Adventurer of this world Part 4 - FlyFF WIki

Adventurer of this world Part 4

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This article has been certified complete as of version 16. Any errors should be reported here.

Adventurer of this world Part 1
Adventurer of this world Part 2
Adventurer of this world Part 3
Adventurer of this world Part 4
Adventurer of this world Part 5


Starting NPC

Rudvihil Location
Rudvihil Image:NPCRudvihil2.jpg

Renowned Soldiers of Kion

Quest Starting Location: Northern Central Eastern Flarine
Quest : Renowned Soldiers of Kion
NPC : Rudvihil
Quest Requirement : Be a Vagrant level 1~15 and have completed Previous stage in Quest
Objective : Report back to Teshar.

Eastern Flaris

Reward: 500 Experience

Quest Text:

"You managed to bring back the gold I've been waiting for. You guys are the real deal. I will be calling for the Soldiers of Kion from now on if I need assistance. Can you please send Teshar my regards?"

Accepting Quest Text:

"Long live the Soldiers of Kion!"

Denying Quest Text:

"Once a ruffian, always a ruffian…"

During Quest Text:

"Please give my regards to Teshar and the others."

Completed Quest Text:

"I cannot explain in words how much you've helped us. Thank you for your dedication to the Soldiers of Kion."

A Private Request

Quest Starting Location: Northern Central Eastern Flarine
Quest : A Private Request
NPC : Teshar
Quest Requirement : Be a Vagrant level 1~15 and have completed Previous stage in Quest
Objective : Meet Gergantes in Northern Flarine.

Northern Flarine
(Novelist) Gergantes

Reward: 500 Experience

Quest Text:

"Since you've been a big help to us, maybe you can help us with some of our unique clients. Gergantes seem like he needs our help with something. Can you please see what's his problem?"

Accepting Quest Text:

"Gergantes isn't a very patient man, so go see him quickly."

Denying Quest Text:

"If you have something to do, please do it quickly."

During Quest Text:

"Gergantes can be seen stumbling around Northern Flarine."

Completed Quest Text:

"I know you *hic*, you're that person… I have a special request and I think you are the one for the job."

The Novelist and his Drink 1

Quest Starting Location: Northern Central Eastern Flarine
Quest : The Novelist and his Drink 1
NPC : (Novelist) Gergantes
Quest Requirement : Be a Vagrant level 1~15 and have completed Previous stage in Quest
Objective : Meet SsotTta in Eastern Flarine about a special drink.

Eastern Flarine

Reward: 500 Experience

Quest Text:

"You may have heard of me, I am Gergantes the famous novelist. If I'm not writing, I'm usually drinking hurr hurr hurr. I can't seem to concentrate right now and I need a particular drink that will help me. You think you can get some for me?"

Accepting Quest Text:

"I've been craving for some of that Tarin Drink. Go visit SsotTta to see if he has any Tarin Drink left."

Denying Quest Text:

"If you can't help me, get out of my sight! You're killing my buzz…"

During Quest Text:

"My hands are shaking… Please hurry and get me that drink now!"

Completed Quest Text:

"That drunkard Gergantes sent you? Haha! Let me see… I don't have anymore Tarin Drink left!"

The Novelist and his Drink part 2

Quest Starting Location: Northern Central Eastern Flarine
Quest : The Novelist and his Drink part 2
NPC : SsotTta
Quest Requirement : Be a Vagrant level 1~15 and have completed Previous stage in Quest
Objective : Find Dr. Estly near the Haunt of Nyangnyang.

North Western Flaris
Dr. Estly

Reward: 550 Experience

Quest Text:

"I may have run out of supply, but I can make some if I had any ingredients. You think you can help me get some Tarin Root so I can make this drink for Gergantes?"

Accepting Quest Text:

"I don't exactly know where to find this Tarin Root but, I know someone who does. Go see Dr. Estly and he'll be able to help you."

Denying Quest Text:

"Not my problem then. I'm not the one getting his drink for him."

During Quest Text:

"What are you still doing here? Dr. Estly can be found north of Flaris near the Feferns."

Completed Quest Text:

"You need some Tarin Roots? What would you need those for other than making that horrid drink…"

Next Stage in Quest

Back to General Quests

Continent Content Color Reference:
World Flaris Coral Island Saint Morning Garden of Rhisis Darkon Azria
Shaduwar Valley of the Risen Kaillun Traseia Dark Traseia Bahara Desert Emporium

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