The AMAYzing Box Drop Event - FlyFF WIki

The AMAYzing Box Drop Event

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image:The AMAYzing box drop event.jpg

Greetings FlyFFers,

For the next week, there will be 2 amazing boxes dropping off of any regular masquerpet level 15 and above! Those 2 boxes are the new Spike Pick-up Pet Box, and the Mysterious Bags from a short while back. (Btw yes we know the Mysterious Bags aren't boxes...whatever, you get the picture.)

Now I'm sure you're curious about the contents of these two boxes, so here they are:

Once again these two awesome boxes, or box and bag to be more correct, will only be dropping throughout the next week! That is, the event will end with maintenance next Tuesday, May 25th, 2010!

So there you have it FlyFFers, get ready to farm those boxes!