The 28 Vagrant's Later: A Zombie Event - FlyFF WIki

The 28 Vagrant's Later: A Zombie Event

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image:28 Vagrants Later A Zombie Event.jpg

This is it Flyffers...

You may have managed to slay all of the Bloody Mary's and R.DeFeos in Madrigal...but you've failed to contain the deadly virus that has now spread throughout your precious lands. The dead have risen, and they want one thing, and one thing only - human brains.

I'm not going to tell you where to find them. Take a hike in the wilderness at your own risk. Grind for questies or train for leveling as you always would...just watch your back; someone or something is quite hungry.

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Hope is not lost however. 3 Special Zombie Gurus by the names of Romero, Kirkman, and Brooks have shown up in central Flarine to help you all make it through this apocalyptic time.

Here's the rundown:

Romero has 2 quests to offer you in order to condition you for the Zombie Apocalypse.


First he'll want to see if you can equip yourself with the weapon of choice against zombies - the all mighty Chainsaw! You will be tasked with collecting 10 Gas Cans. Simple enough, you can find these off of any regular masquerpet level 15 and up. Bring the gas cans to Romero, and you've got yourself a brand spanking new motorized weapon.

"Zombie Hunter"

The second quest he'll offer you is not for the faint of heart. You'll need all your wits about you as you undertake his almost ludicrous task - to slay 50 Male Zombies, and 50 Female Zombies. If you mange to do so, Romero will reward you with a Zombie Hunter Token - a badge to show that you are BEAST! This quest is repeatable, so you'll want to hoard some tokens!

What do you do with these tokens? Well take them to Brooks and he'll exchange you various prizes and zombie paraphernalia. Trust me, there's some good stuff in there. Some new cloaks, some Zombie Hunter Boxes that possibly contain some new Fashion CS get the idea

Last but not least, your new friend Kirkman will want you to collect 6 Zombie Body Parts for a freakish experiment. Talk to him and you'll see Let's just say if you succeed, you'll get a new stiff friend to follow you around. Where do you get these Zombie Body Parts? Well the male and female zombies all drop a special box called Zombie Box. These little containers will have a chance to have a body part, but it's never a guaranteed thing. The best you can do, is warrior through, and fight fight fight.

This apocalypse is rumored to last 2 weeks, and the date November 10, 2010 seems to be of special the event is gonna end.

Once again Flyffers, this is it. Show us that you can soldier on and survive through this horrible horrible time, and hopefully, just hopefully, with enough resilience and courage...things may return to normal.