Run of the Dumb Bulls + Rock-Paper-Scissors Event - FlyFF WIki

Run of the Dumb Bulls + Rock-Paper-Scissors Event

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Image:Run of the Dumb Bulls.jpg

Run of the Dumb Bulls

Quest Starting Location: Flaris
Quest : Run of the Dumb Bulls
NPC : Dumb Bull Matador

Dumb Bull Matador Location
Dumb Bull Matador Image:NPCDumb Bull Matador2.jpg

Quest Requirement : Level 15~170
Objective : The Dumb Bull Matador offers a repeatable quest for you! Kill 10 Rampaging Dumb Bulls and then return to him. You will receive an Are You Ready To Dumb Bull Box 2019 as reward! If you complete the quest 10 times, you will receive a Super Matador's Cloak image:Super Matador's Cloak.png(Speed +15%, Parry +20%, DEF +10) !

Rampaging Dumb Bull x10
Image:Rampaging Dumb Bull.png


Are You Ready To Dumb Bull Box 2019 x1
Image:Are You Ready To Dumb Bull Box 2019.png

Quest Text:

"You look like you can handle yourself pretty well. These Rampaging Dumb Bulls are running rampant and are out of control. I could certainly use some help getting their numbers under control. I need you to hunt 10 Rampaging Dumb Bulls, are you willing to lend a hand?"

Accepting Quest Text:

"You will find these Rampaging Dumb Bulls roaming all over Madrigal. You can tell them apart from normal Dumb Bulls by their smaller stature and their flarming red color."

Denying Quest Text:

"What's wrong ya' scared? If you change your mind, I'll be here."

During Quest Text:

"There isn't anything more satisfying than showing those Dumb Bulls who's boss."

Completed Quest Text:

"Ahh... it seems to be clearing up out there. Here is something for your troubles. I can always use some extra help taking out the rest. If you got nothing else to do, feel free to ask me if you would like to help me out again."

Next Stage in Quest

  • You can repeat these quest.

Image:Rock, Paper, Scissors Event2019.png

Rock-Paper-Scissors Game

Quest Starting Location: Central Flaris
Quest : Rock-Paper-Scissors Game
NPC : Mayor of Flarine

Mayor of Flarine Location
Mayor of Flarine Image:NPCMayor of Flarine2.jpg

Quest Requirement : Level 15~170
Objective : Trade 10 Pumpkins to the Mayor of Flarine for a Rock-Paper-Scissors Coupon.

Pumpkin x10


Rock-Paper-Scissors Coupon
Image:Beauty Salon Coupon.png

Quest Text:


Accepting Quest Text:


Denying Quest Text:


During Quest Text:


Completed Quest Text:


Next Stage in Quest

  • See Naughty Demian

Naughty Demian Location
Naughty Demian Image:NPCNaughty Demian2.jpg

Talk to the Naughty Demian while holding your Coupon and let the game begin!

Image:demian dialogue.png



The game is quite easy. Simply select your choice of hand sign by pressing one of the arrows. Then press ok.
As long as you win you use the same coupon. If you lose you will need a new coupon to try again.

Below you will find a picture visually explaining that:

Scissors beats Paper
Paper beats Rock
Rock beats Scissors
Image:RPS Order.png

Now for the Prizes

Here are the possible rewards for consecutive wins:

Win Icon Item Quantity Soul-linked?
1 image:Mysterious_Pill.png Mysterious Pill 5 No
2 image:Premium_Teleport_Map.png Premium Teleport Map 1 No
3 image:Jump Scroll.png Jump Scroll 3 No
4 image:ScrollofAprotect.png Scroll of AProtect 2 No
5 image:Starcandy.jpg Super Star Candy 10 No
6 image:Black Bulldog.png Black Bulldog Pet 1 No
7 image:Blessed_Cloak_of_the_Light.png Blessed Cloak of the Light 1 No
8 image:Itm SysSysScrAmpEsQ-32.png Scroll of Amplification Q (1 Day) 15 Yes
9 image:S Card Random Box.png S Card Random Box 2 No
10 image:Skeleton Devil's Cloak.png Skeleton Devil's Cloak 1 Yes


Good luck. You'll need it! image:wink.gif