Giant Shuhamma - FlyFF WIki

Giant Shuhamma

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Fighting Style
Giant Shuhamma
When Dieing Do they run ?
Ranged Attack ?
AOE Area of Attack ?
Spawns lesser monsters ?

Giant Shuhamma Pronounced g-eye-ant shoo-ha-ma

Be careful when you approach a Shuhamma. They have a mechanical elephant feel to them and are

made of steel. Sometimes they like to kick back and release a mighty roar, warning all trespassers around them.

The colors vary from red and silver to blue and gold. Shuhamma's long snout, accompanied with two large metal

tusks, comes to an end with a metal hammer, which they use proudly to thwart you during battle.

Locating Giant Shuhamma

Shuhammas can be found in Southern Darkon 3, to the North of the entrance to the House of


Giant Shuhamma

Available Quests

Quests that involve this masquerpet

Giant Shuhamma Statistics

Name lvl HP Def Mdef Exp Atk Ele
Giant Shuhamma 101 1,157,225 103 168 2,439,892 2247~2365 Image:Electric.gif

Note: Atk stat comes from kFlyff and may differ from our version.


Meat Salad Food item for recovering HP.
Icecream Cake Food item for recovering HP.
Eighth Refresher Food item for recovering MP.
VitalDrink 800 Food item for recovering FP.
Sunstone Enchanting item for General upgrading.
Generator Card Enchanting item for Electric upgrading level 1~20.
Penya In game currency.
Also drops equipment such as Armor and Weapons.



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Continent Content Color Reference:
World Flaris Coral Island Saint Morning Garden of Rhisis Darkon Azria
Shaduwar Valley of the Risen Kaillun Traseia Dark Traseia Bahara Desert Emporium

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