Adventurer of this world Part 2 - FlyFF WIki

Adventurer of this world Part 2

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This article has been certified complete as of version 16. Any errors should be reported here.

Adventurer of this world Part 1
Adventurer of this world Part 2
Adventurer of this world Part 3
Adventurer of this world Part 4
Adventurer of this world Part 5



Starting NPC

Teshar Location
Teshar Image:NPCTeshar2.jpg

The First Mission

Quest Starting Location: Northern Central Eastern Flarine
Quest : The First Mission
NPC : Teshar
Quest Requirement : Be a Vagrant level 1~15 and have completed Previous stage in Quest
Objective : Go meet Hachal in the Bubble Plain.

Plain of Bubble

Reward: 100 Experience

Quest Text:

"I have a mission for you, new recruit. I need you to go visit Hachal who has requested for our assistance. Can you find out what happened?"

Accepting Quest Text:

"You can find Hachal in the Bubble Plain on the west side of Flaris. Please get there as soon as possible."

Denying Quest Text:

"Don't tell me you're bailing on us now! It's only the first mission!"

During Quest Text:

"Still here? Please don't keep Hachal waiting."

Completed Quest Text:

"A new recruit from the Soldiers of Kion. They seem to let anyone join these days."

Peakyturtle Research

Quest Starting Location: Northern Central Eastern Flarine
Quest : Peakyturtle Research
NPC : Hachal
Quest Requirement : Be a Vagrant level 1~15 and have completed Previous stage in Quest
Objective : Extract one Peakyrind from a Peakyturtle.


Reward: 200 Experience

Quest Text:

"My name is Hachal, I am conducting some reasearch on the Peakyturtles in the area. I need to obtain a piece of Peakyrind for my research. Can you help extract one for me?"

Accepting Quest Text:

"Thank you very much. There are plenty of Peakyturtles around the area."

Denying Quest Text:

"If you don't want to do it, then bring me someone who will."

During Quest Text:

"I'm still waiting for that Peakyrind…"

Completed Quest Text:

"You've definitely help me take out the dirty work to get this for me. Thank you!"

Mission complete

Quest Starting Location: Northern Central Eastern Flarine
Quest : Mission complete
NPC : Hachal
Quest Requirement : Be a Vagrant level 1~15 and have completed Previous stage in Quest
Objective : Report back to Teshar.

Eastern Flaris

Reward: 250 Experience

Quest Text:

"I didn't think the Soldiers of Kion were capable, but you've proved me wrong. Can you go back and report to Teshar?"

Accepting Quest Text:

"I will certainly call upon the Soldiers of Kion the next time I need help. Thanks again!"

Denying Quest Text:

"I would certainly love to have you around, but you would only get in the way of my research."

During Quest Text:

"Teshar is waiting. Please report back to her."

Completed Quest Text:

"Mission completed soldier! The townspeople are beginning to trust us more!"

Second Mission part 1

Quest Starting Location: Northern Central Eastern Flarine
Quest : Second Mission part 1
NPC : Teshar
Quest Requirement : Be a Vagrant level 1~15 and have completed Previous stage in Quest
Objective : Go talk to Rudvihil in Eastern Flarine.

Eastern Flarine

Reward: 300 Experience

Quest Text:

"Although we have gained some popularity, Rudvihil, still doesn't trust us. He is very conscientious but I think he has some issues that we can help him out with. Can you please meet with him?"

Accepting Quest Text:

"This is major for us. Rudvihil lives at the mansion on top of the hill nearby. Please see him immediately."

Denying Quest Text:

"The Soldiers of Kion vow to help everyone in need. Discrimination is not an option."

During Quest Text:

"Rudvihil does not wait for anyone. Please see him now."

Completed Quest Text:

"Did the Soldiers of Kion sent you? I was waiting for that ruffian Tomba. This must be a joke."

Second Mission part 2

Quest Starting Location: Northern Central Eastern Flarine
Quest : Second Mission part 2
NPC : Rudvihil
Quest Requirement : Be a Vagrant level 1~15 and have completed Previous stage in Quest
Objective : Report back to Teshar.

Eastern Flaris

Reward: 350 Experience

Quest Text:

"I don't have any issues of late and I certainly don't need help from the likes of you. You brats seem to get annoying everyday… If you didn't hear me the first time, I don't need your help. Will you leave me alone now?"

Accepting Quest Text:

"Good. You guys finally got something right."

Denying Quest Text:

"Now you're just being annoying. I don't need your presence here!"

During Quest Text:

"I thought I made myself clear. Let me try again… GO AWAY!"

Completed Quest Text:

"What did he want? What did he say?"

Next Stage in Quest

Back to General Quests

Continent Content Color Reference:
World Flaris Coral Island Saint Morning Garden of Rhisis Darkon Azria
Shaduwar Valley of the Risen Kaillun Traseia Dark Traseia Bahara Desert Emporium

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