Version 18 - FlyFF WIki

Version 18

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Released : 21 November 2011

Title: Renaissance

V18 Change log

  1. Drop rates of weapons and equipment have been significantly raised
  2. There is no longer a level penalty associated with receiving treasure from lower level masquerpets.
  3. Masquerpets may now drop weapons and equipment of a higher level than they are.
  4. Boss masquerpets will now be dropping armor more frequently.
  5. An overall redesign of the entire loot system has been applied to be more streamlined and rewarding.
  • Significant additions have been made to the existing Baruna Upgrade System. Awakenings and Elemental upgrades are now possible with Barunas. (Rabid's note, the menus have been fixed since Beta;))
  • Masquerpet Treasure Box - New Treasure boxes ranging from levels 15-120 will be dropping off of regular masquerpets. Treasure keys of the corresponding levels used to open those boxes will also be dropping off of regular masquerpets. These treasure boxes contain various goodies including cash shop only items. More news on this is to come. (Rabid's note: yes you're reading that right. The 150 boxes will be applied at a later date. At this time only 15-120 boxes will be dropping along with bronze and silver keys. As it says more news to come, there'll be an announcement regarding this system in the near future.)
  • Several new quests and chain quests have been added. - V18 Scenario Quest and Unique Weapons Quests

Wiki Notes:

  • Quest items required for 1st job change have been changed, no longer uses Twinkle Stones or Forforms.
  • All Quest items now drop to the ground (include those which previously dropped directly into inventory) please remember to pick them up !!!
  • The following was added (items involved in baruna elememting)
    • Flame Ove - adds a Fire Element to Baruna weapons.
    • Desert Ove - adds a Land Element to Baruna weapons.
    • Generator Ove - adds an Electric Element to Baruna weapons.
    • River Ove - adds a Water Element to Baruna weapons.
    • Cyclone Ove - adds a Wind Element to Baruna weapons.
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