Giant Wagsaac - FlyFF WIki

Giant Wagsaac

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Giant Wagsaac

Giant Wagsaac Pronounced g-eye-ant whag-sack

This monster resemble small walking flower with a second mouth which looks like that of a deadly Venus Fly Trap. It populates the center of Saint Morning and is aggressive to adventurers. They are a lower level monster in the game, and are the perfect fight for heroes recently past their first job change.

Locating Giant Wagsaac

Giant Wagsaac
The most popular grouping of Giant Wagsaac is Southwest of Sain City and to the east of Hillid Mountains.

Giant Wagsaac Statistics

Name Lvl Hp Def M Def Str Sta Dex Int Atk Exp Class Ele
Giant Wagsaac 25 75,204 50 25 15 20 63 54 395 ~ 416 479 Giant Image:Water.gif

Fighting Style

Giant Wagsaac's Capabilities
Atk Spd: 1s Spells:
Atk Delay: 3s Poison No
Melee Attack - Distance: Yes Poison sting No
Ranged Attack - Distance: Yes Stun No
AOE Area of Attack - Distance: No Stun Group No
Rage: No Root No
Spawns lesser monsters: No Bleeding No
Fighting Distance: Close Up Disenchant {{{Disenchant}}}
Recovers HP: No Earthquake {{{Earthquake}}}
Run Speed: normal Electric Shock {{{Electric Shock}}}
Runs Away Low HP: Runaway at 10% HP Pulling {{{Pulling}}}
Silence {{{Silence}}}

Available Quests

Quests that involve this masquerpet


New drop table coming soon


A player, level 25 would need to kill 35 Giant Wagsaac to gain next level.

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Continent Content Color Reference:
World Flaris Coral Island Saint Morning Garden of Rhisis Darkon Azria
Shaduwar Valley of the Risen Kaillun Traseia Dark Traseia Bahara Desert Emporium

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