Patch Notes for 2009 - FlyFF WIki

Patch Notes for 2009

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22 December 2009


  • The Spirit of Christmas (Quest) Event! continues! This event will runs for an additional week, ending during maintenance on the 29th. Martin, the Magic Merchant, and Bozman, the Shield Merchant in Sain City, both have Holiday Quests for able adventurers! Upon completion of these quests, Helgar will accept Holiday Medals given by the other quest givers in exchange for some fabulous new rewards! Due to the overwhelming amount of Christmas Trees the citizens of Madrigal have crafted and decorated during the quest event, the size of the Christmas Trees in Flarine, Sain City, and Darken City have been increased. Way to go, FlyFFers!
  • The Daily Christmas Gift Event continues until December 25th. Each day that players log in, they will receive a special christmas gift as a reward. We won't tell you what the rewards are ahead of time, you'll just have to log in and find out!
  • The MEGA Sunstone Drop Event continues until 12/28/09.
  • The MEGA Moonstone Drop Event continues until 12/28/09.

New Sales:

Server Updates:

  • Character Clean-up: Inactive characters not logged in after march 31st, 2009 have been cleaned up.
  • Back-end: Security Updates
  • New Year 2009: The New Year Countdown system has been implemented. When the new year approaches, a countdown will start on all servers.

Client Updates:

  • Christmas: Due to the overwhelming amount of Christmas Trees the citizens of Madrigal have crafted and decorated during the quest event, the size of the Christmas Trees in Flarine, Sain City, and Darken City have been increased. Way to go, FlyFFers! :)
  • Graphic: The duration on "Christmas Tea" now properly displays as 10 minutes when viewing the item tooltip.
  • Collision: The collision around several areas in the Aminus Dungeon have been updated. It should no longer be possible to 'escape the confines' of the dungeon. The laws of physics should now PWN joo.
  • Interface: Fixed a bug related to moving an item to the Bank or Guild Warehouse while it is equipped. This would cause client crashes in some situations.
  • UI: It is no longer possible to change the price of new hairstyles at the Make-up Artist in Flarine.
  • Masquerpets: Henceforth, Spiked Toadrins will now be known as Battle Toadrins (And all items, quests, and other references to Spiked Toadrin have been changed as well).
  • UI: All raised pet's tooltips should no longer display '#NAME' under their descriptions. Some new, colorful, descriptions have been added.
  • Text: Santa Sets and Rudolph Sets should now specify if they are 'Equipment slot only'.
  • Text: Rudolf ---> Rudolph.
  • Text: Placeholder text has been added to some of the help menus so that future updates can be added more easily.
  • Text: Fixed text errors that appeared when turning in Holiday Medals.
  • Text: Updated some of the quest window text to remove special characters and fix alignment problems.

15 December 2009


  • A New Christmas Quest Event starts! This event will run for 2 weeks only, ending during maintenance on the 29th. Martin, the Magic Merchant, and Bozman, the Shield Merchant in Sain City, both have Holiday Quests for able adventurers! Upon completion of these quests, Helgar will accept Holiday Medals given by the other quest givers in exchange for some fabulous new rewards!
  • The Daily Christmas Gift Event continues until December 25th (12 Days of Christmas Event!). Each day that players log in, they will receive a special christmas gift as a reward. We won't tell you what the rewards are ahead of time, you'll just have to log in and find out!
  • The MEGA Sunstone Drop Event continues until 12/28/09.
  • The MEGA Moonstone Drop Event continues until 12/28/09.
  • The FlyFF Hoodie Event comes to an end! We will compile a list of qualifying players and post the winners very soon, so stay tuned!
  • Play for Rewards Event UPDATE (1): We regret to inform folks that the Jolly Box of Envious Green Armor Bits will unfortunately be unavailable for this event. An issue was discovered with the box this week that we will regrettably be unable to resolve. So, we have changed the 35 Day reward to the Angel Box. This box contains 1 of the 10 Angel Weapons at random. We apologize once again for the error and hope that the new reward is sufficient :)
  • Play for Rewards Event UPDATE (2): We are aware that players are not receiving the 5, 10, and 15 day rewards additional times as originally designed. All items not awarded after the first time it is acquired will be given to all characters during maintenance on December 15th. So please, continue to participate in the event as usual and the items will be credited automatically.
  • The end of the Play for Rewards Event! We will tally up the list of players who achieved 35 days during the Play for Rewards Event and post the winners of the 50" Flat Screen TV very soon!

New Sales:

Server Updates:

  • None.

Client Updates:

  • BUG: Using a Scroll of Reduction A or B will no longer cause Soul-linked items to become tradable.
  • BUG: Fixed the corrupted graphics that appear when a player equips the Urante Set (Level 59 Elementor Set).
  • Text: Minor text updates.

8 December 2009


  • The FlyFF Hoodie Event continues! In this event, you can win a special real-life FlyFF Hoodie! Players will be able to collect FlyFF Hoodie Medallions from masquerpets above level 15 throughout Madrigal for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, we will tally up all players who have collected more than 10 across all servers. Folks who have more than 10, will have a higher chance of winning a FlyFF Hoodie than someone with only 10, so if you have your 10, keep collecting for a higher chance to win!
  • Play for Rewards Event UPDATE: We are aware that players are not receiving the 5, 10, and 15 day rewards additional times as originally designed. All items not awarded after the first time it is acquired will be given to all characters during maintenance on December 15th. So please, continue to participate in the event as usual and the items will be credited automatically on December 15th. Additionally, the 35 Day reward "Jolly Box of Envious Green Armor Bits" aka (Box of Envious Green Armor Bits) will be credited with the other items during maintenance on December 15th.

New Sales:

  • TBA

Server Updates:

  • None.

Client Updates:

  • Abilities: the Jester Skill "Escape" has had it's tooltip updated to reflect how the ability actually works. it should now read: "Removes the effects of Ice Missile, Slow Step, and Ice Arrow." The skill was never actually 'broken', it was just mislabeled.
  • The Van Harlen NPC has been removed.
  • Garlic will no longer be collected in the Collecting Area.
  • Minor text updates.

1 December 2009


  • The FlyFF Hoodie Event kicks-off! In this event, you can win a special real-life FlyFF Hoodie! Players will be able to collect FlyFF Hoodie Medallions from masquerpets above level 15 throughout Madrigal for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, we will tally up all players who have collected more than 10 across all servers. Folks who have more than 10, will have a higher chance of winning a FlyFF Hoodie than someone with only 10, so if you have your 10, keep collecting for a higher chance to win!
  • Play for Rewards Event UPDATE: We are aware that players are not receiving the 5, 10, and 15 day rewards additional times as originally designed. All items not awarded after the first time it is acquired will be given to all characters during maintenance on December 15th. So please, continue to participate in the event as usual and the items will be credited automatically.
  • The actual *end* of the Friday the 13th Event. Heh... UPDATE: Actually, Garlic will continue to drop from the collecting area and the Van Harlen NPC will still be available for one more week. Blessed Crosses however, will no longer drop from Masquerpets.
  • The end of the Sunstone Drop Event.

New Sales:

  • None.

Server Updates:

  • None.

Client Updates:

  • Patcher: The text display above the progress bar should now appear in white.
  • Masquerpets: All Toadrins (Except Giants) have had their elements changed from "Earth" to "Wind".
  • Items: Fixed an exploit that allowed Transy items to augment player stats.
  • Client Crash: Fixed a client crash related to moving items with quantities greater than 1 to and from your Guild Warehouse or Bank.
  • [EDIT: This won't be in until next week] Abilities: the Jester Skill "Escape" has had it's tooltip updated to reflect how the ability actually works. it should now read: "Removes the effects of Ice Missile, Slow Step, and Ice Arrow."
  • New Item: Some super cool new wings have been added.
  • New Item: A new item "FlyFF Hoodie Medallion" has been added.

17 November 2009


  • The continuation of the Play For Rewards 2 Event! This is the highly popular event we ran back when V13 was released. It will be run for 35 days. There will be some different rewards this time around. Details to come once V14 is released! Full Details here: [1]
  • The continuation of the The Friday the 13th Event! Quest event. Visit Van Harlen, the Vampire Hunter, in Saint Morning. She is stationed near the Pepoview Troupe. She has a quest for adventurers wishing to put a stop to the evil vampires in Madrigal. Do you have what it takes to put a stop to this evil? Full Details here: [2]
  • The continuation of the Welcome to FlyFF Event!. Remember, only the first new character on a newly created account will be eligible to receive the rewards. Full Details here: [3]

New Sales:

Server Updates:

  • None.

Client Updates:

  • Chat Fix: Text should no longer be cut off when messages are typed beyond the chat border.
  • Pumpkin Pie: Pumpkin Pie now heals for 5,000 health consistently, in or out of combat. Additionally, healing power is reduced when used with over 20,000 health.
  • Chat Shortcuts: You can no longer have more than 10 Chat Shortcuts on your Task Bar.
  • Collecting: You can no longer drop items while collecting.

11 November 2009


  • The next installment of the Play for Rewards Event! This is the highly popular event we ran back when V13 was released. It will be run for 35 days. There will be some different rewards this time around. Details to come once V14 is released! Full Details here: [4]
  • The "Friday the 13th" Quest Event will begin and run for 2 weeks. Visit Van Harlen, the Vampire Hunter, in Saint Morning. She is stationed near the Pepoview Troupe. She has a quest for adventurers wishing to put a stop to the evil vampires in Madrigal. Do you have what it takes to put a stop to this evil? Full Details here: [5]
  • The "A Vagrant is Born!" Event is being upgraded to the "Welcome to FlyFF Event!". All of the same items will be available, but new ones are being added. Now, in addition to the other items, Male characters will receive a 30 Day Police Set and Female Characters will receive a 30 Day Cat Set. Additionally, all characters will receive a Collector Tryout Box. This box includes a free 14 Day Collector as well as a Copper Battery (1 Day). Remember, only the first new character on a newly created account will be eligible to receive the rewards. Full Details here: [6]

New Sales:

  • NEW - Elegant Black Feather Wings
  • NEW - Elegant White Feather Wings
  • NEW - Scroll of Smelting (Elements)
  • NEW - Shabby-Chic Wallpaper
  • NEW - Granite Flooring
  • NEW - Sexy Hanbok Female Set

Server Updates:

  • All servers will be updated to support Version 14.
  • New Continent - Shaduwar
    • Shaduwar was recently discovered by an explorer from Madrigal. Since it's discovery, virtually every adventurer in Madrigal has been visiting this wondrous new continent to uncover it's mysteries. Should you wish to explore this vast new continent, you can do so by flying from Northern Darkon 1 (Near the Gouthan Mountains) straight north. You will see a new path is available just over the mountain range there.
  • Instanced Dungeons
    • With the new continent of Shaduwar comes all new instanced Dungeons! There are 2 dungeons located in Shaduwar. Non-master players should visit the Aminus Dungeon located in the northern area of Shaduwar while master and higher level players should venture towards the Cursed Aminus Dungeon which is located near the lake in the center of Shaduwar. Make sure you're in a party!
  • Safe Upgrading System
    • FlyFF has introduced a new way to upgrade your items. Visit BoboChan in Flaris to try out the new Safe Upgrading System. You can now 'Auto-upgrade' your items by placing all upgrade materials in the menu and setting the desired upgrade level. In addition to this, if you decide to use the 'Old fashioned way' of upgrading your items, a warning message will appear should you neglect to use a Protect Scroll.
    • Pro tip: Hold SHIFT and double click an item to fill up an entire row.
  • New Masquerpets!
    • Several new masquerpets have been seen, roaming about both in the new dungeons and on the continent of Shaduwar itself. The new Monsters are all level 105+ and are, of course, equipped with bad attitudes. As a result of these new masquerpets, the levels of masquerpets in Darkon 3 and the office quests related to them have been adjusted.
  • New Weapons
    • 2 new sets of weapons for all second job classes have been added to the game; Vampire Weapons and Ancient Weapons. These weapons can be found by venturing deep into the Aminus Dungeons.
  • Wings!
    • New flying transports have arrived! Who needs a board, bike or broom when you have WINGS?!

Client Updates:

  • Prevention Change
    • As many folks are aware, the Assist Skill Prevention has been altered. Now, Prevention can no longer be applied continuously. The spell now has a 8 minute cooldown time in effect (3 Minutes if all skill points are allocated).
  • New Sound Effects
    • When unique/special items are dropped from slain Masquerpets, a new sound effect will play to alert the player that something of interest has dropped.
  • Darkon 3: Masquerpet Rebalancing
    • The levels and characteristics of several high-level Darkon 3 Masquerpets have been adjusted. For more information on these changes, please visit the FlyFF Wiki: [7]
  • Darkon 3: Quest Office Changes
    • With the changes to the levels of Masquerpets in Darkon 3, the office quest levels have also been altered. Please visit the FlyFF Wiki for further details: [8]
  • Item Soul-link
    • Some items are set to Soul-link to your character once equipped. For now, only Ancient Weapons and Vampire Weapons from the Aminus Dungeon and the Cursed Aminus Dungeon have the Soul-link functionality.
  • New V14 Patcher Skin
    • A new V14 Patcher Skin has been applied.
  • Several Text Updates
    • Many items, quests, and interface text has been updated.
  • Manual Patch (If needed)


3 November 2009


  • The end Halloween Quest and Drop Event
  • The continuation of the A Vagrant... is Born! Event. This event is only for NEW CHARACTERS created on NEW ACCOUNTS ONLY. New characters on newly created accounts will receive several special rewards upon character creation.


  • ALL NEW Cash Shop Items: Scroll of Intelligence, Scroll of Stamina, Scroll of Dexterity, and Scroll of Strength. These unique scrolls allow you add a stat like INT, STA, DEX, or STR to an unstatted weapon or armor piece. You can get anywhere from +1 to +4 of an individual stat on an item at random. Higher stats have a lower achievement probability. The scrolls works like a Blessing, where you can continuously rewrite the stat until the desired amount is achieved.
  • The FV-13 Power Armor will be released!
  • A New CS Pet Johnny Four-Wheels will be available as well. This little guy needs more INPUT.

Server Updates:

  • Patch server updates. Nothing too crazy.

Client Updates:

  • The Mercenary Skill Pan Barrier will no longer function unless a shield is equipped. If the skill is activated with a shield equipped, and the shield is then unequipped, the buff will be removed.

27 October 2009


  • The continuation of the Halloween Quest and Drop Event
  • A new event, "A Vagrant Is Born", will begin. This event is only for NEW CHARACTERS created on NEW ACCOUNTS ONLY. New characters on newly created accounts will receive several special rewards upon character creation. Details to come!


  • 10% off the following items in the Cash Shop!
    • Pumpkin Head (Mask)
    • Giant Aibatt Trans
    • Dragon Stick
    • NEW Red Riding Hood Set (F)
    • NEW Big Bad Wolf Set (M)
    • NEW Space Cadet Set (M)
    • NEW Space Cadet Set (F)
    • Skeleton (M) Set
    • Skeleton (F) Set
    • Dark Nurse Set
    • Bunny Set
    • Cat Set
    • Ponycat Mask
    • Bluebird Mask
    • Carnival Mask
    • Foraim Mask
    • Paco Mask

Server Updates:

  • We are performing some server upgrades tonight, but maintenance will be no longer than usual as preparations for the upgrades took place earlier this week.

Client Updates:

  • Minor text changes to the newly added sets.

20 October 2009


  • The main cities in Madrigal have been decorated for Halloween!
  • The Halloween Event has begun! Visit the "Mysterious Teller of Tales" in Flarine to pick-up a spooooooky quest! There are many rewards to be had, should you dare to partake in this quest. You can even get an all new Neko Soul Mask!
  • The Halloween Event has begun! Special Trick or Treat Boxes will be dropping throughout Madrigal with some delicious goodies inside. There are also some other special awards to be had in these boxes as well.
  • The Facebook Reward 1.5x EXP Event will end.
  • The Facebook Reward Drop Event will also end.

Client Updates:

  • Minor text changes to some quests and items.
  • Element Effects on the Bamboo Stick, Apple Wheat-Gluten, Bruce Lee Fist, and Police Club should now be displayed properly.

13 October 2009


  • The end of the Cheers to You Event.
  • For reaching 2,000 Facebook Friends, we're having a drop box event for one week. Special Facebook Event Boxes will be dropping throughout Madrigal. These boxes can contain a Sunstone, Moonstone, Medicine, Salon or Makeup Coupon, Scroll of Acquisition (High), or even a 4% or 7% Suit Piercing Card!
  • For reaching 5,000 Facebook Friends, we're throwing a new 1.5x EXP Event that will launch after maintenance! This EXP Event will last for ONE FULL WEEK!
  • The continuation of the GM Alchemy Event.

Server Updates:

  • Some minor improvements to our events system.

Client Updates:

  • Minor text updates.

7 October 2009


  • Cheers To You Event! Cheer another player and they receive 1.5x EXP!!

Client Updates:

  • Nothing this week. We're preparing for some updates in the coming weeks. No manual patch this week.

29 September 2009

Client Updates:

  • Enhanced Party Skill Range Scrolls should no longer continue to function after the duration has expired.
  • Enhanced Party Skill Range Scrolls should can now be used by *anyone* in the party, not just party leaders. Basically, as long as a player in the party has the scroll active, it should function.
  • The game will now check for the necessary amount of FP when casting the Billposter skill, Asalraalaikum.
  • Fixed text on Cloak of Germany
  • Fixed the names of some recently added Glasses Boxes, a Cloak Box, and a Scroll Box.
  • Asren Hsuit -> Asren Suit

Server Updates:

  • Memory optimizations have been made to further support Invasion Events.

22 September 2009


  • A GM Bake Sale will begin on Wednesday at 10AM! Check the announcements page for the server schedule!


  • TBA!

Client Updates:

  • Player HP Bars should no longer show innacurate HP amounts when targetting a player with buffs applied or when equipment containing stat changes is changed out/equipped. The HP bars should update dynamically now.
  • The following NPC's have had some texture enhancements: Bulrox, Bobochan, Boboko, Boboku, Bolpor, Krinton and Rocky. Be sure to tell them how great they look!
  • A few minor text updates.

15 September 2009

IMPORTANT NOTE: Going forward, we (gm's/gala-net) will now be providing a weekly manual patch for players who are experiencing trouble with the patch client. This file will be hosted by us, and will be made available in the Unofficial Technical Support Forum as well as be posted at the end of the maintenance thread.

Thank you!


  • The end of the Back to School Leveling Event.
  • The end of the Roanin's Magic Level Box Drops (Sadface).
  • IMPORTANT: All items awarded for levels 20, 40, 60, and 80 for the Back to School Leveling Event will be awarded automatically EXCEPT for the Blue Armored Tigar. The Blue Armored Tigar will be credited to all elligible characters (that were created during the event and reached level 80 in time) by the FlyFF GM Team.


  • The Grinding Bundle and Boss Bundle (and possibly more bundles) will go on sale when the servers come up.

Server Updates:

  • None

Client Updates:

  • Fixed the formatting on the trade offer window.
  • Player Titles: Hero Elementer -> Hero Elementor
  • The tooltip for the Knight skill "Rage" now correctly references that the skill can be used with 2-handed weapons.
  • Elementor Skill Tree: Eletric Shock -> Electric Shock
  • Characters under level 20 will now receive the message "In order to ride a flying vehicle, you must reach level 20." when trying to equip a flying vehicle.
  • The Extra Bag now says that it is a 30 day item in both the name and in the description.
  • Updated the description on the Chance of the Pet Tamer. (curnet?)
  • Fixed formatting on the "Check Tax Rate" dialog box.

8 September 2009


  • The continuation of both Back to School Events!


  • The continuation of the Back to School Sale! A whole new set of items will replace the ones currently in the Cash Shop. Details to come after maintenance!

Server Updates:

  • Server hardware upgrades.

Client Updates:

  • Added Patches and the Baby Fu Lion Pick-up Pets.
  • Updated a previously implemented, yet unreleased, Yukata Set.
  • The Scroll of Pet Awakening (Pick-up Pets) is now known as "Scroll of Pet Blessing (Pick-up Pets)." This should be referred to as a Blessing in all appropriate areas now to avoid confusion with the Awakening Scroll for Raised Pets. Some system messages and menus were updated to "Blessing" as well.
  • All Pet Scrolls (Awakening and Reversion) received minor text changes to appropriately reflect how each one works.
  • Updated some of [Jewel Manager]Peach and the Pet Tamer's menu options to be more concise.
  • Fixed the text clipping issues on the Pet Tamer's Revival Piece Exchange dialog box.

1 September 2009


  • The beginning of the Back to School Event! This is a 2 week event consisting of a Drop Event for Roanin's Magic Level Boxes and also a Level-up Event for New Accounts/Characters.


  • The Back to School Sale will be launched! This sale includes the new Yukata 2009 Sets, the Gothic Sets, School Sets, the Harbor/Skipper Sets, and several Back to School Bundles!

Server Updates:

  • The Clockworks Server now has 3 Channels! Woot!
  • Clockworks Server Capacity has also been increased. Double woot!
  • The Kern Server has been moved to the top of the Server List. The Server List is otherwise unchanged. Since the topmost server tends to get the most new player traffic, and Clockworks is a very high population server, we have decided to move Kern in it's place.

Client Updates:

  • [Collecting Manager]Collins no longer refers to V11 cards and his menus have been cleaned up.
  • Fixed some text/UI issues with the Card Manager in Eastern Flaris.
  • Is has finally realized that Herth is a "she".
  • Rocky, in Darken City, has figured out how to spell his own name.
  • Hero Skill-ups will no longer say "Success" even when they fail.
  • Card Conversion should make more sense, and it will be explicitly stated that card Conversions are "NOT GUARANTEED".
  • Fixed some text issues with the Scroll of Element Change.
  • Added/Updated the text on the new Premium Item Cloth Sets.

25 August 2009


  • The end of the Endless Summer Leveling Event!!! (HAH!)

Client Updates:

  • Mysterious barriers now block off a certain area of Azria, and authorities have driven a rogue group of Cannibal Mammoth's from the land.
  • Folks who reached HERO during the Endless Summer Leveling Event will receive their Red Tigars.
  • Full Shouts will now work properly in the Forsaken Tower and a player's House.
  • A few minor text changes.

18 August 2009


  • Continuation of the Endless Summer Leveling Event!


  • The Endless Summer Sale Items will be removed from the Premium Shop.
  • A Brand New CS Set "The Warlord Set" will now be available in the Cash Shop for one week!

Client Updates:

  • Fixed Masquerpet block rate to correctly mitigate 90% of incoming damage instead of 100%.
  • Fixed corrupted graphics on a Premium Shop clothing set.
  • No text updates this week.

11 August 2009

The following items were patched tonight:


Sales: The Endless Summer Sale! This will be a huge sale with SEVERAL items being released and new bundles being introduced. Transports, Clothing Sets, SPro Bundle, Reversion Bundles, and much more is on their way. Details will be available after maintenance! The Grinding Bundle will be removed from the Premium Shop.

Client Updates:

  • Buff Pangs have been spotted in Coral Island! Four Buff Pangs are now available within the zone.
  • Some Coral Island Monsters have figured out how "not" to get themselves stuck in beach debris
  • Fixed the Dragon Cloak Descriptions, tee hee.
  • Updated the Scrolls of Amplification (ES20, ES40, ES60, ES80) with appropriate descriptions to clarify stacking characteristics.
  • Updated text on some Clothing Sets. (A few hawt clothing sets have been added with tonight's maintenance).
  • Improved Server Stability.

4 August 2009


  • The iPod Drop Event will end.
  • The Level Up Event will begin once the servers come back up. Details will be posted at that time.

Client Updates:

  • Windows 7 Support: FlyFF will now be less finicky about Windows 7.
  • Improved Client Stability
  • Improved Server Stability
  • Fixed an issue with Link Attack delivering decreased damage while under the effects of the Enhanced Party Skill Range Scroll.
  • Fixed an issue where hovering your mouse over your inventory with the Skill Window in the background would result in the tooltip from the Skill Window appearing.
  • Updated Skill Description for Geburah Tiphreth
  • Updated Dragon Cloak Names and Descriptions
  • Fixed an issue with the Dekane Mines Quest "Keakoons in the Mine Part 3"
  • Fixed an issue that disallowed Hero and Master Characters from obtaining the quest "Their Shadow".
  • Cleaned up the Piercing Window.
  • Several Text Updates
  • Several in-game items and boxes have had their name and descriptions updated to make more sense.