Madrigal Gift System
From FlyFF WIki
Free Penya the longer you play! That new icon in the corner is a button that you can push to redeem some free penya. It fills up as you stay logged in, kill monsters, kill giants, and kill bosses!
This feature first appeared after the 20th April 2012 patch. It is similar to the cheer feature but you get a random amount of penya instead of a boost to exp.
There are four ranks in total. Only three of which, you can collect penya on. Once one rank is filled you may collect the penya by clicking on the icon or you can wait for the next rank. After you have collected the penya, rank will return to rank zero.
The amount of penya received is random and may NOT necessarily be higher than at the next rank.
How to level up the Ranks?
You will notice that the bar surrounding the icon fills slowly as you gain the Madrigal gift points, if you hover over the icon, you can view the exact status of the Madrigal Gift System.

How to receive Madrigal Gift Points and amount gained for each:
- Not Online: Very Low
- Online: Low
- Hunt same Level Masquerpets: Normal
- Hunt Giants: High
- Hunt Boss Monsters: Very High
How to move that icon?
You can move the icon by hovering over the arrow at the top of the icon and dragging the icon to the position that you would like it to be at.
Drag the icon into the required position.