The V16 Primer: Level-Up + Power-Up Events - FlyFF WIki

The V16 Primer: Level-Up + Power-Up Events

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image:The v16 Primer Level Up and Power Up Event.jpg

Whew! Brace yourselves Flyffers, we've got quite a doozy coming your way!

First up:

The Amazing All-In-One Party Bundle is back! For 1 week only!

This ridiculous package includes the following:

Important Note: This bundle will fill nearly half of your total inventory space. This amazing package is only 2500 gPotatoes and affords you a savings of 50% OFF. Yes HALF OFF!!!

In addition to having this ludicrous bundle in the Cash Shop, throughout the next 7 days, we'll also be hosting the Indian Summer Sale! (we called it that cause it's seriously still hot here in Sunnyvale despite it being Fall Season...grrr.) What this sale entails, is that over the next several days, a special Premium Item Shop category will gain a 30% discount for 24 hours!

Curious as to what specific categories are going on sale? Read on!

10/06 30% OFF Apparel Category (Glasses, Clothes, Cloaks, etc.)
10/7 30% OFF Pet Items Category (Pet enhancements, Pick-up Pets, Pet Beads, etc.)
10/08 30% OFF Consumables Category (Amps, Buffs, Flasks, Food, etc.)
10/9 30% OFF Equipment Enhancements Category (Protects, Reversions, Blessings, Reductions, etc.)
10/10 30% OFF Functional Items Category (Re-Stats, FS, Storage items, Party Scrolls, Premium Area tickets, etc.)
10/11 30% OFF Flying Items Category (Wings, Bikes, Boards, Fuel, etc.)
10/12 30% OFF ALL CATEGORIES -> Every category will have a discount applied (Except the Special Offers Category since those are already discounted.)

It's a crazy time, with crazy things going on in all parts of Flyff. Read below for this week's event details, but be doubly sure to check out the cash shop in time to snatch up all those wonderful goodies! The digital shelves won't be stocked for long, so take advantage while you still can!


Alright Flyffers! There's literally less than a month before v16 launches so we've thrown together this little molotov cocktail of a combo event to help you all get ready for the live release of this highly anticipated update!

First up on the plate is a Power Up Event. For the next several weeks, lasting up until the launch of v16, EVERYONE in game will be receiving a +200 bonus to attack! There are no restrictions on this buff, it's global, it will be in effect for siege, and yes once again, it will last all the way up until the live launch of v16!

This little blessing from Rhisis herself should help you all out with leveling towards those pesky post hero levels


Next up on the plate (and brace yourselves, it's gonna be a long list of things to follow) is none other than the fan favorite Level Up Event. We've run this event in the past, but for those of you not familiar, all you have to do is grind, level up, and when you hit certain levels as detailed below, you get free stuff Unlike the Race to 120 Event where you were all tasked with making new characters, the Level Up Event affects ALL existing characters. So say you're level 121 Hero and feel that you're not gonna get anything out of the'd be wrong as any of the post level 121 rewards will be given to you upon reaching those leveling milestones!

Anyways, on to the list of rewards:

Event Rewards
Level Icon Item Quantity
2 image:Scroll of Amplification ES20.png Scroll of Amplification ES20 3
5 image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone 1
10 image:Scroll of Amplification ES20.png Scroll of Amplification ES20 3
15 image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone 1
17 image:PinkWrappedBox.gif Special Cloak Gift Bag! 1
20 image:Scroll of Amplification ES40.png Scroll of Amplification ES40 3
23 image:Bull Hamstern.png Bull Hamstern 2
26 image:Scroll of Amplification ES40.png Scroll of Amplification ES40 3
29 image:Bull Hamstern.png Bull Hamstern 3
32 image:Scroll of Amplification ES40.png Scroll of Amplification ES40 3
35 image:FLY.png FLY Card 3
38 image:Scroll of Amplification ES40.png Scroll of Amplification ES40 3
40 image:Activition.gif Activition 3
43 image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone 3
45 image:Grilled Eel.png Grilled Eel 2
47 image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone 3
50 image:Activition.gif Activition 3
image:RefresherHold.gif Refresher Hold 3
image:VitaldrinkX.gif Vital Drink X 3
55 image:Activition.gif Activition 5
image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone 3
58 image:Grilled Eel.png Grilled Eel 3
image:RefresherHold.gif Refresher Hold 3
image:VitaldrinkX.gif Vital Drink X 3
60 image:Icon_backpack.jpg Extra Bag (15 Days) 1
62 image:Pink Event Box.png Raizei's Guardian Chest of Phat Lewt 5
64 image:Sunstone.gif Event Sunstone 2
image:Moonstone.gif Event Moonstone 2
67 image:FLY.png FLY Card 5
70 image:Azria Ticket.png Azria Ticket (1 Day) 2
75 - TurBo's Extremely Exquisite Historic Chest 5
77 image:PinkWrappedBox.gif Roanin's Magic Level Box 3
80 - Power Scroll 5
84 image:Remantis Laccotte.png Remantis Laccotte 15
90 - RabidFish's Uber Doober Angel Chest 5
93 image:Remantis Laccotte.png Remantis Laccotte 5
image:MysteriousBag.gif Mysterious Bag 2
96 Image:Itm_EveBalRGbox.png Raffle Box A 2
100 image:Pink Event Box.png Rhisis' Blessed Treasure Box 2
103 - Lucky Ring Chance Box 2
105 - Cromiell's Legendary Golden Chest with HAWTSAUCE 3
110 - Redemption Scroll Box 1
114 Image:Itm_EveBalRGbox.png Raffle Box A 3
117 Image:Itm_EveBalRGbox.png Raffle Box B 2
120 - Magic Scrolls Box 1
image:Polynikes Victorious Glasses Box B.png Polynikes Victorious Glasses Box B 3
123 image:Remantis Laccotte.png Remantis Laccotte 99
image:Sunstone.gif Sunstone 15
image:Moonstone.gif Moonstone 15
124 image:Remantis Laccotte.png Remantis Laccotte 99
- New Year Lucky Bag 5
126 image:BlessingoftheGoddess.png Blessing of the Goddess 3
image:Treasure Box.png Treasure Box 2
127 - World Cloak Present Box 1
128 image:7dayBuffBead.png Sacred Bead of the Gladiator 1
image:7dayBuffBead.png Sacred Bead of the Guardian 1
image:7dayBuffBead.png Sacred Bead of Bubble 1
image:7dayBuffBead.png Sacred Bead of Shade's Torment 1
image:7dayBuffBead.png Sacred Bead of the Iblis 1
129 image:7dayBuffBead.png Sacred Bead of the Gladiator 1
image:7dayBuffBead.png Sacred Bead of the Guardian 1
image:7dayBuffBead.png Sacred Bead of Bubble 1
image:7dayBuffBead.png Sacred Bead of Shade's Torment 1
image:7dayBuffBead.png Sacred Bead of the Iblis 1
image:Little Lykan.png Little Lykan 1

We're not done yet though!

In addition to all this huzzah, we're also giving out an iPad, some iPod touches, and more! Interested? Well, if you want to win an irl prize, you're gonna need the following:

  1. Determination
  2. A Facebook account.
  3. A willingness to fan our Facebook page here and a willingness to leave your comments.

What you will need to do is follow us on facebook. Simply leave a comment on the respective post that refers to this event (It's the one the post on our wall that states, V16 PrimerL Power Up and Level Up Events ) and post in that comment, your character and your respective server alongside your leveling goals heading towards v16. Your facebook comment must be made while the event is running. Once the event is over, we will go through each and every comment made that follows the above procedures and randomly pick some prize winners. Those with the most ambitious leveling goals, and those that achieve them by the end of the event, (yes we will be monitoring leveling throughout the event ) will have the best chance at winning the iPad or iPod touches.

While that may sound a bit complicated, it's really easy. Once again, simply follow us on facebook, leave a comment that states your in game character, your server, and your leveling goals, and make sure to post that comment on the post that refers to this event. That's all you need to do The rest will take care of itself, and before you know it, you may be a lucky winner with a brand spanking new iPad!

With that caveat in mind, enjoy the event all, get out there and grind, and good luck heading towards the launch of v16!!!