Finding lost memory part5 - FlyFF WIki

Finding lost memory part5

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This Article is in testing phase. Errors may be found

This article is actively being worked on by jasenm222. Expect more content to be added in the future.

Level 40~150H
Mysterious Bounty Hunter
A Chest full of Memories
Endless Loop
Before He's Road kill…
The Great Teacher Inisis
Corrupted Hunter
Peculiar Creature
Carrierbomb Commotion!
Breaking the Curse (1)

New v15 Quest interface

Starting NPC

Darken Mayor Location
Darken Mayor Image:NPCDarken Mayor2.jpg

The Great Teacher Inisis

Quest Starting Location: Darkon
Quest : The Great Teacher Inisis
NPC : Darken Mayor
Quest Requirement : Level 40 ~ 150, Completion of The Problem with Leyenas
Objective : Go meet [Mentor] Inisis.

Darken Town
(Mentor) Inisis

Reward: Exp 271,149, Penya $300,000

Quest Text:

"Search out the Great Teacher Inisis. She has a wealth of knowledge on many subjects and has produced many outstanding students. If anyone knows it would be her. Inisis can be found at the center of Darken. Please go see her! I'm sure she will be of assistance!"

Accepting Quest Text:

"But be patient! Inisis will hardly give you the answers you seek so quickly!"

Denying Quest Text:

"Changed your mind already? Guess the task wasn't that important then."

During Quest Text:

"Go see Inisis. She is at the center of Darken."

Completed Quest Text:

"Hmm.. You are new here aren't you? Have you journeyed all this way to become one of my students?"

Corrupted Hunter

Quest Starting Location: Darkon
Quest : Corrupted Hunter
NPC : (Mentor) Inisis
Quest Requirement : Level 40 ~ 150, Completion of The Great Teacher Inisis
Objective : Kill the Giant Trangforma. Return to [Mentor] Inisis.

Giant Trangfoma
Giant Trangfoma

Reward: Exp 542,298

Quest Text:

"8 legendary heroes? Hmm… Maybe… I have a person in my mind… but, I can't tell you so easily. First you must do something to show you are worthy of such information. Foul monsters known as Trangfoma have been reported kidnapping civilians outside of the city. They are lead by a powerful giant Trangfoma. It needs to be defeated."

Accepting Quest Text:

"Please kill the Giant Trangfoma located in Eastern Darkon. He won't go down so easily so I would recommend enlisting the help of fellow warriors such as yourself."

Denying Quest Text:

"If you don't have time for this, I don't have time to give you the information you seek…"

During Quest Text:

"Please relieve us of this threat. The Giant Trangfoma should be in Eastern Darkon."

Completed Quest Text:

"hmm… Impressive. You are stronger than you look. I will give you everything you need to know now."

Peculiar Creature

Quest Starting Location: Darkon
Quest : Peculiar Creature
NPC : (Mentor) Inisis
Quest Requirement : Level 40 ~ 150, Completion of Corrupted Hunter
Objective : Find the Mysterious Creature. In Carrierbombs.


Reward: Exp 271,149, Penya $300,000

Quest Text:

"Normally I'd be skeptical of such a claim, but I do recall coming across quite a peculiar sight… While out traveling, I came across a creature most bizarre not too far East of Darken City. It looked like an animal, yet it seemed to be talking. It seems quite peculiar and might warrant an investigation. I'm not sure if this will actually help you or not… Please go investigate the nature of this matter. Maybe this creature might know something as well?"

Accepting Quest Text:

"I saw the creature near the Carrierbombs east of Darken City. Go look for it there!"

Denying Quest Text:

"What? You don't believe me? Not like your story is any more believable!"

During Quest Text:

"A truly mysterious creature indeed… You can find it East of this location near the Carrierbombs"

Completed Quest Text:

"Hi! My name is Reodos...Oh come on! Its not like you are all that normal looking either!"

Carrierbomb Commotion!

Quest Starting Location: Darkon
Quest : Carrierbomb Commotion!
NPC : Reodos
Quest Requirement : Level 40 ~ 150, Completion of Peculiar Creature
Objective : Kill 20 Captain Carrierbomb. Return to Reodos

Captain Carrierbomb

Reward: Exp 555,470

Quest Text:

"What's that!? A reunification of the 8 heroes! You happen to be looking at one of them! I am Reodos, the mighty Ele… Well… was a mighty Elementor Hero… Shade cursed me. Trapping me in this cute furry little body was apparently the only way to contain all this power! Bwahaha! I will have my vengeance upon Shade, she will scorn the day she ever messed with Reodos! Now I just need to figure a cure for this curse and… Man! I can hardly hear my own thoughts with these stupid Carrierbombs clanking around. Could you please get rid of some of them???"

Accepting Quest Text:

"Awesome!! I'm trying to research into removing this curse but UGHHH those stupid Carrierbombs. Kill like 20 of their captains and I will be one happy unicorn, dog thing…"

Denying Quest Text:

"You can't do that for me?"

During Quest Text:

"Yes, yes the Captain Carrierbombs! Please eradicate 20 of them!"

Completed Quest Text:

"Ah! Now I can collect my thoughts. What? You look at me like you've never met an Elementor before. Er… we are all a little eccentric I guess you could say."

Next Stage in Quest

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Continent Content Color Reference:
World Flaris Coral Island Saint Morning Garden of Rhisis Darkon Azria
Shaduwar Valley of the Risen Kaillun Traseia Dark Traseia Bahara Desert Emporium

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