Template:Psykeeper Skills - FlyFF WIki

Template:Psykeeper Skills

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Psykeeper Skills
Skill Weapon Level Pre-Skill Type Region of Effect Description
image:Psykeeper_Crucio Spell.png Crucio Spell Wands 60 Mental Strike 10
image:Normalskill.gif Self Deals damage to an enemy equal to twice the amount the enemy deals.
image:Psykeeper_Demonology.png Demonology Wands 60 None
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Damages the enemy with a mental blast.
image:Psykeeper_Psychic Bomb.png Psychic Bomb Wands 60 Mental Strike 10
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Damages the enemy the with a ball of mental energy.
image:Psykeeper_Maximum Crisis.png Maximum Crisis Wands 65 Crucio Spell 7
image:Normalskill.gif AOE No target needed Surrounds and damages the enemy in a strong mental barrier.
image:Psykeeper_Satanology.png Satanology Wands 65 Demonology 3
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Prevents an enemy from approaching.
image:Psykeeper_Spirit Bomb.png Spirit Bomb Wands 65 Psychic Bomb 6
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Does damage to an enemy based on your remaining MP amount.
image:Psykeeper_Psychic Wall.png Psychic Wall Wands 70 Satanology 4
Spirit Bomb 5
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Creates a wall that pushes an enemy back and damages them if they touch it.
image:Psykeeper_Psychic Square.png Psychic Square Wands 75 Psychic Wall 7
Maximum Crisis 5
image:Normalskill.gif AOE Target needed Damages the enemies around you with a psychic blast.
image:Psykeeper_Psykeeper Special INT Mastery.png Psykeeper Special INT Mastery No Preference 60M None
image:Normalskill.gif Self Increases INT
image:Psykeeper_Stone Feet.png Stone Feet No Preference 120H None
image:Normalskill.gif Selected Target only Encases target in stone, preventing it from moving by invoking Stun.