Welcome to FlyFF Event! - FlyFF WIki

Welcome to FlyFF Event!

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Welcome to FlyFF Event!

Greetings FlyFFers!

As many of you already know, we are kicking v14 off with 3 awesome events!

The first of these is actually an extension and improvement of the previous A Vagrant... is Born! Event. This new Welcome to FlyFF! event is geared towards the new users that will undoubtedly be joining us as it'll give them some nice welcoming gifts.

During this event, the first new character on newly created gPotato accounts will be receiving the following items when they are first logged into (it will appear in their inventory):

  • Male Characters will receive a CS Fashion Police (M) Set (30 Day)
  • Female Characters will receive a CS Fashion Cats (F) Set (30 Day)
  • Collector (14 Day) x1
  • Copper Battery x1
  • Baby Tiger (1 Day) x1
  • Syila Hoverbike (7 Days) x1

(All items are event)

Things to Note:

  1. Eligible characters must be created during the event.
  2. Eligible accounts must be created during the event.
  3. If an account is created during the event, but a character is not created within 24 hours of account creation, that character will not be eligible for rewards.
  4. Only ONE character will be eligible to receive the items on a single account.
  5. The event will run for two weeks: Nov. 11th - Nov. 24th