From FlyFF WIki
This article is actively being worked on by jasenm222. Expect more content to be added in the future.
Mars Mine Dungeon | Ivillis Dungeon | Forsaken Tower | Dekane Mine | Volkane Dungeon | Big Thyred | Krren Dacid | Moot Arvan | Ivillis Leanes Temple | Clockworks War | Normal Colosseum | Legendary Colosseum | Secret Room East | Secret Room West | The Wilds | The Savage Wilds | Isle of Dreams | Isle of Nightmares | Cove of the Ancients | Abyssal Cove of the Ancients | Les Britannia S | La Christiana A | Aminus Dungeon | Cursed Aminus Dungeon | Catacombs of Anguish | Ankou's Asylum | Kalgas Cave | Coral Island | Azria | Traseia | Dark Traseia
Aminus Dungeon
Aminus Dungeon
Non-master players should visit the Aminus Dungeon located in the northern area of Shaduwar
Aminus Dungeon is accessible from the Shaduwar continent.
Dungeon Particularities
All Masquerpets are aggravated. This is an Instance Dungeon so only Party and or Guild members will be present.
Entrance Fee
Unique Items Present
Aminus Dungeon contain item uniquely found here.
Quests Available
All quests in Shaduwar are given by the NPC (Quest Office) Jano
Level 105 - 120
Prizes are Penya and Experience.
Quest Items Found Here
Monster Dropped
| Auto-Appearing
| Name Monster
| Icon
| Name Area Fond
Certain rules apply:
1) You must be in a party to enter dungeon but party is not teleported to dungeon if you enter it. You may proceed alone, though this is not advised
2) If you leave the either Dungeon you must wait 120 minutes to re-enter.
3) Although clearing the Dungeon is preferred, only the 3 giants are necessary kills to spawn the mini boss Lykanos and boss Drakul
4) The use of Trans, be it Aibatt Trans or other, are no longer aloud within the dungeons
Monsters Present
This dungeon is for level Masquerpets. This is a party dungeon so masquerpets hit hard and have a lot of hp. Rewards are very interesting. Here is where you will find the Vampine Weapons
Dungeon Prizes
All Vampine Weapons are level 120+ and are Soul Linked. Meaning once they have been equipped they may not be banked, warehoused, traded or sold. They may be put in backpack. They are class restricted including RM and BP.
Vampine Weapons
Weapon / Stats
| Weapon / Stats

Ultimate Vampire Bow
| Critical +31%
Attack +18%
Increased Critical Damage +72%
Additional Damage to Bleeding Enemy +3%
Hit Rate +10%

Ultimate Vampire Yo-Yo
| Attack Speed +31%
Attack +13%
Increased Critical Damage +82%
Additional Damage to Bleeding Enemy +3%
Hit Rate +10%

Ultimate Vampire Slayer
| Attack Speed+34%
Crit Rate+34%
Increased Critical Damage +92%
Additional Damage to Bleeding Enemy +3%
Hit Rate +10%

Ultimate Vampire Wand
| INT+20
DMMT +21%
Attack Rate+19%
Additional Damage to Bleeding Enemy +3%
Hit rate +10%

Ultimate Vampire Knuckle
| Critical Chance +14%
Attack Speed +10%
Increased Critical Damage +72%
Additional Damage to Bleeding Enemy +3%
Hit +10%

Ultimate Vampire Stick
| INT+21
Decreased Casting Time+21%
Increased Attack+22%
Additional Damage to Bleeding Enemy+3%
Cursed Aminus Dungeon
Cursed Aminus Dungeon
Master and higher level players should venture towards the Cursed Aminus Dungeon which is located near the lake in the center of Shaduwar.
Cursed Aminus Dungeon is accessible from the [[]] continent.
Dungeon Particularities
All Masquerpets are aggravated. This is an Instance Dungeon so only Party and or Guild members will be present.
Entrance Fee
Unique Items Present
Cursed Aminus Dungeon contain item uniquely found here.
Quests Available
All quests in Shaduwar are given by the NPC (Quest Office) Jano
Level 105M - 120M
Prizes are Penya and Experience.
Quest Items Found Here
Coming Soon
Certain rules apply:
1) You must be in a party to enter dungeon but party is not teleported to dungeon if you enter it. You may proceed alone, though this is not advised
2) If you leave the either Dungeon you must wait 120 minutes to re-enter.
3) Although clearing the Dungeon is preferred, only the 3 giants are necessary kills to spawn the mini boss Lykanos and boss Drakul
4) The use of Trans, be it Aibatt Trans or other, are no longer aloud within the dungeons
Monsters Present
This dungeon is for level Masquerpets. This is a party dungeon so masquerpets hit hard and have a lot of hp. Rewards are very interesting. Here is where you will find the Ancient Weapons
Dungeon Prizes
All Ancient Weapons are level 120M and are Soul Linked. Meaning once they have been equipped they may not be banked, warehoused, traded or sold. They may be put in backpack. They are class restricted including RM and BP.
Ancient Weapons
Weapon / Stats
| Weapon / Stats

Ultimate Ancient Bow
| Critical +40%
Attack +25%
Increased Critical Damage +81%
Additional Damage to Bleeding Enemies +7%
Hit Rate +10%

Ultimate Ancient Yo-Yo
| Attack Speed 40%
Attack +18%
Increased Critical Damage +91%
Additional Damage to Bleeding Enemy +7%
Hit Rate +10%

Ultimate Ancient Knuckle
| Critical Chance +20%
Attack Speed +15%
Increased Critical Damage +81%
Additional Damage to Bleeding Enemy +7%
Hit +10%

Ultimate Ancient Stick
| INT+28
Decreased Casting Time+28%
Increased Attack+30%
Additional Damage to Bleeding Enemy+7%
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