The Little Mia Chance Box Event - FlyFF WIki

The Little Mia Chance Box Event

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image:The Little Mia Chance Box Event.jpg

Greetings Flyffers,

You'll be happy to know that some benevolent all powerful beings in Madrigal have managed to trap a few evil Mias into some special drop boxes. Those Little Mias have seen the error of their ways and have transformed themselves into little helpful pick-up pets to play make up. So now there are some special boxes called image:PinkWrappedBox.gif Lucky Box (Little Mia) strewn throughout Madrigal. You all want to get your hands on them now don't you?

Well there's a problem. Shade's evil Masquerpets have found them first and are now holding these boxes in their custody. They've also thrown a bunch of random stuff into these boxes so not all of them even hold a Little Mia anymore

Regardless, here's the deal - for the next 7 days, normal masquerpets level 15 and above will now be randomly dropping these image:PinkWrappedBox.gif Lucky Box (Little Mia). These boxes do have a chance to contain a Little Mia pick up pet :3 but they also have a chance to contain some neat little things (We won't reveal to you what they are so you're just going to have to open them to find out ) . Grinding for them should prove to be a fun endeavor and might even be profitable for a few

So good luck and enjoy farming for them Flyffers, we hope you enjoy!