The Friday the 13th Event! - FlyFF WIki

The Friday the 13th Event!

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The Friday the 13th Event!

Greetings Again FlyFFers!

The second event we're running is as the title says, The Friday the 13th Event! (Though the event will run from Nov 11th - Nov 24th )

You all probably know this, but a new vampire is in town, and he's set up his creepy crib out in Shaduwar. Unfortunately, as is the case when vampires come visit, he's brought a slew of problems. First are the bunches and bunches of nasty mobs that will be randomly spawning throughout Madrigal (You can bet you'll come across some ghastly masquerpets where they shouldn't be and when you least expect them!). Second, now this might sound gross, is the quickly spreading disease of vampirism! You all might think it's cool but unfortunately anyone caught with the disease doesn't become a vampire - you simply die!!! (disclaimer: no there isn't a real disease spreading in game...just use your imagination >:O )

Although things might look dire, there is a ray of hope! Saint Morning has a new visitor and she's hanging out by the Pepoview Troupe...the Vampire Hunter Van Harlen is here to help you all kick some vampire butt! Check her out for a new 2 stage quest to help you with all your Vampire Slaying needs.

  • In stage 1 she'll ask you to bring her 5 Garlic and 5 Blessed Crosses. Do this and she'll give you a super dooper protective quest item known as Van Harlen's Necklace. This should help to prevent you from contracting this nasty disease. (Note that if you delete this item it is lost forever T.T )
  • In stage 2, the beautiful Van Harlen will request your aid in helping to cure those unfortunate others who have contracted vampirism but have not yet succumbed to the grip of death! But hurry, the clock is ticking and only those protected by Van Harlen's Necklace can embark on this stage of her quest. Bring this woman 10 Garlic and 10 Blessed Crosses and she may be able to concoct an antidote so that she may save those less fortunate! In exchange she will reward you with Van Harlen's Official Anti-Vampire Field Kit!!! (Note that you may repeat this stage of Van Harlen's Quest as many times as you wish so long as you are protected by her necklace; after all, there are many that need curing!)

Now you all might be wondering where to get Garlic and Blessed Crosses. After all you can't exactly go to the grocery store or church to buy these items. Here's the kicker, some vindictive Goddess otherwise known as Shade decided it would be funny to bury all the Garlic in Madrigal in the collecting fields. Unfortunately that means you'll have to break out those collectors and go digging! Blessed Crosses however aren't as hard to obtain They'll be dropping just like quest items from any normal masquerpet.

So there you have it citizens of Madrigal. Do your best to rid the lands of nasty bloodsucking and hopefully earn some prizes along the way!!!