Template:Darkon 1 and 2 Pang Buffs - FlyFF WIki

Template:Darkon 1 and 2 Pang Buffs

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Skill Lvl Effect Description
image:Assist_Patience.gif Patience lvl 12 Max. HP +110 Increases the Max. HP of a target for a limited time.
image:Assist_Quick_Step.gif Quick Step lvl 12 Speed +21% Increases the walk speed of a target.
image:Assist_Haste.gif Haste lvl 12 Attack Speed +17% Increases attack speed of a target.
image:Assist_Cats_Reflex.gif Cat's Reflex lvl 12 Blocking Rate of Melee attacks +6% Increases the block rate of a target.
image:Assist_CannonBall.gif Cannon Ball lvl 12 DEX +12 Increases the DEX of the target.
image:Assist_Mental_Sign.gif Mental Sign lvl 12 INT +12 Increases INT of a target.
image:Assist_Heapup.gif Heap Up lvl 12 STA +24 Increases the physical strength of the target.
image:Assist_Beefup.gif Beef Up lvl 12 STR +12 Increases striking power of a target.
image:Assist_Accuracy.gif Accuracy lvl 12 Hit +12% Increases the accuracy of a target.