Premium Buff Pang - FlyFF WIki

Premium Buff Pang

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Premium Buff Pang
Premium Buff Pang
Image:NPCPremium Buff Pang2.jpg
The Buff Pang, formally known as Pang, and former guardian of the the Lodelites, aids new travelers in anyway that he can. Ever since the Lodelites were destroyed by the hands of fate, Pang was found in a position of uselessness, solitude, and loneliness. The guardian seemed to have no place in the world of Madrigal anymore.
This all changed when he was given the task of aiding newcomers in their quests until they are skilled enough to go out on their own. He is always around to help the needy, and will most likely continue doing so until he passes on.


World Quote:

  • "I am Premium Buff Pang, I can grant you the very best buffs."


  • "If you ever need a premium buff, come to me."

Who are you?:

  • "See you next time."


  • "I can open all the locks."


Buff Station
The following table shows the Buffs received by a character of level 1 ~ 170 from the Buff Pang. Duration of these buffs are one hour.

Skill Lvl Effect Description
image:Assist_Patience.gif Patience lvl 20 Max. HP +210 Increases the Max. HP of a target for a limited time.
image:Assist_Quick_Step.gif Quick Step lvl 20 Speed +30% Increases the walk speed of a target.
image:Assist_Haste.gif Haste lvl 20 Attack Speed +25% Increases attack speed of a target.
image:Assist_Cats_Reflex.gif Cat's Reflex lvl 20 Melee Block +12% Increases the block rate of a target.
image:Assist_CannonBall.gif Cannon Ball lvl 20 DEX +20 Increases the DEX of the target.
image:Assist_Mental_Sign.gif Mental Sign lvl 20 INT +20 Increases INT of a target.
image:Assist_Heapup.gif Heap Up lvl 20 STA +40 Increases the physical strength of the target.
image:Assist_Beefup.gif Beef Up lvl 20 STR +20 Increases striking power of a target.
image:Assist_Accuracy.gif Accuracy lvl 20 Hit +20% Increases the accracy of a target.

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