Flaris Guide - FlyFF WIki

Flaris Guide

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Abandoned Camp

Abandoned long ago this small camp stands witness of an easier time. Now and then wondering adventurers have been known to find random Unknown Letters scattered here and there. Remnants of the people who inhabited this area.

Abandoned Camp Flaris Navigator
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Alter of Confession

Mystic place, where divine energy flows abundantly. This is where you may atone for your player killing crimes on the PK server Aibatt.

Alter of Confession Flaris Navigator
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Altar of Dreadpet

The Caoin's, who stand guard at the Altars of Dreadpet are three of the five survivors left of the lost civilization that once lived in Madrigal. They guard the ancient monsters that were locked away by their ancestors eons ago, to make certain that they never escape. You may test your skills in the dungeons they keep, but only if you meet their requirements.

Level 20-29 troupe quest

Altar of Dreadpet 1 Flaris Navigator
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Level 30-39 troupe quest

Altar of Dreadpet 2 Flaris Navigator
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Level 40-49 troupe quest

Altar of Dreadpet 3 Flaris Navigator
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Altar of Flaris

Mystical place, where can be found, scattered pieces of stones. These stones are an important part of Madrigal History and are needed for the Cracked Continent portion of the Historian's Quests Prologue.

Altar of Flaris Flaris Navigator
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Altar of Violet

This spiritual area is the keeper of secrets regarding the Purple Magician Troupe. It hides a piece of the puzzel waiting for you to discover in the Strange Pattern portion of the Historian's Quests Prologue

Altar of Violet Flaris Navigator
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Billeting Place of High-Dwarpets

This is where lives the High Dwartpets that will aid you on your First Job Quests. (High-Dwarpet) Goripeg, (High-Dwarpet) Hastan, (High-Dwarpet) Langdrong and (High-Dwarpet) Tucani can all be found here hard at work shoveling there bitter little lives away.

Billeting Place of High-Dwarpets Flaris Navigator
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Collecting Area

Mysterious fields of glowing light have appeared in Madrigal. Pushing their way to the surface, small pieces of stone glitter in the sunshine, creating the blinding glow. With the help of a special tool you can mine in these area’s. Here you can gather pieces of items which can be combined into the actual items. Just buy a collector from (Collecting Manager) Collins and pray for good catches.

Collecting Area Flaris Navigator
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Equipment Merchants

Here gather the merchants for all your equipment needs. They can help you with Armor (Shield),Vagrant Armor and Shields (Shield2), Weapons and Upgrades.

Equipment Merchants Flaris Navigator
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Central Flarine

Being the center of this bustling little city, there are a lot of things to see in Central Flarine. Arena Manager, General goods, Public Office, Equipment and Flying Station can all be found here.

Central Flarine Flaris Navigator
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Eastern Flarine

Found to the east over the bridge. This small town is home for the Assist and Mercenary branches of the "Madrigal Job Training Center", the Food Court, Magic Shop, Card Master and the Quest Office.

Eastern Flarine Flaris Navigator
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Northern Flarine

Main entrance to the world of Madrigal, Northern Flarine is also the home of the Guild Siege offices, the Hair Designer, the Makeup Artist, (Novelist) Gergantes, (Red Chip Merchant) Wafor and the Assist and Mercenary Masters.

Northern Flarine Flaris Navigator
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Flaris Observatory

Built by the well known astronomer Noier, the observatory is a place where he can study the vast skies of Madrigal.

Flaris Observatory Flaris Navigator
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Food Shop

Losha Encline runs the Lalaen Food shop. Though she is young she makes the best food in Madrigal.

Food Shop Flaris Navigator
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Fountain of Dead Person

Located in the northern part of Flaris, placed near the entrance to Mars Mine Dungeon in the field of the bangs, Fountain of Dead Person is the meeting place of the 8 wise men who will help you during your second job quest, (Billposter Wise-man) Domek , (Ringmaster Wise-man) Clamb , (Elementor Wise-man) Cuzrill , (Psykeeper Wise-man) Cuarine , (Blade Wise-man) Guabrill , (Knight Wise-man) Hormes , (Sage) Radyon , (Sage) Kimel

Fountain of Dead Person Flaris Navigator
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Haunt of Nyangnyang

This area is filled with the feline Masquerpet called the Nyangnyang. Just across the once Broken Bridge these are among the first masquerpets encountered after job change.

Haunt of Nyangnyang Flaris Navigator
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Housing Specialist

Looking for a place to live. Well here you are just visit the Housing Specialist in Central Flarine. You can even invite friends ove for a party if you want.

Housing Specialist Flaris Navigator
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Kyon Soldiers

The solders of Kyon, are a bunch of hired fighters who are always looking for recruits.

Kyon Soldiers Flaris Navigator
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Leren Mountains

Mountain range spanning over the entire west coast of Flais. They are impressive to behold and almost impossible to scale.

Leren Mountains Flaris Navigator
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Madren Town

Small town that was overcome by the Masquerpet Demian after the Great Hero War with Goddess Shade

Madren Town Flaris Navigator
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Madrigal Job Training Center

Assist and Mercenary Instructors, here is where the aspiring Vagrant goes to become an Assist or a Mercenary

AssistMercenary Instructors Flaris Navigator
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Mars Mine Dungeon

The Mars Mine Dungeon, located in the northeastern part of Flaris, is currently the residence of several species of mutated Masquerpets which have adapted to the dungeon's lack of sunlight over the years. In the past, the Mars Mine Dungeon was used as a shelter by the ancient inhabitants of Flaris and eventually as a mine where clay was harvested. Evidence of the people who once lived within the mines is abundant; fragments of ancient statues, machinery, and various other artifacts are commonplace within the dungeon.

Mars Mine Dungeon Flaris Navigator
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Marsh's Magic Shop

Founded by the great magician Mule this little Magic Shop is now run by his apprentice Marche

Marsh's Magic Shop Flaris Navigator
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Plain of Bubble

Named after the lovely Goddess Bubble, this area is an important part of Madrigal History.

Plain of Bubble Flaris Navigator
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Public Office

Here you shall find NPCs hard at work. The Public Official of Flarine works with the mayor to better Flarine She informs you that there is a library on the left and a reception desk on the right. Juria is the public office NPC. She is the person you talk to to gain access to your storage/bank/Guild Warehouse. This is also the post of our beloved Buff Pang and if you have ingame mail this is the place to go. You will also find certain quest items in this area.

Public Office Flaris Navigator
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PvP Arena

Area for "Free-For-All" combat. No pk disposition is gained here.

PvP Arena Entrance PvP Arena PvP Arena Navigator
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Quest Office

Mikyel offers Quests posted by the citizens of Flaris. You must be level 7 or higher to start Quests. You can find her in East Flaris.

Quest Office Flaris Navigator
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Red Bang Camp 1 and 3

Here is located the hideout of the thieving Red Bangs. The first camp is located in the northern Leren Mountains. The third camp is a little harder to get to. The area is riddled with invisible walls. A specific path must be followed to arrive at your destination. These two area's are associated with the Red Bang Quest part 1 given by (Shield2) Luda at level 30 and it's second half Red Bang Quest part 2 given at level 60. These two quests should be considered a must. The second part will give you almost one whole level of experience at level 60 but to do it you must have completed the first part before level 59.

Red Bang Camp 1 Flaris Navigator
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Red Bang Camp 3 Flaris Navigator
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Residence of Rudvihil

Rudvilhil Tailerz is a collector of money's and rare objects. He is very condescending and he doesn't talk to the poor. Starting NPC of the Find the Portrait of Radion Quest and the Legendary RedMantis Quest.

Residence of Rudvihil Flaris Navigator
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River of Weeping

Before the humans, or even the Dwarpets came to Flaris, there was another ethnic known as the Caoin 's, which in the Madrigalian language meant to weep, This is where the River of Weeping came to be.

River of Weeping Flaris Navigator
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Continent Content Color Reference:
World Flaris Coral Island Saint Morning Garden of Rhisis Darkon Azria
Shaduwar Valley of the Risen Kaillun Traseia Dark Traseia Bahara Desert Emporium

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