Finding lost memory part4 - FlyFF WIki

Finding lost memory part4

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This Article is in testing phase. Errors may be found

This article is actively being worked on by jasenm222. Expect more content to be added in the future.

Level 40~150H
Mysterious Bounty Hunter
A Chest full of Memories
Endless Loop
Before He's Road kill…
The Moment of Truth
Darkon: The Mysterious Continent
The Problem with Leyenas
The Great Teacher Inisis
Breaking the Curse (1)

New v15 Quest interface

Starting NPC

Handel Location
Handel Image:NPCHandel2.jpg

Before He's Road kill…

Quest Starting Location: Garden of Rhisis
Quest : Before He's Road kill…
NPC : Handel
Quest Requirement : Level 40 ~ 150, Completion of Guardians of the Temple
Objective : Kill 20 Wheelem and report to (Bowl Merchant) Bowler

(Bowl Merchant) Bowler

Reward: Exp 461,376

Quest Text:

"Please you must quickly hurry to (Bowl Merchant) Bowler! It seems the Wheelems near him have grown increasingly aggressive and he has grown quite fearful! Will you hurry to his aid?? In the meanwhile, I will attempt to decrypt these records. I know they contain something worthwhile!!"

Accepting Quest Text:

"Your assistance is truly appreciate! Hurry and defeat 20 Wheelems then report to (Bowl Merchant) Bowler!"

Denying Quest Text:

"Oh no!! You must help him! (Bowl Merchant) Bowler doesn't stand a chance against those vicious Wheelems!"

During Quest Text:

"Hurry! Kill 20 Wheelems before they can reach (Bowl Merchant) Bowler!"

Completed Quest Text:

"That was too close of a call! The Wheelems generally left me alone. For whatever reason, they suddenly grew violent and attempted to attack me while I was out near their territory."

The Moment of Truth

Quest Starting Location: Garden of Rhisis
Quest : The Moment of Truth
NPC : (Bowl Merchant) Bowler
Quest Requirement : Level 40 ~ 150, Completion of Before He's Road kill…
Objective : Return to Handel and see if she has decrypted the Parchment.

Tombstone Bearer

Reward: Exp 230,688

Quest Text:

"The number of Wheelems has increased so much since I last remember. If it weren't for you, I would have been Dwarpet road kill… Has Handel finished her research?? Oh! She is currently decrypting the Parchment of War?? Will you hurry back to her and find if she has finished??"

Accepting Quest Text:

"Tell Handel that I said thanks for her concern… If she need my help, feel free to find me at anytime!"

Denying Quest Text:

"Look I know I'm great and you would love to spend time with me, but this is sort of important!"

During Quest Text:

"Go see Handel. She should be done with decrypting the parchment."

Completed Quest Text:

"I'm glad to see you… I have finish decrypting the Parchment"


Quest Starting Location: Garden of Rhisis
Quest : Revelation
NPC : Handel
Quest Requirement : Level 40 ~ 150, Completion of The Moment of Truth
Objective : Return to Reonan with the results of Handel's research.

Eastern Flarine
Decoded Parchment of War 1x
Image:Decoded Parchment of War.png

Reward: Exp 259,425

Quest Text:

"Why am I looking so distraught after analyzing the text you ask? Well… I guess the results are not what I would have wanted… The records indicate that despite the efforts made by the 8 heroes to expunge any trace of Shade's existence, her essence still persists throughout this world. When the time is right, she will regain her physical form and return anew to command her masquerpet army. It is her intention to reclaim the known world as her own… You must go and talk to Reonan as soon as possible. We no longer have time to waste. Please find him!"

Accepting Quest Text:

"Reonan still hasn't explained to you the exact nature of the 8 heroes has he? I feel you are ready to know the truth and the role you play in this all…"

Denying Quest Text:

"I'm sorry if you feel uncertain about this all. Take some time to think it over…"

During Quest Text:

"Please hurry back to Reonan. I'm sure he will explain everything!"

Completed Quest Text:

"Greetings again! Ohhh…so this is what Handel has brought to light."

Darkon: The Mysterious Continent

Quest Starting Location: Flaris
Quest : Darkon: The Mysterious Continent
NPC : Reonan
Quest Requirement : Level 40 ~ 150, Completion of Revelation
Objective : Go meet the Darken Mayor located in Darkon 2. Maybe he will have more information on the missing heroes.

Darken Town
Darken Mayor

Reward: Exp 259,425, Penya $300,000

Quest Text:

"This is more urgent that I thought… I was aware of the impending return of Shade, but this soon?? I'm sorry I had to hide so much from you. Here is the truth… Handel, Hael and I share a common past. We are all reincarnations of the 8 original heroes to defeat Shade in the War of the Gods. I was the first Knight Hero... We were all appointed by Bubble as champions of our respective classes, and led the armies of mankind against Shade and her masquerpets. I feel it is due time for a reunification of the original 8 heroes... I know the other reincarnations are out there. I just hope we will be able to convince the rest of them. We don't have much time… It has come to my attention that several of the other heroes are currently residing in a large continent known as Darkon. For Madrigal's sake, would you be able to track them down?"

Accepting Quest Text:

"Make haste to meet the Darken Mayor. He sees over the main industrial town located in Darkon 2. Maybe he will have further information about the missing heroes."

Denying Quest Text:

"I know it is a lot to take in, but you are going to have to trust me on this one. We don't have any time to waste."

During Quest Text:

"You must locate the heroes of the past, so that Madrigal might have a future. Please speak with the Darken Mayor. I guarantee he will know something…"

Completed Quest Text:

"Oh! Hello young adventurer. You shouldn't sneak up on a man my age, nearly gave me a heart attack. Hahaha!!"

The Problem with Leyenas

Quest Starting Location: Darkon
Quest : The Problem with Leyenas
NPC : Darken Mayor
Quest Requirement : Level 40 ~ 150, Completion of Darkon: The Mysterious Continent
Objective : Kill 20 Leyena then return to the Darken Mayor.


Reward: Exp 518,851

Quest Text:

"What's this you speak of?? Heroes?? Can't say I've heart anything about that… But, I believe I know a person who may have… Oh you want to know? Of course I will tell you… But first perhaps you could do me a favor? I am frequently in touch with the mayors of both Sain City and Flarine. I have heard of your heroic actions and request your aid. There has been a dramatic increase in Leyena populations. They have made it awfully hard for our workers to collect a rare ore which is a staple export here in Darken. Please defeat the Leyena and I will give you the information."

Accepting Quest Text:

"Thank you adventurer! The Leyena can be found in Eastern Darkon. Please decrease their population by killing 20 of them."

Denying Quest Text:

"Hmm, what was it you needed again? My mind seems to be getting fuzzy... Since you are here, why not do some sightseeing?"

During Quest Text:

"Well? I'm not getting any younger! The Leyena are found in Eastern Darkon. Please get rid of at least 20 of them!"

Completed Quest Text:

"Hah! It is just as I have heard. You are truly a problem saver! Now to uphold my end of the bargain!"

Next Stage in Quest

Back to General Quests

Continent Content Color Reference:
World Flaris Coral Island Saint Morning Garden of Rhisis Darkon Azria
Shaduwar Valley of the Risen Kaillun Traseia Dark Traseia Bahara Desert Emporium

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