Psykeeper - FlyFF WIki


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Female and Male Psykeeper.



One of the two Magician second classes. Masters of the arcane, a Psykeeper's magic tends to revolve around mental powers. Drawing on the surrounding demonic forces of the universe, Psykeepers use the evilness of their opponent against them. The variety of non-elemental spells within a Psykeeper's arsenal makes them effective at various types of gameplay. Psykeepers are also one of the few classes that can use Shields for an extra defense boost. "Yes they float" but only when equipping Wands.

Class Development
Pre-Classification 1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class
Vagrant Image:Right Arrow.png Magician Image:Right Arrow.png Elementor Image:Right Arrow.png Arcanist
Psykeeper Image:Right Arrow.png Mentalist


Second Class skills are normally reserved for use only with Primary Weapons.
All classes may use previous class weapons. So Psykeepers may use Magician and Vagrant tagged weapons, but second class skills may not be accessible.


The Psykeeper can use Wands and may use Shields.


A complete List of Armor used in game can be found here.

Psykeeper Skills

View individual skill pages for detailed information and skill animations

Psykeeper Skills
Skill Weapon Level Pre-Skill Type Region of Effect Description
image:Psykeeper_Crucio Spell.png Crucio Spell Wands 60 Mental Strike 10
image:Normalskill.gif Self Deals damage to an enemy equal to twice the amount the enemy deals.
image:Psykeeper_Demonology.png Demonology Wands 60 None
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Damages the enemy with a mental blast.
image:Psykeeper_Psychic Bomb.png Psychic Bomb Wands 60 Mental Strike 10
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Damages the enemy the with a ball of mental energy.
image:Psykeeper_Maximum Crisis.png Maximum Crisis Wands 65 Crucio Spell 7
image:Normalskill.gif AOE No target needed Surrounds and damages the enemy in a strong mental barrier.
image:Psykeeper_Satanology.png Satanology Wands 65 Demonology 3
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Prevents an enemy from approaching.
image:Psykeeper_Spirit Bomb.png Spirit Bomb Wands 65 Psychic Bomb 6
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Does damage to an enemy based on your remaining MP amount.
image:Psykeeper_Psychic Wall.png Psychic Wall Wands 70 Satanology 4
Spirit Bomb 5
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Creates a wall that pushes an enemy back and damages them if they touch it.
image:Psykeeper_Psychic Square.png Psychic Square Wands 75 Psychic Wall 7
Maximum Crisis 5
image:Normalskill.gif AOE Target needed Damages the enemies around you with a psychic blast.
image:Psykeeper_Psykeeper Special INT Mastery.png Psykeeper Special INT Mastery No Preference 60M None
image:Normalskill.gif Self Increases INT
image:Psykeeper_Stone Feet.png Stone Feet No Preference 120H None
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Encases target in stone, preventing it from moving by invoking Stun.

Speed Breaks

Psykeeper is not a class that depends on dexterity. Thus speed breaks are more or less useless for Psykeepers. Unless you plan on hitting your opponent with a Staff. For information sake I will post them anyway. These figures are to be used as a guide. They are base stat points. Their exactitude may vary depending on weapons, buffs, awakenings, jewelery, etc. Results were taken from Jon's Sim

Please remember that although I am including stats for non-primary weapon most new weapons are 2nd class restricted.

Primary Non-Primary
Wands Staves
Normal Master Normal Master
Lvl Dex AtkSpd Lvl Dex AtkSpd Lvl Dex AtkSpd Lvl Dex AtkSpd
60 15 37% 60M 15 37% 60 15 41% 60M 15 41%
60 29 41% 60M 29 41% 60 43 42% 60M 43 42%
60 79 42% 60M 79 42% 60 71 46% 60M 71 46%
60 129 46% 60M 129 46% 60 110 47% 60M 110 47%
93 199 47% 82M 199 47% 60 126 51% 60M 126 51%
108 228 51% 92M 228 51% 85 182 56% 77M 182 56%
112M 287 52% 95 203 57% 84M 204 57%
121H 327 56% 112 236 61% 95M 237 61%
114 241 62% 97M 242 62%
108M 275 63%
113M 292 67%
117M 303 68%
122H 330 69%
128H 347 73%
129H 352 74%

Useful Links

  • Psykeeper

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