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Quests page templates - FlyFF WIki

Quests page templates

From FlyFF WIki

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Ok here is the template for quests. On top are the some templates for adding pictures. Simply copy the code and paste in appropriate spot on your page. These are done separately for each continent so that we use the right colors and to make future editing unilateral. I have provided links to clean images that can be used in quests but you may by all means use your own. Those who have none well there they are. Note: images for templates should be square, template will reduced size to 160px



Quest npc templates

All NPC can be found here NPC Female clean images , NPC Male clean images. If table of contents is not needed add __NOTOC__ to top of page

A new process has been introduced to make it easier to put quests together the "Starting NPC" template can be found on the respective NPCs page. Simply select the Edit tab and it is there in a tag <!--content-->. simply copy and paste. Also in the same place you will find location templates for the npc. These are to put isn the task section of quests. To show people what the npc they are searching for looks like and where he is.


Starting NPC

Loyah Location
Loyah Image:NPCLoyah2.jpg


|npc title=
|npc name=
|npc nav2,3,4=
|face image=


|npc title=
|npc name=
|npc nav2,3,4=
|face image=


|npc title=
|npc name=
|npc nav2,3,4=
|face image=


|npc title=
|npc name=
|npc nav2,3,4=
|face image=


|npc title=
|npc name=
|npc nav2,3,4=
|face image=

{{Quest_NPC_Valley of the Risen

|npc title=
|npc name=
|npc nav2,3,4=
|face image=


|npc title=
|npc name=
|npc nav2,3,4=
|face image=


|npc title=
|npc name=
|npc nav2,3,4=
|face image=


|npc title=
|npc name=
|npc nav2,3,4=
|face image=

Quest item templates

This is for small icons and such it is in png format and goes to left of page.




|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=

{{Quest_task_item_Valley of the Risen

|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=

This is for small icons and such it is in gif format and goes to left of page.


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=

{{Quest_task_item_Vally of the Risen

|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=

Quests navigator templates

All NPC nav's are as follows NPC(insert name of npc)2.jpg so (Chairman of History Society) Gothante's nav would be NPCGothante2.jpg Images are in jpg format and go to right of page and are auto sized for 160px by 160px (square images)


for .jpg images


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=

{{Quest_location_Valley of the Risen

|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=

For .png images


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=

{{Quest_location_Valley of the Risen2

|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=

Quest image insert

This is for larger images it will auto size image to 200px and has a note to click for larger view. Images are in jpg format and go to right of page

Scroll of Puppy
Click for larger image

|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=

{{Quest_image_insert_Coral Island

|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=

{{Quest_image_insert_Valley of the Risen

|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=


|item name=
|image name=

Quest Body

This is for quests with more then one part or chain quests. Simply copy code and add to your page
|quest starting location=
|quest name=
|start npc=
<!--insert quest task item templates and navigator templates here-->
<!--insert quest task item templates here(for item rewards)-->
|quest text=
|accepting quest text=
|denying quest text=
|during quest text=
|completed quest text=

Quest Ender

|quest starting location=
|quest name=
|start npc=
<!--insert quest task item templates and navigator templates here-->
<!--insert quest task item templates here(for item rewards)-->
|quest text=
|accepting quest text=
|denying quest text=
|during quest text=
|completed quest text=
|next stage in quest=
|quest section=

Office Quests

There are 2 types of office quests those that require killing masqerpets and those that require picking up items.

Auto-Appearing Quest Items

Office Quest Scroll body

answer sheet fill in the question marks

|item name=location
|image name=???nav
|quest name=???
|required level=???
|quest item=???
|location of item=???.
|item name=???
|image name=???

Masquerpet Quest Items

Template:Office Quest body
answer sheet fill in the question marks

|item name=location
|image name=???nav
|item name=???
|image name=???
|quest name=???
|required level=???
|required job=???
|monster name=???
|quest item=???
|location of monster=???.
|item name=???
|image name=???

Directions on template application

This template is to be used in the following order. It is in pieces because of all the variables present in quests.

1) At the top of the page insert the Quest npc template
2) The next step depends on the amount of stages in your quest. For quests with one stage please use the Quest Ender template, this template holds the Category info and color code so it goes on the end of the page. If your quest has more then one stage use Quest Body for each stage then Quest Ender as last stage.
3) Multi Stage Quests: If we look at the Historian quest we see that it has many stages. It is separated in One heading(main title) then there are 5 sub-headings. Each sub heading should be a page so this quest would have 5 pages with 1-5 stages on them. This will Make the quest easier to divide and read.

For those not accustomed to using templates we simple copy the answer sheet where we want the template to appear, fill in the answers and save, voila. all unanswered questions in answer sheet will not appear on finished page so if there is no next stage simply do not reply to that question and it will not appear, the question must be there though just leave it empty.