Template:Ringmaster Skills - FlyFF WIki

Template:Ringmaster Skills

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Ringmaster Skills
Skill Weapon Level Pre-Skill Type Region of Effect Description
image:Ringmaster_Gvur Tialla.png Gvur Tialla Sticks
Bless Poster
60 Prevention 4
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Removes de-buffs from a target.
image:Ringmaster_Holycross.png Holycross Sticks 60 None
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Target enemy takes double damage for a limited time.
image:Ringmaster_Protect.png Protect Sticks 60 Heap Up 6
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Decreases the damage from physical attacks on a target.
image:Ringmaster_Holyguard.png Holyguard Sticks 65 Protect 3
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Decreases the damage from magical attacks on a target.
image:Ringmaster_Spirit Fortune.png Spirit Fortune Sticks
Bless Poster
65 Holycross 1
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Increases striking power of a target.
image:Ringmaster_Heal Rain.png Heal Rain Sticks 70 Gvur Tialla 3
image:Normalskill.gif AOE Around User Recovers HP for party members near you.
image:Ringmaster_Geburah Tiphreth.png Geburah Tiphreth Sticks
Bless Poster
75 Holyguard 4
Spirit Fortune 7
image:Normalskill.gif AOE No target needed This ability draws upon the inner strength of nearby party members, increasing both Attack Power and Attack Speed for a limited time.
image:Ringmaster_Merkaba Hanzelrusha.png Merkaba Hanzelrusha Sticks
Bless Poster
80 Heal Rain 4
image:Normalskill.gif AOE Around User Enemies take damage in an area around you.
image:Ringmaster_Blessing of the Wise Man.png Blessing of the Wise Man No Preference 60M None
image:Normalskill.gif AOE Around User Removes a random bleed, curse or poison debuff from a party member.
image:Ringmaster_Return.png Return No Preference 120H None
image:Normalskill.gif Self Teleport to the nearest town. (May be used to flee a battle PVM or PVP)