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Snow my God! It's Flyffmas! - FlyFF WIki

Snow my God! It's Flyffmas!

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Image:Snow my God! It's Flyffmas.jpg

From December 11th, 2018 until January 8th, 2019 the Christmas events will be active again!

Please see the next few posts for further details.

Have fun and enjoy the holidays!

Kind Regards,
Your Flyff Team


Build a Teddy Bear for Christmas

Quest Starting Location: Central Flarine
Quest : Build a Teddy Bear for Christmas
NPC : Baby Snowman

Baby Snowman Location
Baby Snowman Image:NPCBaby Snowman2.jpg

Quest Requirement : Level 15~170
Objective : Collect teddy bear parts, head, body, hands, legs and return them to the Baby Snowman.

  • Torn teddy Bear parts drops from Masquerpets lvl 15+

Torn Teddy Bear Head x1
Image:Torn Teddy Bear Head.png
Torn Teddy Bear Arm x1
Image:Torn Teddy Bear Arm.png
Torn Teddy Bear Body x1
Image:Torn Teddy Bear Body.png
Torn Teddy Bear Leg x1
Image:Torn Teddy Bear Leg.png


Giant Teddy Bear x1
Image:Giant Teddy Bear.png
Golden Snowflake x1
Image:Golden Snowflake.png

Quest Text:

"Hey you! Yes you! Ever wanted to be a part of Santa's Workshop? Here's your chance! Wanna help?"

Accepting Quest Text:

"Right on! Some pesky elves have gone crazy and started ripping apart teddy bears, trying to ruin Christmas. Please find these teddy parts and return them to me!"

Denying Quest Text:

"Oh, well..."

During Quest Text:

"Everybody should be able to have fun with a cute teddy!"

Completed Quest Text:

"Great! We can build a new giant teddy bear now! Wanna make it cooler? Bring me some additional materials and we'll thurn this into something epic."

Next Stage in Quest

Special Soil

Quest Starting Location: Saint Morning
Quest : Special Soil
NPC : (Magic) Martin

[Magic] Martin Location
[Magic] Martin Image:NPCMartin2.jpg

Quest Requirement : Level 15~170
Objective : Gather 10 Enriched Soil Deposits, 10 Waters and 10 Chunks of Soil for Martin.

Enriched Soil Deposit x10
Image:Enriched Soil Deposit.png
Chunk of Soil x10
Image:Chunk of Soil.png
Water x10


Holiday Medal x1
Image:Holiday Medal.png
Golden Snowflake x2
Image:Golden Snowflake.png

Quest Text:

"I would like to grow Christmas trees for everyone in Madrigal! The only problem is, I will require help to grow that many trees in such a small time frame. Will you help me?"

Accepting Quest Text:

"I am glad to hear you want to help! I will need lots of materials to produce the right soil mixture. Bring me 10 Enriched Soul Deposits from the Collecting Area, 10 Waters, and 10 Chunks of Soil from various Monsters!"

Denying Quest Text:

"Without help I will not be able to grow enough trees! This will ruin Christmas!"

During Quest Text:

"To create the best soil I will need to mix 10 parts Water, 10 Chunks of Soil, and 10 Enriched Soil Deposits."

Completed Quest Text:


Next Stage in Quest

  • N/A

Christmas Tree Decorations

Quest Starting Location: Saint Morning
Quest : Christmas Tree Decorations
NPC : (Shield) Bozman

[Shield] Bozman Location
[Shield] Bozman Image:NPCBozman2.jpg

Quest Requirement : Level 15~170
Objective : Gather 10 Glasses, 10 pieces of Wax, and 10 pieces of Rope for Bozman.

Wax x10
Glass x10
Rope x10


Holiday Medal x1
Image:Holiday Medal.png
Golden Snowflake x2
Image:Golden Snowflake.png

Quest Text:

"Being able to make a Christmas Tree beautiful is a true skill. Altough I can decorate a tree like no other, I can not collect the materials to make the decorations! Can you help me?"

Accepting Quest Text:

"I knew you would help me! Please bring me 10 Glasses from the Collecting Area, 10 Pieces of Wax, and 10 pieces of Rope from Monsters."

Denying Quest Text:

"This tree was supposed to become a BEAUTIFUL Christmas Tree! Now it is just like all the other trees."

During Quest Text:

"Yeah, I forget things easily, too. Okay, let me tell you again. I need 10 Glasses from Collection Area, 10 Wax, and 10 Rope from monsters."

Completed Quest Text:


Next Stage in Quest

  • N/A

Holiday Medal Exchange

Quest Starting Location: Saint Morning
Quest : Holiday Medal Exchange
NPC : Helgar

Helgar Location
Helgar Image:NPCHelgar3.jpg

Quest Requirement : Level 15~170
Objective : Exchange the Holiday Medals for various rewards.

Holiday Medal
Image:Holiday Medal.png


Quest Item Name Description Amount Bound?
1ximage:Holiday Medal.png Christmas Cake This isn't your typical Holiday Fruit Cake! Increases Attack Power by 10%. Lasts 20 minutes. 2 No
1ximage:Holiday Medal.png Gingerbread You weren't suppose to catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man! Increases HP by 25%. Lasts 15 minutes. 2 No
1ximage:Holiday Medal.png Vanilla Cupcake These delicious cupcakes help recover HP. Too bad they don't come with milk! HP Recovery +9,999. 2 No
1ximage:Holiday Medal.png Christmas Tea Amp your self up with Christmas Spirit! Provide unlimited Action Slot skills for a limited time. Lasts 10 minutes. 2 No
5ximage:Holiday Medal.png Eldin's Gift (7 day) Contains Eldin’s Jar (7 days) and Eldin’s Magical Scissors.​ 1 Yes
5ximage:Holiday Medal.png Eldin's Royal Jelly A delicious delicate jelly. It tastes awesome and is even more awesome when used with Eldin's Jar. 5 Yes
5ximage:Holiday Medal.png Wings of the Malevolent Dragon (3 days) Welcome to the world of Madrigal! These special wings can be used at level 1 instead of level 20! The Maximum Speed is: 276 km/h. This particular set of wings will last 3 days.​ 1 Yes

Quest Text:


Accepting Quest Text:


Denying Quest Text:


During Quest Text:


Completed Quest Text:


Next Stage in Quest

  • N/A

Help Santa Find Golden Apples!

Quest Starting Location: Central Flarine
Quest : Help Santa Find Golden Apples!
NPC : Santa

Santa Location
Santa Image:NPCSanta3.jpg

Quest Requirement : Level 15~170
Objective : If I bring Santa 10 Golden Apples, he'll reward me with a pair of Red Stockings.

Golden Apple x10
Image:Golden Apple.png


Red Stocking x1
Image:Red Sock.png
Golden Snowflake x2
Image:Golden Snowflake.png

Quest Text:


Accepting Quest Text:


Denying Quest Text:


During Quest Text:


Completed Quest Text:


Next Stage in Quest

  • N/A

Collect Red Stockings.

Quest Starting Location: Central Flarine
Quest : Collect Red Stockings.
NPC : Mysterious Collector

Mysterious Collector Location
Mysterious Collector Image:NPCMysterious Collector2.jpg

Quest Requirement : Level 15~170
Objective : She will give me 1 Christmas Gift in exchange for 5 Red Stockings.

Red Stocking x5
Image:Red Sock.png


Shiny Box

Quest Text:


Accepting Quest Text:


Denying Quest Text:


During Quest Text:


Completed Quest Text:


Next Stage in Quest

  • N/A

Santa's Special Helper

Quest Starting Location: Central Flarine
Quest : Santa's Special Helper
NPC : Ruby

Ruby Location
Ruby Image:NPCRuby3.jpg

Quest Requirement : Level 15~170
Objective : Gather 25 pieces of Christmas Spirits.

Christmas Spirit x25
Image:Christmas Spirit.png


  • 15,000 penya
  • 10,000 Experience

Christmas Token x1
Image:Christmas Token.png
Golden Snowflake x2
Image:Golden Snowflake.png

Quest Text:

"This Christmas Santa is too busy to spread enough Christmas Spirit. He sent me to Madrigal to see if I could find anyone willing to help him. Santa has promised a special reward for the most helpful elves! So, are you willing to help me gather some Christmas Spirit?"

Accepting Quest Text:

"Santa thinks those pesky Masquerpets have stolen all of the Christmas Spirit from last year. Please collect 25 pieces of Christmas Spirit from Masquerpets."

Denying Quest Text:

"Hmpf! This will land you on the naughty list for sure!"

During Quest Text:

"You haven’t collected enough Christmas Spirit yet. Please come back to me when you have all 25 pieces."

Completed Quest Text:

"Thank You! I already feel a slight change. Save this Christmas Token. I'll be exchanging them for presents from Santa once we have fully returned the Christmas Spirit to Madrigal."

Next Stage in Quest

  • You can exchange the Christmas Tokens for the following items:
Quest Item Name Description Amount Bound?
1ximage:Christmas Token.png GM Fruitcake A delicious cake baked by the GM Team. Not really as delicious as it looks. 5 No
25ximage:Christmas Token.png X-Mas Present Box (Basic) Contains 30 GM Fruitcakes and 5 Christmas Gift boxes. 1 No
50x image:Christmas Token.png X-Mas Present Box (Intermediate) Contains 10 Christmas Gift boxes and 3 Awakening Protection boxes. 1 No
75x image:Christmas Token.png X-Mas Present Box (Pro) Contains 5 Awakening Protection boxes and 1 Amazing Pouch of Equipment Protection. 1 No
100x image:Christmas Token.png Mister Grizz A cute, Mister Grizz that follows its master around and picks up dropped items. 1 No

Golden Snowflake Exchange

Quest Starting Location: Central Flarine
Quest : Golden Snowflake Exchange
NPC : Daddy Snowman

Daddy Snowman Location
Daddy Snowman Image:NPCDaddy Snowman3.jpg

Quest Requirement : Level 15~170
Objective : Exchange lots of Golden Snowflakes and Christmas Magic Dust for awesome rewards!

Golden Snowflake
Image:Golden Snowflake.png
Christmas Magic Dust
Image:Bareum Powder.png


Snowflake Christmas Magic Dust Name Description Amount Bound?
100 20 Christmas Pet Box A Christmas Pet Box. 1 No
150 20 Christmas Weapon Box A A Christmas Weapon Box A. 1 No
150 30 Christmas Weapon Box B A Christmas Weapon Box B. 1 No
150 30 Christmas Costume 2016 A Christmas Costume Box. 1 No
150 30 Christmas Mask Box A Christmas Mask Box. 1 No
300 70 Power Buff Box Contains many useful buffs! 3 Yes
500 120 Blue Bike Maximum Speed: 276 km/h. 1 No
777 150 Christmas Premium Box A Christmas Premium Box. 1 No
1000 200 Guan Yu's Shell A fancy shield fashioned from the protective shell of Guan Yu Heavyblade. You could use the Item Transmutation system at the Makeup Artist. 1 No
2000 300 Cloak of Bravery A cloak made from the scales of an enormous dragon. It feels warm to the touch. Only the bravest of warriors could possibly have acquired it. 1 No
2000 300 Cloak of Honor One of the legend cloaks (honor, light, sea god), It makes increase drop rate. 1 No

Quest Text:


Accepting Quest Text:


Denying Quest Text:


During Quest Text:


Completed Quest Text:


Next Stage in Quest

Shade's Gift

Quest Starting Location: Central Flarine
Quest : Shade's Gift
NPC : Santa

Santa Location
Santa Image:NPCSanta3.jpg

Quest Requirement : Level 15~170
Objective : Hunt Mischievous Present Box and gather 25 present boxes.

Present Box x25
Image:Present Box.png


2018 Christmas Gift Box
Image:2018 Christmas Gift Box.png
Golden Snowflake x2
Image:Golden Snowflake.png

Quest Text:

"Adventurer! Shade has done it once again and she is always up to no good! She has turned the presents I've made literally into monsters."

Accepting Quest Text:

"Will you help me retrieve them? I need 25 Present Boxes..."

Denying Quest Text:

"Citizens of Madrigcal will not be getting their presents this year. What a sad thing to see."

During Quest Text:

"Hunt Mischievous Present Box and gather 25 present boxes."

Completed Quest Text:


Next Stage in Quest

  • N/A

Magic Stick Exchange

Quest Starting Location: Central Flarine
Quest : Magic Stick Exchange
NPC : The Christmas Dinner Master

The Christmas Dinner Master Location
The Christmas Dinner Master Image:NPCThe Christmas Dinner Master3.jpg

Quest Requirement : Level 15~170
Objective : Exchange the upgraded Magic Stick for the best Christmas rewards!

Magic Stick
Image:Magic Stick.png


Upgrade Level Name Description Amount Bound?
+1 ~ +3 - - - -
+4 ~ +6 GM Fruitcake A delicious cake baked by the GM Team. Not really as delicious as it looks. 3 Yes
+7 ~ +9 Remantis Laccotte A favorite of fine food connoisseurs throughout Madrigal, this delectable dish completely restores your Health Points. Delicious! 1 Yes
+10 ~ +12 Mystic Flask Box Contains a 1 Day Potent Flask of the Warrior, a 1 Day Potent Flask of the Magician, and a 1 Day Potent Flask of the Acrobat. 1 Yes
+13 ~ +14 Scroll of Amplification R (1 Day) This scroll increases the EXP you gain from killing monsters by 100%. Stacks up to 5 times with other Amplification Scrolls. Lasts 1 Day (Time counts down even while logged off). 5 Yes
+15 ~ +16 Scroll of Amplification Q (1 Day) This scroll increases the EXP you gain from killing monsters by 200%. Stacks up to 5 times with other Amplification Scrolls. Lasts 1 Day (Time counts down even while logged off). 7 Yes
+17 ~ +18 Unbinding Scroll Box This special box contains 5 Scrolls of Unbinding 1 Yes
+19 Santa's First Prize 2014 The 2014 Gift of Santa Claus (x5 Scroll of Amplification Q 1 Day; x1 Yellow Glasses) 1 No
+19 2017 Gifts of Santa Claus The 2017 Gift of Santa Claus (x3 Scroll of Amplification V 12 Hours; x1 Upgraded Black Panther Mask) 1 No
+19 2016 Gifts of Santa Claus The 2016 Gift of Santa Claus (x3 Scroll of Amplification V 12 Hours; x1 Black Panther Mask) 1 No
+19 2015 Gifts of Santa Claus The 2015 Gift of Santa Claus (x3 Scroll of Amplification V 12 Hours; x1 Heart Glasses) 1 No
+20 2017 Angel Accessories Box Contains the 2017 Angel Accessory Set. 1 No
+20 Pure Angel Accessories Box Contains the 2016 Pure Angel Accessory Set. 1 No
+20 Angel Accessory Set Contains the 2016 Angel Accessory Set. 1 No
+20 Christmas Accessories Box Contains the 2015 Christmas Dinner Set 1 No
+20 Christmas Fairy Accessory Box Contains the 2014 Fairy Accessory Set. 1 No

Quest Text:


Accepting Quest Text:


Denying Quest Text:


During Quest Text:


Completed Quest Text:


Next Stage in Quest