Skills - FlyFF WIki


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Leveling Up Skills


Every time you gain a level you will receive a certain number of skill points dependent on your level. Skills will consume a certain amount of skill points to level up depending on which job the skill being leveled up relates to. The tables for these points costs can be seen below.

Cost for Skills

Job Points Cost per Skill
Vagrant 1
Acrobat 2
Jester / Ranger 3
Billposter / Ringmaster
Elementor / Psykeeper
Blade / Knight
Harlequin 4
Force Master

Skill Points per Level

Level Points Gained Subtotal
1 - 20 2 points per character level 38
21 -40 3 points per character level 60
41 - 60 4 points per character level 80
61 - 80 5 points per character level 100
81 - 100 6 points per character level 120
101 - 120 7 points per character level 140
Total 538

Skill Point Bonus for Each Job

First Job Skill Point Bonus Second Job Skill Point Bonus
Acrobat 50 Jester 100
Ranger 100
Assist 60 Billposter 120
Ringmaster 100
Magician 90 Elementor 300
Psykeeper 90
Mercenary 40 Blade 80
Knight 80

Maximum Skill Points per Job

Job Total Skill Points Gained Max Skill Point Needed
Jester 688 910
Ranger 688 910
Billposter 718 950
Ringmaster 698 902
Elementor 928 1280
Psykeeper 718 950
Blade 658 870
Knight 658 870

Types of Skills

Description of Skill Types

Image:Normalskill.gif General Skills: These types of skills can be assigned to hot keys F1 - F9 or if the skill does not have a cool down they can be placed in the action slot either singularly or repetitively they do not have to have any other skill before them or after them, though if you are using chain skills in the action slot they can not be placed in there with them.
Image:Startingskill.gif Starting Skills: These skills can be placed on the hot keys or in the action slot, they can only be used singularly in the action slot you may follow a starting skill with a circle skill or a finishing skill.
Image:Circleskill.gif Circle Skills: These skills can only be used in the action slot and there must be a starting skill in before them. You can add as many circle skills as you want after the starting skill.
Image:Finishingskill.gif Finishing Skills: These skills can only be used in the action slot, you may only have one of them in the action slot and it must follow either a starting skill or a circle skill.

Composing your Action Slot

The action slot is located in the bottom right of the screen, when there are skills in the action slot you can activate them by pressing the hot key 'C'. You may have up to 6 skills in your action slot.

Setup 1: Image:Normalskill.gifImage:Normalskill.gifImage:Normalskill.gif You can use general skills in the order you want them to activate
Setup 2: Image:Startingskill.gifImage:Circleskill.gif A starting skill and a circle skill
Setup 3: Image:Startingskill.gifImage:Finishingskill.gif A starting skill and a finishing skill
Setup 4: Image:Startingskill.gifImage:Circleskill.gifImage:Finishingskill.gif A starting skill, a circle skill and a finishing skill

Action Slot Cooldown


When you use your action slot there will always be a cooldown of 12 seconds every time the last skill has been casted. You will see that the skills become grayed out (as shown in the image to the left). Activition's stop this cool down and you will be able to use all skills for as long as the Activition is active.

Skill Classes

To view the associated skills please select a class.

Beginner Vagrant
1st Class Acrobat Assist Magician Mercenary
2nd Class Jester Ranger Billposter Ringmaster Elementor Psykeeper Blade Knight
3rd Class Harlequin Crackshooter Force Master Seraph Arcanist Mentalist Slayer Templar

Masquerpets may also use skills. Here is a list of possible skills used by NPC.

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