Ringmaster - FlyFF WIki


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Female and Male Ringmaster.



One of the two Assist second classes. Ringmasters are the primary supporting class in FlyFF. With an arsenal of helpful buffs and beneficial techniques that make the game a lot easier for other players, these characters are usually sought after by those of other classes as partners. Ringmasters are also considered by many to be the most social class in FlyFF, as when they're not training or can't find a partner, they are usually found talking to friends or guildmates, or hanging around in Flaris bestowing buffs to the Vagrants and low level players who ask for them.

Class Development
Pre-Classification 1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class
Vagrant Image:Right Arrow.png Assist Image:Right Arrow.png Billposter Image:Right Arrow.png Force Master
Ringmaster Image:Right Arrow.png Seraph


Second Class skills are normally reserved for use only with Primary Weapons.
All classes may use previous class weapons. So Ringmasters may use Assist and Vagrant tagged weapons, but second class skills may not be accessible.


The Ringmaster can use Sticks and may not use Shields.


A complete List of Armor used in game can be found here.

Ringmaster Skills

View individual skill pages for detailed information and skill animations

Ringmaster Skills
Skill Weapon Level Pre-Skill Type Region of Effect Description
image:Ringmaster_Gvur Tialla.png Gvur Tialla Sticks
Bless Poster
60 Prevention 4
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Removes de-buffs from a target.
image:Ringmaster_Holycross.png Holycross Sticks 60 None
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Target enemy takes double damage for a limited time.
image:Ringmaster_Protect.png Protect Sticks 60 Heap Up 6
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Decreases the damage from physical attacks on a target.
image:Ringmaster_Holyguard.png Holyguard Sticks 65 Protect 3
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Decreases the damage from magical attacks on a target.
image:Ringmaster_Spirit Fortune.png Spirit Fortune Sticks
Bless Poster
65 Holycross 1
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Increases striking power of a target.
image:Ringmaster_Heal Rain.png Heal Rain Sticks 70 Gvur Tialla 3
image:Normalskill.gif AOE Around User Recovers HP for party members near you.
image:Ringmaster_Geburah Tiphreth.png Geburah Tiphreth Sticks
Bless Poster
75 Holyguard 4
Spirit Fortune 7
image:Normalskill.gif AOE No target needed This ability draws upon the inner strength of nearby party members, increasing both Attack Power and Attack Speed for a limited time.
image:Ringmaster_Merkaba Hanzelrusha.png Merkaba Hanzelrusha Sticks
Bless Poster
80 Heal Rain 4
image:Normalskill.gif AOE Around User Enemies take damage in an area around you.
image:Ringmaster_Blessing of the Wise Man.png Blessing of the Wise Man No Preference 60M None
image:Normalskill.gif AOE Around User Removes a random bleed, curse or poison debuff from a party member.
image:Ringmaster_Return.png Return No Preference 120H None
image:Normalskill.gif Self Teleport to the nearest town. (May be used to flee a battle PVM or PVP)

Speed Breaks

These figures are to be used as a guide. They are base stat points. Their exactitude may vary depending on weapons, buffs, awakenings, jewelery, etc. Results were taken from Jon's Sim
Please remember that although I am including stats for non-primary weapon most new weapons are 2nd class restricted.

Primary Non-Primary
Sticks Knuckles
Normal Master Normal Master
Lvl Dex AtkSpd Lvl Dex AtkSpd Lvl Dex AtkSpd Lvl Dex AtkSpd
60 15 41% 60M 15 41% 60 15 41% 60M 15 41%
60 39 42% 60M 39 42% 60 27 42% 60M 27 42%
60 64 46% 60M 64 46% 60 45 46% 60M 45 46%
60 99 47% 60M 99 47% 60 70 47% 60M 70 47%
60 114 51% 60M 114 51% 60 81 51% 60M 81 51%
66 144 52% 64M 144 52% 60 102 52% 60M 102 52%
75 163 56% 70M 163 56% 60 116 56% 60M 116 56%
85 183 57% 77M 183 57% 60 131 57% 60M 131 57%
100 213 61% 87M 213 61% 70 152 61% 67M 152 61%
102 218 62% 89M 218 62% 71 156 62% 68M 156 62%
117 247 63% 99M 247 63% 82 177 63% 75M 177 63%
103M 262 67% 87 187 67% 78M 187 67%
107M 272 68% 91 194 68% 81M 194 68%
115M 297 69% 100 212 69% 87M 212 69%
120M 312 73% 105 223 73% 90M 223 73%
121H 317 74% 107 226 74% 91M 226 74%
124H 337 75% 114 241 75% 96M 241 75%
129H 352 76% 119 251 76% 100M 251 76%
102M 258 80%
103M 262 81%
107M 272 82%
109M 279 83%
111M 286 84%
114M 293 90%
116M 301 91%
119M 308 92%
121H 315 93%
121H 318 94%
121H 325 95%
122H 329 100%

Useful Links

  • Ringmaster

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