The Flyff Puzzle Up Event
From FlyFF WIki
Greetings Flyffers!
We're happy to announce one of Flyff's latest events - the Flyff Puzzle Up Event!!!
This one is simple and sweet and it's easy to reap the rewards. For those of you familiar with a Play For Rewards event, you'll feel right at home, but if you've never had a chance to participate in one, here's how it all works:
Each and every day lasting up until August 28th, you will receive a Flyff Card Piece for every 30 minutes that you're logged in. It's as simple as that. You can then take the Flyff card pieces to the FlyForFun Coupon Pang to trade em in for a slew of rewards! The card piece you'll be receiving will change each and every day though, and the only way to find out which piece you're getting that day is to log your 30 minutes! There's nothing complicated about it, so all we can say is, enjoy!
Note that your character must be level 60 or above in order to receive Flyff Card Pieces. The card pieces will be sent to your mail box so be sure to check the post often. Also note that you must log an uninterrupted 30 minutes to receive a card piece.