RockMuscle - FlyFF WIki


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Rock Muscle Prounounced rok-mus-sil

If you decide to take a stroll in the Fantasy Desert then beware and be armed. These large, husky monsters will not pass up a free beat down if they see the opportunity. They are completely made from hard rock, varying from dark gray or copper red. Hanging from each arm is one heavy massive boulder, balancing out the muscles that would put any body builder to shame.

Locating Rock Muscle

Wagsaac Spawn Area

Rock Muscles are found in Southern Saint Morning, near the coast.


Milk Food item for recovering HP.
Banana Jujubar Food item for recovering HP.
Fish Soup Food item for recovering HP.
Fourth Refresher Food item for recovering MP.
VitalDrink 400 Food item for recovering MP.
Antidote Potion
Penya In game currency.
Also drops equipment such as Assist Armor, Mercenary Armor, Magician Armor, Acrobat Armor and Weapons.

Rock Muscle Statistics

Name lvl HP Def Mdef Exp Ele
Small Rock Muscle 33 5,857 33 46 297 Image:Earth.gif
Rock Muscle 33 5,857 33 46 311 Image:Fire.gif
Captain Rock Muscle 34 6,000 34 47 338 Image:Earth.gif
Giant Rock Muscle 37 113,713 37 60 2,305 Image:Fire.gif
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