Patch Notes for 2010 (May to August) - FlyFF WIki

Patch Notes for 2010 (May to August)

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31 August 2010


New Sales:

  • This week in the Premium item Shop: Reversion Bundles, Pick-up Pet Bundles, and 50% off Pet Beads!
  • The Hot August Nights Sale comes to an end.

Client Updates:

  • Season Change: Autumn is upon us!
  • Login: You should now be able to highlight your whole account ID.

24 August 2010


New Sales:

  • The Back to School Sale kicks continues for 2 more days!

Client Updates:

  • User Interface: Previously, several of the UI Windows would not be transparent with the transparency setting enabled. The following windows should now be transparent when that setting is enabled: Inventory, Character, Chat Box, Icons placed in the Hotbar, Messenger, and Furniture Storage.
  • In-game Wiki: Fixed a problem with the In-game Wiki getting "stuck" in specific resolutions, forcing a restart of the client.
  • Guild Window: Fixed an issue that caused levels to be displayed behind the job icons in the Member Window.

18 August 2010


  • The 14 Day Mystery Party Event begins! Similar to the 7 Day Mystery Party Event, this event actually boasts 2 events per day for 2 whole weeks! Each day, a new surprise event will begin. Stay tuned each day to see which events are running!
  • The Master's Journey: The Road to 120 Event continues! This event only applies to characters created between July 28th and August 24th. You will receive special free gifts every 10 levels (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, and 120). Visit the Community Forums for more details! In addition to the rewards, players who reach level 100 or higher will be entered into a special Raffle to win a brand-spanking new XBox 360!! We'll be giving a few of these away so be sure to reach level 100 if you want a chance at that 360!

New Sales:

  • The Back to School Sale kicks off!
  • The Scroll of Name Change debuts in the Premium Item Shop! Now, those of you that wish to change your name have the ability to do so.
  • NEW Yukata 2010 Sets are available! The Bushido Yukata and the Bijin Yukata!
  • NEW "The Hot One" Flying Bike is now available for a limited time.
  • NEW "Model TR-ex" Flying Bike is now available for a limited time.
  • NEW Tiger Cub Pick-up Pet is available for a limited time only.
  • The constantly requested SProtect + Sunstone Bundles are back in the Premium Item Shop for a limited time!
  • The constantly requested XProtect + Moonstone and Sunstone Bundles are back in the Premium Item Shop for a limited time!
  • For the next 7 days, special Buy 1 Get 1 FREE packages will be available. A new Buy 1 Get 1 FREE package will be made available each day so keep your eye out for that special item you've been looking to pick up!
  • All Back to School sale items except the SPro/Xpro bundles come with several BONUS Back to School Gift Bags that have a chance to contain a rare item!
  • The NEW Upgrade Bundles Sale ends.

Game Guard:

  • Updated Game Guard modules (Yesterday, actually).

Client Updates:

  • PvP Servers: Resolved an issue that allowed players on PK servers to receive a lot more than 1 Angel when clicking the icon in the buff area.
  • Art: All instances of the GALA Community Logo have been updated to the new GALA Global Online Community logo. There were ~16 different references in-game. Additionally, the Aeonsoft logo has been removed and replaced by the Gala labs, Inc. legalese.
  • Text: Minor text updates.

11 August 2010


  • The Master's Journey: The Road to 120 Event continues! This event only applies to characters created between July 28th and August 24th. You will receive special free gifts every 10 levels (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, and 120). Visit the Community Forums for more details! In addition to the rewards, players who reach level 100 or higher will be entered into a special Raffle to win a brand-spanking new XBox 360!! We'll be giving a few of these away so be sure to reach level 100 if you want a chance at that 360!
  • The Legendary Golden Weapon Exchange NPC has been added in Flaris so that players who reach level 100 during the event can exchange their coupons for a Legendary Golden Weapon of their choice. Again, only characters created during the event period that reach level 100 will receive a Legendary Golden Weapon Coupon.

New Sales:

  • The NEW Upgrade Bundles Sale begins! 2 bundles have been added at 50% OFF!
  • The GProtect Bundle Sale is OVAH!

Game Guard:

  • Enhanced General Stability.
  • Compatibility with Comodo Firewall has been improved.
  • Updated Security.

Client Updates:

  • Client Crash: Fixed an issue that caused the client to crash when entering more than 64 characters into a Private Shop title.
  • In-game Mail: Fixed an issue that caused players to be unable to receive incoming mail containing penya. This would generally occur when the amount of penya being received would exceed the maximum amount allowed for their inventory.
  • Bone Golem: This Pick-up Pet is now tradable.
  • Text: Some minor text updates.

3 August 2010


  • The Master's Journey: The Road to 120 Event continues! This event only applies to characters created between July 28th and August 24th. You will receive special free gifts every 10 levels (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, and 120). Visit the Community Forums for more details! In addition to the rewards, players who reach level 100 or higher will be entered into a special Raffle to win a brand-spanking new XBox 360!! We'll be giving a few of these away so be sure to reach level 100 if you want a chance at that 360!

New Sales:

  • The GProtect Bundle Sale begins and runs for the next week straight! These bad boys are 50% off!
  • The The Bundle Madness Sale is OVAH!
  • The AProtect Bundle Sale is OVAH!

Client Updates:

  • Security: Enhanced client security.
  • In-game Wiki: Fixed a "stuck" bug on the In-game Wiki that was causing players to be unable to close the window. Please let us know if you experience any issues with the in-game Wiki after this change. There is still an issue with 1024 x 768 Resolution.
  • Text: Fixed the name of the Rescorn Set.
  • Text: Fixed the text for Rapid Shot.
  • Text: Updated many of the FAQ and Help tips in the START menu. Some Placeholders were added and will be fixed next week.
  • Status Window: The Status Window has been reverted to the old style. It was recently changed so that the HP, FP, MP, Exp, and BT images were changed over to text.

27 July 2010


  • The It's raining 2x EXP Event comes to an end!
  • The Master's Journey: The Road to 120 Event kicks off! This event only applies to characters created between July 28th and August 24th. You will receive special free gifts every 10 levels (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, and 120). Visit the Community Forums for more details! In addition to the rewards, players who reach level 100 or higher will be entered into a special Raffle to win a brand-spanking new XBox 360!! We'll be giving a few of these away so be sure to reach level 100 if you want a chance at that 360!

New Sales:

  • The The Bundle Madness Sale begins for one week only. You will find the Amplification + Azria Combo bundle, the Pet Tamer Customization Bundle, a Beads Bundle which includes level 3 beads as a special bonus, and a Bead Slot Key Bundle! All of these bundles are up to 40% off!
  • All old sales from last week will be removed from the shop.

Client Updates:

  • Minor text changes
  • We were expecting to apply an in-game wiki fix this week, but it didn't make it. Sorry folks! Wait for next week! :)

20 July 2010


  • The It's Raining 2x Exp Event will be running throughout the next 7 days! Throughout the next week, players will gain double the normal exp rate whenever it rains!
  • GM Bake Sale (July 2010) Continue throughout the week!
  • The Dice Play gals have left Madrigal. q.q
  • The Dumb Bull Matadors from the Running of the Dumb Bulls Event Quest have also left Madrigal.

New Sales:

  • Throughout the next week, ALL items in the "Functional Category" will be 25% off!
  • The All protect Bundle Sale is being removed from the shop.

Client Updates:

  • Minor text changes
  • The drop rate of Level 1 Beads for your Buff Pet have been increased. Masquerpets will now drop Level 1 buff beads more frequently.
  • The ability to drop items has been enabled once again! Yay.

13 July 2010


  • The 7 Day Mystery Party Event kicks off! For the next week, there will be a new surprise event each day. Check back in every day to see which event is running!
  • The Roll For Fun Event! continues for another week!
  • The Running of the Dumb Bulls Event continues for 2 extra days! Rampaging Dumb Bulls will be spawning throughout Madrigal. It's your job to clean up the mess! Visit the Dumb Bull Matador in Flaris to take on this challenge. Are you a strong enough Matador to win the grand prize?

New Sales:

  • The All protect Bundle Sale begins for one week only.
  • All old sales from the last 2 weeks will be removed from the shop.

Client Updates:

  • Nothing major to report. Some text changes here and there.
  • The ability to drop items will still be unavailable until further notice.

6 July 2010


  • The Roll For Fun Event! continues! You'll find a "Dice Play" NPC in Flaris, Saint Morning, and Darken City. It's pretty simple, just click the little Gold Coin and add penya to one or more numbers from 1 - 6. If the die lands on your number, you win 5 TIMES that amount in penya!
  • The Running of the Dumb Bulls Event kicks off! For the next week, Rampaging Dumb Bulls will be spawning throughout Madrigal. It's your job to clean up the mess! Visit the Dumb Bull Matador in Flaris to take on this challenge. Are you a strong enough Matador to win the grand prize?

New Sales:

  • The Reversion + Awakening Scroll Bundle will remain in the Item Shop for a few more days due to recent issues.
  • The Amplification + Azria Bundle will remain in the Item Shop for a few more days due to recent issues.
  • NEW Country Cloaks for Cameroon, Denmark, Ghana, The Netherlands, Nigeria, Paraguay, Portugal, and South Africa have been added in honor of the World Cup! These cloaks will remain in the Item Shop for a few more days due to recent issues.

Server Updates:

  • The Server List upon login will be reorganized to help new player traffic to low population servers. The new list will be:
[PvP]Demian (2x EXP)
  • A rollback will be performed during today's maintenance period. All servers will be rolled back to the state they were in at approximately 2PM on July 5th. Recent in-game activities in regard to illegal items another issues have unfortunately lead to the need for a substantial rollback on all servers. We sincerely apologize for this, everyone. We are currently doing everything we can to adress all issues related to these incidents and we hope to provide you with a stable game environment as soon as possible. In the meantime, we will be running a 3x EXP Event for the next 2 days. We realize it doesn't make up for these issues, and we ask you to bear with us while we try to work through these problems. Thank you very much, -Cromiell.

As a result of this rollback, any item pruchased from the Item Shop since July 5th @ 2PM will be removed. We will however be reissuing all of those items back to all players who made purchases automatically.

Client Updates:

  • Mail: Fixed an exploit related to the mailbox. Mailboxes will now work properly as well.
  • In-game Wiki: The Flyff Wiki has been implemented in-game. You can find it by navigating to the Information tab in the Start Menu under "Wiki Help". Scrolls bars have been added to the window to allow for easier navigation from in-game. The window size itself has been changed to 1024 x 768. Please note, that we did see some occasional issues with this. Occasionally, you may receive a "Game Hack Found" message or possibly even a client crash. Additionally, those of you running the game in less than 1024 x 768 could expericnce a "stuck bug" as well. if you do experience these issues, please notify us at and we will try and have this resolved ASAP.
  • Items: Fixed an issue that cropped up from last maintenance related to item stacking.
  • Guild House: The guild house should no longer cause your client to crash.
  • Items (Global): Temporarily disabled the ability to drop items on the ground.

29 June 2010


  • The Roll For Fun Event! begins! You'll find a "Dice Play" NPC in Flaris, Saint Morning, and Darken City. It's pretty simple, just click the little Gold Coin and add penya to one or more numbers from 1 - 6. If the die lands on your number, you win 5 TIMES that amount in penya!
  • The Sunstone Drop Event comes to an end!
  • The World Cup Event NPC will be completely removed.
  • The Play For Rewards III Event comes to an end on June 30th for all servers except for Lawolf and Mushpoie. Those two servers are going until July 1st.

New Sales:

  • The Reversion + Awakening Scroll Bundle has been brought back to the shop for a limited time due to requests! This bundle is 40% OFF!
  • The Amplification + Azria Bundle Combo has been brought back for a limited time by request! This bundle is 40% OFF!
  • A special NEW Pick-up Pet, the Soul Dancer, has been added to the Item Shop. This little guy has got some awesome moves!
  • NEW Country Cloaks for Cameroon, Denmark, Ghana, The Netherlands, Nigeria, Paraguay, Portugal, and South Africa have been added in honor of the World Cup! You can find them in the item Shop under the "Apparel -> Cloaks and Glasses" category.
  • The Sprotect + Sunstone Bundles will be removed from the Item Shop.
  • The Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Sale will end.
  • The Grinding Bundle will be removed from the Item Shop.

Client Updates:

  • Authentication: A new form of client/server authentication has been applied. If you see the message "Authentication Failed" when trying to log-in, it is because client modifications have been detected. You can also receive this error if your client is not up-to-date. Please try to use the auto patcher or manual patch, manually restore the original files, or re-install the game to bypass this error.
  • Mentor/Pupil: The "Cancel Mentor/Pupil Bond" selection that appears on the Right Click Character Menu has been removed due to an unresolved issue related to it. You can still cancel the bond from the Mentor/Pupil Menu (E)Key.
  • Arena: Fixed the navigator map bug.
  • Login: The login button will be greyed out until you actually type text into the Account and Password fields.

Enchantress Set: Fixed a couple graphic errors on this set.

  • Chat: Removed the ability to bypass the spam filter by using a certain command.
  • Crash: Fixed a bug that caused players to crash when using a Blinkwing with a Pet summoned.
  • Crash: Fixed a client crash that would occur when a player attempted to sell an invalid item.
  • Mail: A Scroll Bar has been added to the friends list in your mail box. It will appear when you have more than 20 friends.
  • Status Window: the HP, FP, MP, Exp., and BT graphics have been removed and replaced with text. This was so other territories could place their native characters in. We realize it looks a little strange, so we are trying to have it adjusted.
  • Sunkist: This command has been removed. For those that were not aware, this command allowed you to skip the autopatcher.

22 June 2010


  • PLAY FOR REWARDS UPDATE: All servers have gained 1 extra day of the Play for Rewards Event and Lawolf and Mushpoie have gained 2 extra days. This is due to some recent technical issues. Please note that, while 1 or 2 extra days have been added, you will not receive FUN cards on those days. You will however receive the 5, 10, 15, -> 35 day rewards should you reach that number during the extension.
  • The Sunstone Drop Event begins! For one week only, extra Sunstones will be dropping from Masquerpets over level 15!
  • The Clockworks Butler Masquerade Event comes to an end!
  • The 2010 World Cup Event!!! comes to an end! The World Cup Exhange manager will stick around a little longer though.
  • The Play For Rewards III Event continues!

New Sales:

  • The Sprotect + Sunstone Bundles will be in the item Shop for ONE WEEK ONLY! They are up to 50% OFF!
  • The Flyff Summer Sale comes to an end.

Client Updates:

  • Game Guard: A substantial Game Guard update has been applied. We're hoping this update resolves many of the disconnection issues players are experiencing.
  • Text: Some minor text updates.

15 June 2010


  • PLAY FOR REWARDS UPDATE: All servers have gained 1 extra day of the Play for Rewards Event and Lawolf and Mushpoie have gained 2 extra days. This is due to some recent technical issues. Please note that, while 1 or 2 extra days have been added, you will not receive FUN cards on those days. You will however receive the 5, 10, 15, -> 35 day rewards should you reach that number during the extension.
  • The Clockworks Butler Masquerade Event begins! Seeeeeeveral months ago, some of you may recall that we ran a "Design a Masquerpet" contest. There were a few winners from this contest and the first of those Masquerpets have been created and will be spawning around Madrigal for the next week! Keep an eye out for Clockworks Butler, because word has it he's been hording some pretty nice loot.
  • The 2010 World Cup Event!!! continues! During this event, players can collect "cheers" from defeating Masquerpets above level 15. These cheers can be turned in for special Soccer Balls which grant buffs based on the type of Soccer Ball. You can also get a special box item by exchanging items as well. GO TEAM!
  • The Play For Rewards III Event continues!

New Sales:

  • The Flyff Summer Sale kicks off! Coupled with a special gPotato Promotion, we have a great sale planned for everyone! All NEW Wings of the Malevolent Dragon, Demon Set (M), and Enchantress Set (F) have been added and several Summer Fashion Sets will be available. You can also find the ever popular XProtect + Sun/Moon and GProtect + Moonstone bundles will be available for a limited time only! Stay tuned for more additions to the Item Shop for this special sale in the next week!
  • The Country Cloaks have been removed from the Item Shop.
  • The Soccerball Angel has been removed from the Item Shop.
  • The Soccer Sets will be removed from the Item Shop.
  • The New Cloaks will be removed from the Item Shop.
  • The 15 Day Enhanced Party Skill Range scroll will be removed.

Client Updates:

  • Text: Several text updates.
  • Crash: Dividing by zero in a private shop will no longer cause the client to crash (Har har).
  • Cloaks: The Cloak of Korea and the Cloak of Greece should now have appropriate inventory icons.
  • World Cup Event: The Soccer Balls have had the extraneous white borders removed from their icons.
  • New Items: Wings of the Malevolent Dragon, Demon Set (M), and Enchantress Set (F) have been added.
  • New NPC: The Clockworks Butler is now available. You should see him a lot during special events!
  • Note: Gala Lab is currently working with INCA to resolve an issue that we believe is causing some players to disconnect frequently from the game. We are hoping to have this fix patched in next week. For this week, client updates are minimum.

8 June 2010


  • The 2010 World Cup Event!!! begins! During this event, players can collect "cheers" from defeating Masquerpets above level 15. These cheers can be turned in for special Soccer Balls which grant buffs based on the type of Soccer Ball. You can also get a special box item by exchanging items as well. GO TEAM!
  • The Play For Rewards III Event continues!
  • The Moonstone Drop Event comes to an end!
  • The Silver Heart Merchant has been removed.

New Sales:

  • [NEW] specially designed cloaks will be available in the Item Shop for 1 week only! These cloaks carry a 15% Speed Increase and +100 HP bonus.
  • The 15 Day Enhanced Party Skill Range scroll will be available for a LIMITED time only. There is also a limited bundle available which includes 4 Red Scrolls and a free Extra Bag!
  • The Aprotect + Moonstoone bundle will be removed from the Item Shop.
  • The Sets and Pets Sale comes to an end.

Client Updates:

  • Text: Several text updates.
  • Stability: Improved client stability.
  • Note: Gala Lab is currently working with INCA to resolve an issue that we believe is causing some players to disconnect frequently from the game. We are hoping to have this fix patched in next week. For this week, client updates are minimum.

3 June 2010


  • The Moonstone Drop Event begins and runs to June 8th, 2010.
  • The Play For Rewards III Event continues.
  • The Silver Heart NPC will be chilling in various parts of Madrigal for another week.

New Sales:

  • AProtect Scroll + Moonstone Bundles are in the Cash Shop.
  • The Alabaster Butterfly Wings, Translucent Dragonfly Wings, and the Angelic Wings are back in the Cash Shop for a limited time only!

Server Updates

  • Addressed minor server stability issues.

26 May 2010


New Sales:

  • Blessing of the Goddess available for a limited time only!
  • NEW Grinding Bundle available for a limited time.
  • NEW Reversion Bundles sale is over!
  • The Chinese Zodiac Cloaks have been removed.

Game Guard:

  • Game Guard: Version Update.

Client Updates:

  • Client Crash: Fixed a client crash related to the chat system.
  • Bubble's EXP Crystal: Fixed an issue that caused Bubble Time points to reset when adding or removing the Bubble's EXP Crystal.
  • Text: Several text updates to some help menus.

18 May 2010


  • The A-MAY-zing Box Drop Event begins! Mysterious Bags and a new Chance Box for the Spike Pick-up Pet will be dropping from Masquerpets above level 15.
  • The Silver Heart Exchange Event continues! Monsters above level 15 will be dropping special "Silver Heart" items throughout Madrigal. Collect these items and save them up to get bigger and better rewards! A Special Silver Heart Merchant will be stationed in all of the major cities to collect these Silver Hearts and Exchange them for rewards. Note: This event is similar to the "Happy Money" event we ran a long while ago.

New Sales:

  • NEW Reversion Bundles available for 1 week only! We've added new Reversion Bundles that will *only* be available for one week. Get them while they're hot!
  • The Chinese Zodiac Cloaks are back in the Shop! Due to popular demand, we've put the Lunar New Year cloaks from earlier this year back in the Item Shop for a limited time only. If you missed your chance to get one of these great cloaks, now's your chance!
  • The Buy 2 get 1 FREE Sale has been extended to Friday, May 21st!

Client Updates:

  • Client Crash: Additional updates to the Miles Sound system have *hopefully* resolved some of the random crashes some folks have been reporting. If you do continue experiencing issues related to 'random' crashes, please inform us immediately by sending an email to and include your 'error.txt' file, dxdiag, and a description of what you were doing at the time. For information about how to get this info to us or how to find these files, please visit the Sticky Posts in the Unofficial Tech Support Forum.
  • Collision: Improved collision detection between Darkon and Shaduwar.
  • Error messages: Fixed the error message that appears when trying to enter The Savage Wilds without being within the level range.
  • Guild House: Fixed an issue that caused some Guild House Furniture to show up in the wrong category.
  • Mocomochi: Fixed Mocomochi's inventory icon.

11 May 2010


  • The V15 Level Up Event comes to an end on May 12th!
  • The Silver Heart Exchange Event Kicks off! Monsters above level 15 will be dropping special "Silver Heart" items throughout Madrigal. Collect these items and save them up to get bigger and better rewards! A Special Silver Heart Merchant will be stationed in all of the major cities to collect these Silver Hearts and Exchange them for rewards. Note: This event is similar to the "Happy Money" event we ran a long while ago.

New Sales:

  • The Buy 2 get 1 FREE Sale begins!
  • The Special Buff Pet Bundle Sale comes to an end.
  • The Raised Pet Bundle Sale comes to an end.

Game Guard Update:

  • Game Guard Compatibility Update: This has been a sore spot for some folks! We believe we were able to help INCA narrow down the issues folks have been having with Game Guard's Windows 7 Compatibility and a few other issues thanks to reports from all you guys! Please give it a try if you were experiencing this problem before. If you continue to have problems, please notify us immediately through the Technical Support Forum threads or by directly emailing and sending the following:

1. A description of the issue you are experiencing with Game Guard in detail! 2. Your ERL files wrapped up in a RAR or ZIP file. You can find these files in the Game Guard folder wherever you have your FlyFF game installed to (Usually C:\Program Files\gPotato\Flyff). Just look for any file that ends in ".erl". PRO TIP: It's best to get these files immediately after an issue occurs because they are overwritten constantly.

Client Updates:

  • Client Crash: Many players have reported seemingly 'random' client crashes since roughly after V15 was released. We believe this issue was caused by the new Miles Sound System, and would generally cause a client crash during a music transition like blinking to a town, starting combat or just changing zones (You may have noticed that all of the music files in the game were converted from MP3 to OGG when V15 was updated). We believe this particular crash issue has been fully addressed now. However, as with the Game Guard issue, if you do continue experiencing issues related to 'random' crashes, please inform us immediately by sending an email to and include your 'error.txt' file, dxdiag, and a description of what you were doing at the time. For information about how to get this info to us or how to find these files, please visit the Sticky Posts in the Unofficial Tech Support Forum.
  • Items: Magic Liquor and Red Powder can now be dropped and deleted.
  • New Pick-up Pet: Yes, the Mocomochi Pick-up Pet has been added to the game. He's a little shy at the moment, however, so you'll have to wait until he's ready to come out. ;)
  • Items: Happy Money is now known as Silver Hearts.

5 May 2010

Sorry about last week's Patch Notes, guys! I included the pertinent information from last week in this week's patch notes in RED. Please see below!


New Sales:

  • The Pet Bundle Sale begins.
  • The Wild Animal Fasion Weekend Sale ends.

Server Updates:

  • Patch Note from last week- Season Change: It is now officially Spring in Madrigal. Cherry Blossom trees now occupy the lands. Better late than never!

Client Updates:

  • Scroll of Awakening Protection: It is no longer possible to Activate, Use, or even Click other items while using the Scroll of Awakening Protection (During the timer portion where you're choosing between the old and the new Awakening).
  • Ignore Feature: Fixed an issue that caused a player that you already /Unignored to still appear on your Ignore List.
  • Instanced Dungeons: Fixed an issue that caused Guild Memebers to be ejected from the instance upon the leaders death.
  • Mail: Strange character breaks should no longer appear in mail messages. This was a side effect to the mailbox changes a couple of weeks ago.
  • Scroll of Element Smelting: Fixed an issue that caused the Scroll of Element Smelting to *not* be returned to a players inventory after closing the pop-up window in the Safe Element Upgrade System.
  • Rainbow Race: NPC markers on the World Map should now allign properly during the Ranbow Race.
  • Error Logs: Fixed an issue that caused strange Resource Loading Errors to appear in the error.txt file.
  • Forsaken Tower: The number of masquerpet spawns in the Forsaken Tower have been slightly decreased. However, the respawn time has also decreased, meaning faster respawns.
  • Patch Note from last week- Lusaka and Crystal Lusaka Weapon Changes: As many folks already know, the Lusaka weapons all had the incorrect damage applied to them when we released V15. As of last week, these weapons were rebalanced to where they were intended to be at damage-wise originally. Please refer to the chart below to see the new damage ranges for these weapons
Item Name Level Min Max
Lusaka's Sword 75 493 494
Lusaka's Axe 75 489 491
Lusaka's Heavy Sword 75 590 592
Lusaka's Heavy Axe 75 601 612
Lusaka's Fist 75 493 494
Lusaka's Stick 75 493 494
Lusaka's Wand 75 493 494
Lusaka's Staff 75 499 504
Lusaka's Bow 75 462 467
Lusaka's Yoyo 75 399 401
Lusaka's Crystal Sword M75 569 571
Lusaka's Crystal Axe M75 565 567
Lusaka's Crystal Heavy Sword M75 680 684
Lusaka's Crystal Heavy Axe M75 694 706
Lusaka's Crystal Fist M75 569 571
Lusaka's Crystal Stick M75 569 571
Lusaka's Crystal Wand M75 569 571
Lusaka's Crystal Staff M75 576 582
Lusaka's Crystal Bow M75 534 539
Lusaka's Crystal Yoyo M75 478 481