(Magic) Marche - FlyFF WIki

(Magic) Marche

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(Magic) Marche
Continent: Flaris

Area: Eastern Flarine.

Is the NPC for purchase for all the Blinkwings in Flaris. She is also the Magician equipment seller.
She learned everything that she ever needed to know from her mentor Mule. She looked up to him as a Father-figure but due to some unfortunate events he was separated from her. She manages his old shop while waiting for him to return. She sells Blinkwings, weapons for mages level 15-27 and armor for mages level 15-24



World Quote:

  • "Are you as intrigued by magic as I am? Well, look no further! I have wands, staves, blinkwings and Magician Armor in stock now!"


  • "My mentor, Mule, got himself into some trouble. I highly doubt I'll ever see him again. I've taken it upon myself to continue running his magic shop. It's the least I could do."

Who are you?:

  • "My name is Marche Hordin and I run the Magic Shop here in Flarine. Would you like to buy something? Please let me know if I can be of assistance."


  • "Thank you for visiting my magic shop! Be careful out there!"


Shop Inventory


Item Attack Attack speed Req. Job Req. Lvl. Price (in Penya)
Image:Sealwand.gif Seal Wand 40 ~ 42 Very Slow Magician 15 3,800
Image:Cubicwand.gif Cubic Wand 50 ~ 52 Very Slow Magician 15 5,500
Image:Epiwand.gif Epi Wand 54 ~ 56 Very Slow Magician 22 8,200
Image:Nizwand.gif Niz Wand 66 ~ 68 Very Slow Magician 27 13,800


Item Attack Attack speed Req. Job Req. Lvl. Price (in Penya)
Image:Cron.gif Mile Staff 35 ~ 38 Slow Magician 15 4,400
Image:Nile.gif Nile Staff 45 ~ 48 Slow Magician 15 6,400
Image:Idstaff.gif Inner Staff 49 ~ 52 Slow Magician 22 9,600
Image:Seer.gif Herald Staff 61 ~ 64 Slow Magician 27 16,100

Magic Tools

Item Info. Req. Lv. Price (in Penya)
Image:Blinkwing.gif Town Blinkwing Teleport to the nearest town. None 200
Image:Blinkwing.gif Blinkwing of Flaris Teleport to Flaris. None 500
Image:Blinkwing.gif Blinkwing of Saint Morning Teleport to Saint Morning. None 800
Image:Blinkwing.gif Blinkwing of Darkon Teleport to Darkon. 15 800


Item(M) DEF Req. Job Req. Lv. Price (in Penya) Item(F)
Image:DiceHelmet.gif Dice Helmet 48 ~ 50 Magician 15 900 Image:LuxHelmet.gif Lux Helmet
Image:DiceBoots.gif Dice Boots 60 ~ 62 Magician 15 1,000 Image:LuxBoots.gif Lux Boots
Image:DiceGauntlet.gif Dice Gauntlet 77 ~ 80 Magician 15 1,300 Image:LuxGauntlet.gif Lux Gauntlet
Image:DiceSuit.gif Dice Suit 120 ~ 123 Magician 15 3,300 Image:LuxSuit.gif Lux Suit
Image:ShuffleHelmet.gif Shuffle Helmet 66 ~ 69 Magician 24 2,300 Image:JayHelmet.gif Jay Helmet
Image:ShuffleBoots.gif Shuffle Boots 84 ~ 85 Magician 24 3,000 Image:JayBoots.gif Jay Boots
Image:ShuffleGauntlet.gif Shuffle Gauntlet 109 ~ 111 Magician 24 3,900 Image:JayGauntlet.gif Jay Gauntlet
Image:ShuffleSuit.gif Shuffle Suit 168 ~ 170 Magician 24 9,100 Image:JaySuit.gif Jay Suit

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