Mushmoot - FlyFF WIki


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Mushmoot Pronounced mush-moot

A long long time ago, a famous adventurer named Moot Arvan discovered a strange marshland while exploring the world of Madrigal. Unlike the idyllic swamps of Darkon 3, the marshes that he found seemed more sinister in nature. The muddy bottom of the mire began to pull at his feet stronger and stronger as he progressed, and the very plant life itself started to hinder his passage. As he slowly trudged further through the massive tangles of vines and roots, it became apparent that he would be unable to journey back if he ventured any further. As he turned to make his way out, he distinctly heard a voice call out to him.

"I will test you..."

Moot Arvan was never seen again, and although his fate remains unknown there have been reports of a strange Mushpoie-like creature seen wandering through the uncharted marshes he had set out to explore all those many years ago.
Mushmoot has also been known to buff itself with a Mercenary's Protection, a Blade's Berserk, and an Asisst's HeapUp, Cannonball, MentalSign, Beefup, Cat's Reflex, Accuracy, and Haste. If that's not enough, it can also double its size- making it a very large enemy indeed. Be extra careful when it's in its larger form, as it has a powerful stomping ability that will both stun and knock all nearby foes backward.

Note: He is the Boss masquerpet encountered in the Moot Arvan dungeon.

Locating Mushmoot

The entrance to Mushmoot's swamp has been sealed. Presumed to be much to dangerous for the travailing warrior he was entombed long ago by an ancient race who's last people now stand guard. If you really wish to confront this monstrousity, you must complete the 3rd Dreadpet Quest. Be warned before you enter though: you will need to pass two Giant Leyenas and a Giant Driller before you can get to Mushmoot itself. Mushmoot is capable of spawning several small clones of itself as well. Follow the path for he is on the other side of the lake.

Mushmoot Statistics

Name Lvl Hp Def M Def Str Sta Dex Int Atk Exp Class Ele
Mushmoot 45 1,500,000 80 99 15 20 161 137 1,150 ~ 1,250 11,674 Mid-Boss Image:Earth.gif

Note: This Masquerpet is part of the Mid-Boss Class. He is unaffected by all debuffs.

Fighting Style

Mushmoot's Capabilities
Atk Spd: 1s Spells:
Atk Delay: 3.5s Poison No
Melee Attack - Distance: Yes Poison sting No
Ranged Attack - Distance: Yes Stun No
AOE Area of Attack - Distance: No Stun Group No
Rage: Rage 1.5x at 30% HP Root No
Spawns lesser monsters: Small Mushpoie Bleeding No
Fighting Distance: Close Up Disenchant No
Recovers HP: No Earthquake No
Run Speed: normal Electric Shock No
Runs Away Low HP: No Pulling No
Silence No

Available Quests

Quests that involve this masquerpet


Quest Item:

Blue Honey Mia Doll Furious Match Cardrin
Hammarble Gigglande Crescent Stone Boband
Dumbling Kalin Clock Heart Tomb Marble
Golden Fist Orbrin Golden Cup Toma
Trangoggle Steam Tear Knightler Wheeshoe

190 ~ 270

Fruit Parfait Hot Dog Fish Stew Pizza
Kimbap VitalDrink 500 VitalDrink 600 VitalDrink 700
Fourth Refresher Fifth Refresher Sixth Refresher
Phiatoic Set pieces Aster Set pieces Coring Set pieces Grace Set pieces
Phrinde Set pieces Storm Set pieces Marble Set pieces Valor Set pieces
Ferbain Set pieces Cloud Set pieces Ditch Set pieces Gorgeous Set pieces
Fethertin Set pieces Lily Set pieces Mistic Set pieces Vigor Set pieces
Layered Set pieces Sayram Set pieces Merr Set pieces Comet Set pieces
Miracle Set pieces Talin Set pieces Sorain Set pieces Cylos Set pieces
Berk Axe Gigaton Knuckle Teba Staff Bow of Spirit
Canine Axe Marvel Knuckle Pinsi Staff Curusier Bow
Crawler Axe Rampart Knuckle Starwheel Staff Refometi Bow
Crow Axe Revenant Knuckle Leafgale Staff Ridener
Curning Axe Steel Knuckle Sline Staff Siggers Bow
Elemental Axe Salamander Knuckle Mekerhill Wand Firee
Raptor Axe Dain Stick Niz Wand Immote
Cylos Sword Flaming Stick Peny Wand Wheel of Wheelem
Invader Sword Mirth Stick Splhail Wand
Iron of Clockworks Ninegale Stick Zerem Wand
Sibak Sword Saint Guardian Stick Wand of Earthquake
Strad Sword Sephy Stick
Stitch Sword Sizzle Stick

Heavy Shield Vortex Shield Plus Shield

Vigor Ring Gore Necklace Plug Earring
Intelli Ring Mental Necklace Demol Earring
Stam Ring Peision Necklace
Arek Ring
Upgrade Material:

Elemental Cards Suit Socket Cards (2%)~(4%) Weapon Socket Cards (D)~(B)
Sunstone Moonstone
Antidote Potion Cure Disease Potion


A player, level 45 would need to kill 58 Mushmoot to gain next level.

Back to Flyff Masquerpets

Continent Content Color Reference:
World Flaris Coral Island Saint Morning Garden of Rhisis Darkon Azria
Shaduwar Valley of the Risen Kaillun Traseia Dark Traseia Bahara Desert Emporium

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