Blood Fist - FlyFF WIki

Blood Fist

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image:Billposter_Blood Fist2.gif
Billposter's Blood Fist Skill Animation

image:Billposter_Blood Fist.png
Description: Strikes a heavy blow to the enemy that causes it to lose health over time.
Class: Billposter
Item needed: Knuckles
Player lvl: 65
Max Skill lvl: 10
Pre-Skill 1: Belial Smashing lvl: 2
Pre-Skill 2: lvl:
Attack Type: Melee Attack
Region of Effect: Selected Target only
Attack Range: Close up
Skill Element: N/A
Combo Style: image:Normalskill.gif
May be placed in Action Slot: Yes
Casting Time: 0:01
Damage Over Time (DOT):0:02
Stat 1 affecting Skill: Str effects skill attack rate, approximately 7 Atk per 1 Str
Stat 2 affecting Skill:

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This skill has a maximum level of 10 and requires 3 Skill Points per level of skill.

Attack value present in skill table is simply a variable used in the calculation of damage.
In "General" the timer is for status change effect

Skill lvl Effect 1 Effect 2 % Prob FP Used Min : Sec CoolDown
1 Attack 71 ~ 72 Bleeding 5% 40 FP 0:15 None
2 Attack 73 ~ 74 Bleeding 10% 45 FP 0:20 None
3 Attack 75 ~ 76 Bleeding 15% 50 FP 0:25 None
4 Attack 77 ~ 78 Bleeding 20% 55 FP 0:30 None
5 Attack 79 ~ 80 Bleeding 25% 60 FP 0:35 None
6 Attack 81 ~ 82 Bleeding 30% 65 FP 0:40 None
7 Attack 83 ~ 84 Bleeding 35% 70 FP 0:45 None
8 Attack 85 ~ 86 Bleeding 40% 75 FP 0:50 None
9 Attack 87 ~ 88 Bleeding 45% 80 FP 0:55 None
10 Attack 89 ~ 90 Bleeding 50% 90 FP 1:00 None

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