The Road to FlyFF Gold - Log-In and Level Up Events - FlyFF WIki

The Road to FlyFF Gold - Log-In and Level Up Events

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image:The Road to FlyFF Gold - Log-In and Level Up Events.jpg

Greetings Flyffers and welcome to the proverbial Road to Flyff Gold!

As we all know, the next exciting update to Flyff is around the corner (we won't say what day just yet )! As such we've put together a couple of amazing events to keep you hungry and to wet your appetite for the awesomeness to come!

Here's what's in store:

Log-In Event

Starting May 23rd and going on all the way to June 20th you'll all be treated to none other than a scrumptious, delicious Log-In event! It's simple, it's easy, it's nice, all you gotta do is log into your character (1 per account, so make sure it's the character you want to receive a prize) collect your prize, dance, and be happy

That's literally 29 days of free stuff whenever you log in, so be sure to take full advantage of the event. We won't spoil the fun by telling you what you'll be getting, so the only way to find out is to log in!

Wiki Note: It is 1 per server, you may receive up to 5 on one account (There are 5 servers)

The Road to Flyff Gold Login Event
Date Icon Event Reward Quantity
23rd May 2012 image:Blue Event Box.png Event Gift Box 1
24th May 2012 image:Dark Traseia Ticket.png Dark Traseia Ticket (1 Day) Event 1
25th May 2012 image:cat.png Kitty (7 day Event) 1
26th May 2012 Image:Magicbroom.gif Magic Broom For Beginners (Event) 1
27th May 2012 image:sunstone.gif Event Sunstone 2
image:Moonstone.gif Event Moonstone 2
28th May 2012 image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone (Event) 2
29th May 2012 image:ScrollofBlessing.png Scroll of Blessing (Event) 2
30th May 2012 image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone (Event) 2
31st May 2012 image:Blue Event Box.png Event Gift Box 1
1st June 2012 image:Grilled Eel.png Grilled Eel (Event) 2
2nd June 2012 image:Dog.png Doggy (7 Days Event) 1
3rd June 2012 image:sunstone.gif Event Sunstone 2
image:moonstone.gif Event Moonstone 2
4th June 2012 image:Blessing of Goddess icon.png Blessing of the Goddess (Event) 1
5th June 2012 image:Blue Event Box.png Event Gift Box 1
6th June 2012 image:Scroll of Amplification ES.png Scroll of Amplification ES (Event) 3
7th June 2012 image:Flying_Special_Sylia.png (Event) Syila Hoverbike (7 Days) 1
8th June 2012 image:Dark Traseia Ticket.png Dark Traseia Ticket (1 Day) Event 1
9th June 2012 image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone (Event) 2
10th June 2012 image:Grilled Eel.png Grilled Eel (Event) 2
11th June 2012 image:ScrollofBlessing.png Scroll of Blessing (Event) 2
12th June 2012 image:Yellow Balloon.png Yellow Balloons (Event) 1
13th June 2012 image:Blue Event Box.png Event Gift Box 1
14th June 2012 image:Blue Balloon.png Blue Balloons (Event) 1
15th June 2012 image:Pink Balloon.png Pink Balloons (Event) 1
16th June 2012 image:sunstone.gif Event Sunstone 2
image:moonstone.gif Event Moonstone 2
17th June 2012 image:Dark Traseia Ticket.png Dark Traseia Ticket (1 Day) Event 1
18th June 2012 image:ScrollofBlessing.png Scroll of Blessing (Event) 2
19th June 2012 image:Blessing of Goddess icon.png Blessing of the Goddess (Event) 1
20th June 2012 N/A N/A N/A
21st June 2012 image:Blue Event Box.png Event Gift Box 1
Note: Event skipped a day !!!

That's not all though, keep on reading for even more awesomeness

Level-Up Event

Coinciding with the get free stuff event that is the Log-In event above, we've put together yet another event where you get, you guessed it - MORE FREE STUFF!

The Level-Up Event is a classic, but for those of you not familiar with the party, all you have to do is level and train like normal; except this time, whenever you reach certain leveling milestones as listed below, you'll receive a tasty reward for your hard work!

Really it's just as simple as the Log-In Event, but the prizes are even bigger and better! We've even taken the time to list out the goodies you can expect to see, so take a gander, feel all excited, and get to slaying those pesky masquerpets!

The Level-Up event will literally go on until the launch of Flyff Gold, so you've got time to enjoy the last chapters of V18! Be sure to enjoy it while it lasts, Flyff will look like a different game by the time this event is over!

The Road to FlyFF Gold Level-Up Event
Level Icon Event Reward Quantity Tradability
2 Image:Scroll of Amplification ES20.png Scroll of Amplification ES20 1 (Untradeable)
3 Image:Police (M).png Police (M) (7days) 1 (Untradeable)
Image:Police (F).png Police (F) (7days) 1 (Untradeable)
4 Image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone(Event) 1 (Untradeable)
5 Image:Scroll of Amplification ES20.png Scroll of Amplification ES20 1 (Untradeable)
6 image:Bull Hamstern.png Bull Hamstern 1 (Untradeable)
7 Image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone(Event) 1 (Untradeable)
8 Image:Bangle.png Baby Tiger (1 day Event) 1 (Untradeable)
9 image:Bull Hamstern.png Bull Hamstern 1 (Untradeable)
10 Image:Scroll of Amplification ES20.png Scroll of Amplification ES20 3 (Untradeable)
11 Image:Magicbroom.gif Magic Broom For Beginners (Event) 1 (Untradeable)
12 Image:FLY.png FLY 1 (Untradeable)
13 Image:FOR.png FOR 1 (Untradeable)
14 Image:FUN.png FUN 1 (Untradeable)
15 image:Bull Hamstern.png Bull Hamstern 1 (Untradeable)
16 Image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone(Event) 1 (Untradeable)
17 Image:Scroll of Amplification ES20.png Scroll of Amplification ES20 2 (Untradeable)
18 image:HotDgukguk.gif Hot Ddukguk 3 (Untradeable)
19 image:Bull Hamstern.png Bull Hamstern 1 (Untradeable)
20 Image:Scroll of Amplification ES40.png Scroll of Amplification ES40 3 (Untradeable)
21 Image:Bangle.png Baby Tiger (1 day Event) 1 (Untradeable)
22 image:Bull Hamstern.png Bull Hamstern 2 (Untradeable)
23 Image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone(Event) 2 (Untradeable)
24 image:Grilled Eel.png Grilled Eel (Event) 2 (Untradeable)
25 image:Elegant White Wings Box.png Elegant White Wings Box (3 Days) 1 (Untradeable)
26 Image:FLY.png FLY 1 (Untradeable)
27 Image:FOR.png FOR 1 (Untradeable)
28 Image:FUN.png FUN 1 (Untradeable)
29 Image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone(Event) 2 (Untradeable)
30 Image:Scroll of Amplification ES40.png Scroll of Amplification ES40 3 (Untradeable)
31 image:Bull Hamstern.png Bull Hamstern 2 (Untradeable)
32 Image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone(Event) 2 (Untradeable)
33 Image:Activition.png Activition 1 (Untradeable)
34 image:HotDgukguk.gif Hot Ddukguk 3 (Untradeable)
35 image:Mocomochi.png Mocomochi (3 days) 1 (Untradeable)
36 Image:Scroll of Amplification ES40.png Scroll of Amplification ES40 3 (Untradeable)
37 Image:FLY.png FLY 1 (Untradeable)
38 Image:FOR.png FOR 1 (Untradeable)
39 Image:FUN.png FUN 1 (Untradeable)
40 Image:Activition.png Activition 2 (Untradeable)
41 Image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone(Event) 2 (Untradeable)
42 image:Grilled Eel.png Grilled Eel (Event) 2 (Untradeable)
43 image:Cats (M).png Cats (M) (7 days) 1 (Untradeable)
image:Cats (F).png Cats (F) (7 days) 1 (Untradeable)
44 image:Coral Island Ticket.png Coral Island Ticket 1 Day 3 (Untradeable)
45 Image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone(Event) 2 (Untradeable)
46 image:Grilled Eel.png Grilled Eel (Event) 2 (Untradeable)
47 Image:FLY.png FLY 1 (Untradeable)
48 Image:FOR.png FOR 1 (Untradeable)
49 Image:FUN.png FUN 1 (Untradeable)
50 Image:Icon backpack.jpg Extra Bag (15 days) 1 (Untradeable)
51 Image:Activition.png Activition 3 (Untradeable)
52 Image:Refresher Hold.png Refresher Hold 3 (Untradeable)
53 Image:Vitaldrink X.png Vital Drink X 3 (Untradeable)
54 Image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone(Event) 3 (Untradeable)
55 image:Grilled Eel.png Grilled Eel (Event) 3 (Untradeable)
56 image:Crimson Butterfly Wings.png Crimson Butterfly Wings (3 days) 1 (Untradeable)
57 Image:ScrollofBlessing.png Scroll of Blessing(Event) 3 (Untradeable)
58 Image:Refresher Hold.png Refresher Hold 3 (Untradeable)
59 Image:Vitaldrink X.png Vital Drink X 3 (Untradeable)
60 Image:Icon backpack.jpg Extra Bag (15 days) 1 (Untradeable)
61 image:Treasure Box.png Raizei's Guardian Chest of Phat Lewt 3 (Tradeable)
62 Image:Sunstone.gif Sunstone Event 2 (Untradeable)
Image:Moonstone.gif Moonstone Event 2 (Untradeable)
63 image:Baby Bang.png Baby Bang (3 days) 1 (Tradeable)
64 image:Power Scroll.png Power Scroll 3 (Tradeable)
65 Image:FLY.png FLY 2 (Tradeable)
66 Image:FOR.png FOR 2 (Tradeable)
67 Image:FUN.png FUN 2 (Tradeable)
69 Image:PinkWrappedBox.gif Roanin's Magic Level Box 3 (Tradeable)
70 image:Azria Ticket.png Azria Ticket 1 Day 2 (Tradeable)
71 Image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone(Event) 5 (Tradeable)
72 image:Grilled Eel.png Grilled Eel (Event) 5 (Tradeable)
73 Image:Refresher Hold.png Refresher Hold 5 (Tradeable)
74 Image:Vitaldrink X.png Vital Drink X 5 (Tradeable)
75 image:Treasure Box.png TurBo's Extremely Exquisite Historic Chest 3 (Tradeable)
76 Image:Sunstone.gif Sunstone Event 5 (Untradeable)
Image:Moonstone.gif Moonstone Event 5 (Untradeable)
77 Image:FLY.png FLY 3 (Tradeable)
78 Image:FOR.png FOR 3 (Tradeable)
79 Image:FUN.png FUN 3 (Tradeable)
80 image:HotDgukguk.gif Hot Ddukguk 5 (Tradeable)
81 Image:MysteriousBag.gif Mysterious Bag 2 (Tradeable)
82 Image:Itm EveBalRGbox.png Raffle Box A 2 (Tradeable)
83 Image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone(Event) 5 (Tradeable)
84 image:Grilled Eel.png Grilled Eel (Event) 5 (Tradeable)
85 Image:Refresher Hold.png Refresher Hold 5 (Tradeable)
86 Image:Vitaldrink X.png Vital Drink X 5 (Tradeable)
87 Image:ScrollofBlessing.png Scroll of Blessing 5 (Tradeable)
88 image:Elegant Black Wings Box.png Elegant Black Wings Box (3 Days) 1 (Tradeable)
89 image:Azria Ticket.png Azria Ticket 1 Day 2 (Tradeable)
90 image:Treasure Box.png RabidFish's Uber Doober Angel Chest 3 (Tradeable)
91 Image:Sunstone.gif Sunstone Event 10 (Untradeable)
Image:Moonstone.gif Moonstone Event 10 (Untradeable)
92 Image:Itm EveBalRGbox.png Raffle Box B 1 (Tradeable)
93 Image:FLY.png FLY 3 (Tradeable)
94 Image:FOR.png FOR 3 (Tradeable)
95 Image:FUN.png FUN 3 (Tradeable)
96 image:HotDgukguk.gif Hot Ddukguk 5 (Tradeable)
97 Image:MysteriousBag.gif Mysterious Bag 2 (Tradeable)
98 Image:Itm EveBalRGbox.png Raffle Box A 2 (Tradeable)
99 image:Power Scroll.png Power Scroll 3 (Tradeable)
100 Image:PinkWrappedBox.gif Roanin's Magic Level Box 3 (Tradeable)
101 image:Blessing of Goddess icon.png Blessing of the Goddess 3 (Tradeable)
102 image:Azria Ticket.png Azria Ticket 1 Day 2 (Tradeable)
103 Image:Sunstone.gif Sunstone Event 10 (Untradeable)
Image:Moonstone.gif Moonstone Event 10 (Untradeable)
104 image:HotDgukguk.gif Hot Ddukguk 5 (Tradeable)
105 image:Treasure Box.png Cromiell's Legendary Golden Chest with HAWTSAUCE 3 (Tradeable)
106 Image:Sunstone.gif Sunstone Event 10 (Untradeable)
Image:Moonstone.gif Moonstone Event 10 (Untradeable)
107 Image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone(Event) 5 (Tradeable)
108 image:Grilled Eel.png Grilled Eel (Event) 5 (Tradeable)
109 Image:Refresher Hold.png Refresher Hold 5 (Tradeable)
110 Image:Vitaldrink X.png Vital Drink X 5 (Tradeable)
111 Image:ScrollofBlessing.png Scroll of Blessing 5 (Tradeable)
112 image:HotDgukguk.gif Hot Ddukguk 5 (Tradeable)
113 Image:Angel Wings.png Angelic Wings (3 days) 1 (Tradeable)
114 Image:MysteriousBag.gif Mysterious Bag 2 (Tradeable)
115 Image:Itm EveBalRGbox.png Raffle Box B 1 (Tradeable)
116 image:Traseia Ticket.png Traseia Ticket 1 Day 1 (Tradeable)
117 Image:FLY.png FLY 3 (Tradeable)
118 Image:FOR.png FOR 3 (Tradeable)
119 Image:FUN.png FUN 3 (Tradeable)
120 Image:Itm EveBalRGbox.png Polynikes Victorious Glasses Box B 3 (Tradeable)
121 Image:Itm EveBalRGbox.png Raffle Box A 2 (Tradeable)
122 image:itm_EveBalPbox.png Adepts Precious Bead Box 1 (Tradeable)
123 image:itm_EveBalPbox.png Champions Precious Bead Box 1 (Tradeable)
124 image:Traseia Ticket.png Traseia Ticket (1 Day) 3 (Tradeable)
125 Image:MysteriousBag.gif Mysterious Bag 3 (Tradeable)
126 Image:PinkWrappedBox.gif Roanin's Magic Level Box 3 (Tradeable)
127 image:Dark Traseia Ticket.png Dark Traseia Ticket (1 Day) 1 Day 1 (Tradeable)
128 Image:Refresher Hold.png Refresher Hold 10 (Tradeable)
Image:Vitaldrink X.png Vital Drink X 10 (Tradeable)
Image:Sunstone.gif Sunstone Event 10 (Tradeable)
Image:Moonstone.gif Moonstone Event 10 (Tradeable)
129 Image:Armored Tigar (Red).png Armored Tigar (Red) x1 (Tradeable)
130 Image:FLY.png FLY 10 (Tradeable)
Image:FOR.png FOR 10 (Tradeable)
Image:FUN.png FUN 10 (Tradeable)
131 image:Scroll of Amplification R (30 Days).png Scroll of Amplification R (7 Days) 2 (Tradeable)
132 image:Pick-up Pet Upgrade.png Pick-up Pet Upgrade 1 (Tradeable)
133 image:Wings of the Malevolent Dragon.png Wings of the Malevolent Dragon (3 days) 1 (Tradeable)
134 Image:MysteriousBag.gif Mysterious Bag 5 (Tradeable)
135 image:Dark Traseia Ticket.png Dark Traseia (1 Day) 1 (Tradeable)
136 image:Ultimate Blessing of Baruna.png Ultimate Blessing of Baruna 5 (Tradeable)
137 Image:Refresher Hold.png Refresher Hold 10 (Tradeable)
Image:Vitaldrink X.png Vital Drink X 10 (Tradeable)
Image:Sunstone.gif Sunstone Event 10 (Tradeable)
Image:Moonstone.gif Moonstone Event 10 (Tradeable)
138 Image:PinkWrappedBox.gif Roanin's Magic Level Box 5 (Tradeable)
139 image:Dragon Cloak of the Initiate.png Dragon Cloak of the Initiate 1 (Tradeable)
140 Image:FlyingCloudYellow.gif Riding Cloud (Orange) 1 (Tradeable)
141 image:Scroll of Amplification R (30 Days).png Scroll of Amplification R (7 Days) 2 (Tradeable)
142 Image:FLY.png FLY 5 (Tradeable)
Image:FOR.png FOR 5 (Tradeable)
Image:FUN.png FUN 5 (Tradeable)
143 Image:Treasure Box.png Treasure Box 5 (Tradeable)
144 Image:MysteriousBag.gif Mysterious Bag 5 (Tradeable)
145 Image:PinkWrappedBox.gif Roanin's Magic Level Box 5 (Tradeable)
146 image:Dark Traseia Ticket.png Dark Traseia Ticket (1 Day) 1 (Tradeable)
147 image:Ultimate Blessing of Baruna.png Ultimate Blessing of Baruna 5 (Tradeable)
148 Image:FLY.png FLY 10 (Tradeable)
Image:FOR.png FOR 10 (Tradeable)
Image:FUN.png FUN 10 (Tradeable)
149 image:Unstable Flask of the Warrior.png Ubstable Flask of the Warrior (30 Days) 1 (Tradeable)
image:Unstable Flask of the Magician.png Unstable Flask of the Magician (30 Days) 1 (Tradeable)
image:Unstable Flask of the Acrobat.png Unstable Flask of the Acrobat (30 Days) 1 (Tradeable)
150 image:Cloak of Bravery.png Cloak of Bravery 1 (Untradeable)

With that said, enjoy all the events Flyffers, here's to you, here's to saying bye bye to V18, and here's to the upcoming and exciting Flyff Gold!