 25 Flame Ball 5
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Damages the enemy continuously with a geyser of flame.
image:Magician_Lighting Ram.png Lighting Ram Staves or Wands 25 Static Ball 5
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Damages the enemy with an electric ball
image:Magician_Rock Crash.png Rock Crash Staves or Wands 25 Stone Spike 5
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Damages the enemy with a giant stone.
image:Magician_Strongwind.png Strongwind Staves or Wands 25 Swordwind 5
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Ranged, wind attack that moves the enemy.
image:Magician_Waterball.png Waterball Staves or Wands 25 Ice Missile 5
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only A water attack that shoots multiple water orbs at your target. The amount and strength of the orbs increases based on the skill level.
image:Magician_Blinkpool.png Blinkpool Staves or Wands 30 Mental Strike 3
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Allows you to teleport.
image:Magician_Fire Strike.png Fire Strike Staves or Wands 30 Flame Geyser 7
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Damages an enemy with a fire ball. The enemy loses health for a limited time afterwards.
image:Magician_Lighting Shock.png Lighting Shock Staves or Wands 30 Lighting Ram 7
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Damages the enemy with a small but fast lightning ball.
image:Magician_Rooting.png Rooting Staves or Wands 30 Rock Crash 7
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Prevents an enemy from approaching.
image:Magician_Water Well.png Water Well Staves or Wands 30 Waterball 7
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Splashes the enemy with a water attack. The enemy takes damage over time.
image:Magician_Wind Cutter.png Wind Cutter Staves or Wands 30 Strongwind 7
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Ranged, wind attack.

Speed Breaks

Magician is not a class that depends dexterity. Thus speed breaks are more or less useless for Magicians. Unless you plan on hitting your opponent with your Staff. For information sake I will post them anyway. These figures are to be used as a guide. They are base stat points. Their exactitude may vary depending on weapons, buffs, awakenings, jewelery, etc. Results were taken from Jon's Sim

Primary Primary
Wands Staves
Normal Normal
Lvl Dex AtkSpd Lvl Dex AtkSpd
15 15 37% 15 15 37%
34 80 41% 16 44 41%
58 129 42% 44 100 46%

Useful Links

  • Magician

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