The Running of the Dumb Bulls Event - FlyFF WIki

The Running of the Dumb Bulls Event

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image:The Running of the Dumb Bulls Event.jpg

Hola FlyFFers,

We've got 2 great events for you this week so chime in and lend and us your ears (err eyes if you wanna get technical) for a short spell.

The first of these events is none other than a 3x EXP Event that will run from July 7th to 11:59:59 PST of July 9th. It may seem short lived, but this is the first 3x EXP Event we've hosted in a loooooong time so we hope you're all crazy enough to take advantage of it. YUS IT ISH EXTENDED 1 MOAR DAE.


Now the second and more intriguing event we're running this week is none other than the Running of the Dumb Bulls event. Here's the irl event to give you an idea of what this is all about:

Got that in your minds? Well, here in FlyFF, new red miniature Dumb Bulls (about the size of Mocomochi) will be roaming the lands of Madrigal in droves and hoards. It's gonna be an exciting 6 days with these critters around, so be sure to check them out! What do they drop if you kill them? LOLLIPOPS

Excited? No? Well, read on and hopefully you will be.

New and imposing dudes going by the name of Dumb Bull Matador will be stationed in Flaris, Saint Morning and Darkon. They have a special quest for all those brave enough to deal with some mad cow. Kill 100 of these new dumb bulls with the quest activated and be rewarded with a a special image:Itm_EveBalRGbox.png Running of the Dumb Bull Box. It's contents are a mystery, so the only way to find out what's inside is to open them.

But that's still not the exciting part! Complete the Running of the Dumb Bull's quest 10 times, and you will be awarded the grand prize of a image:Matador's Cloak.png Matador's Cloak! This new cloak provides it's wearer with +15% Speed, +10% Parry, and Def +1. Now there are some skeptics who have criticisms about this cloak, but trust us, this thing is pretty amazing! Earn one, wear it, and test it'll see!!!

Additional details about the event quest can be found here : Running of the Dumb Bull.

Have fun with the two new events all, have a blast in your training and grinding!