Exchange for a Legendary Golden Weapon - FlyFF WIki

Exchange for a Legendary Golden Weapon

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This article is actively being worked on by Maxforce. Expect more content to be added in the future.

Starting NPC

(Legendary Golden Weapon Vendor) Romina Location
(Legendary Golden Weapon Vendor) Romina Image:NPCRomina2.jpg

Exchange for a Legendary Golden Weapon

Quest Starting Location: Central Flarine
Quest : Exchange for a Legendary Golden Weapon
NPC : (Legendary Golden Weapon Vendor) Romina
Quest Requirement : Character must have been created during The Master's Journey: The Road to 120 Event
Objective : Bring your Legendary Golden Weapon Coupon to Romina in Flaris.

Legendary Golden Weapon Coupon
Image:Azria Ticket.png

Reward: Please Note: These weapons are Event Tagged!

Legendary Big Golden Axe
Legendary Golden Big Sword

Legendary Golden Axe
Legendary Golden Sword

Legendary Golden Bow
Legendary Golden Yo-Yo

Legendary Golden Gloves
Legendary Golden Stick

Legendary Golden Staff
Legendary Golden Wand

Quest Text:

"I am here to offer an incredible reward to all who have chosen to partake in the Master's Journey. If you participated, you will recieve a Legendary Golden Weapon Coupon upon reaching level 100. I can redeem this Coupon for you. Bring the legendary Golden Weapon Coupon to me once you receive it. What do you say, do you want a Legendary Golden Weapon?"

Accepting Quest Text:

"I will be waiting here for your return. Good luck in your task!"

Denying Quest Text:

"Hmp! Either you didn't have the courage or the foresight to partake in the Master's Journey. Well, which is it, scared or dull?"

During Quest Text:

"Remember, I can not help you until you have obtained a Legendary Golden Weapon Coupon. Please hurry, I will not be here forever!"

Completed Quest Text:


Next Stage in Quest

  • Quest Complete

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Continent Content Color Reference:
World Flaris Coral Island Saint Morning Garden of Rhisis Darkon Azria
Shaduwar Valley of the Risen Kaillun Traseia Dark Traseia Bahara Desert Emporium

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