From FlyFF WIki
Everyone wants to have their individuality when they play the game in order to have some form of uniqueness.
Currently, there are only two ways to customize your character. One is the face you select when you first create your character. The other is through hair styling. There are two ways to change your hair, either at the Hair Designer, or through the Cash Shop.
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Changing your appearance
Hair Designer
To change your hair talk to the Hair Designer, a window should appear to show you the styles that are currently available.
To choose a style, click on the small arrow boxes, in the upper portion it will show you your style upon entering the shop, and a preview of the style you have selected. Scroll though the options to find the style that you like best. You may also change the colour of the style by using the red, green and blue sliders in the bottom left corner of the window.
Once you are happy with your selected style, click OK, you will then have a confirmation box pop up with the final cost asking you if you are sure you want to go ahead with it. Clicking yes will change your style. Assuming of course you have the money.
Hair Styles cost 2 million Penya in-game and Hair Color costs 4 million Penya.
Makeup Artist
In order to change your face entirely, speak with the Makeup Artist. A window will appear with the ones available.
To choose a certain facial structure, click on the small arrow boxes, in the upper portion it will show you your style upon entering the shop, and a preview of the style you have selected. Scroll though the options to find the one you like best.
Once you are happy with the eyes that you have selected, click OK, then you will then have a confirmation box pop up with the final cost asking you if you are sure you want to go ahead with it. Clicking yes will change your eyes.
Face Style's cost 1 million Penya in-game.
Cash shop
Within the Cash Shop there will be several wigs for you to choose from. Wigs cover your current styled hair and can not be styled any further than what you are offered.
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