SteelKnight - FlyFF WIki


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Steel Knight

SteelKnight Pronounced steel-nite

With every other monster, there is none better described by their own name more then the Steelknight. Short in hieght but feisty in personality, these little guys dressed in armor can strike a powerful blow with their mighty jousts. Keep a sheild in hand unless you want a new peircing.

Locating SteelKnight

East SteelKnight Spawn Area
West SteelKnight Spawn Area

Steel Knights can be found in the Southern most area of Darkon 1. Just South of Eron's Factory.


Hot Dog Food item for recovering HP.
Fruit Icewater Food item for recovering HP.
Fruit Parfait Food item for recovering HP.
Sixth Refresher Food item for recovering MP.
Seventh Refresher Food item for recovering MP.
VitalDrink 600 Food item for recovering FP.
Penya In game currency.
Also drops equipment such as Assist Armor, Mercenary Armor, Magician Armor, Acrobat Armor and Weapons.

SteelKight Statistics

Name lvl HP Def Mdef Exp Ele
Small Steel Knight 55 10,294 66 72 3,934 Image:Electric.gif
Steel Knight 55 10,294 66 72 4,112 Image:Wind.gif
Captain Steel Knight 56 10,463 67 73 4,406 Image:Electric.gif
Giant Steel Knight 59 195,518 70 90 28,687 Image:Wind.gif
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