Flbyrigen - FlyFF WIki


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Flbyrigen Pronounced fli-bee-rig-un

If your eye is keen enough to find one, it's going to be a task to keep up with these air torpedoes. Looking like a cross breed between a deep ocean skeleton fish and a gigantic dragon with tiny wings, it's no wonder why they're so hard to defeat. They are purple in skin color, have red eyes, very large intimidating teeth and a dangerous spiked mace on the tip of it's tail. Stay away from these guys and you'll be fine, unless it tries to lure you in with the pretty orb dangling on its forehead!

Locating Flbyrigen

Flbyrigens are located between the island of Saint Morning and The Garden of Rhisis flying above the channel between them.

Flbyrigen Statistics

Name Lvl Hp Def M Def Str Sta Dex Int Atk Exp Class Ele
Small Flbyrigen 42 7,614 53 50 15 53 97 82 339 ~ 357 905 Small Image:Water.gif
Flbyrigen 42 7,614 54 50 15 53 97 82 339 ~ 357 946 Normal Image:Water.gif
Captain Flbyrigen 43 7,769 54 51 15 55 99 84 342 ~ 361 1,013 Captain Image:Water.gif
Giant Flbyrigen 46 147,628 77 55 15 63 105 89 682 ~ 718 6,589 Giant Image:Earth.gif

Fighting Style

Flbyrigen's Capabilities
Atk Spd: 1s Spells:
Atk Delay: 3s Poison No
Melee Attack - Distance: Yes Poison sting No
Ranged Attack - Distance: Yes Stun No
AOE Area of Attack - Distance: No Stun Group No
Rage: Normal Rage 1.2x at 20% HP Root No
Spawns lesser monsters: No Bleeding No
Fighting Distance: Close Up Disenchant {{{Disenchant}}}
Recovers HP: No Earthquake {{{Earthquake}}}
Run Speed: Very Fast Electric Shock {{{Electric Shock}}}
Runs Away Low HP: No Pulling {{{Pulling}}}
Silence {{{Silence}}}

Available Quests

Quests that involve this masquerpet


New drop table coming soon
Sausage Casserole Food item for recovering HP.
Fifth Refresher Food item for recovering MP.
VitalDrink 500 Food item for recovering FP.
Sunstone Enchanting item for General upgrading.
Desert Card Enchanting item for Earth upgrading level 1~20.
Demol Earring Earring that increases Damage by +19.
Plug Earring Earring that increases DEF by +80.
Penya In game currency.
Also drops equipment such as Assist Armor, Mercenary Armor, Magician Armor, Acrobat Armor and Weapons.


A player, level 42 would need to kill 485 Flbyrigen to gain next level.

Back to Flyff Masquerpets

Continent Content Color Reference:
World Flaris Coral Island Saint Morning Garden of Rhisis Darkon Azria
Shaduwar Valley of the Risen Kaillun Traseia Dark Traseia Bahara Desert Emporium

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