Taking Screen Shots - FlyFF WIki

Taking Screen Shots

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Want to take a Screen Shot of Flyff and post it?

It's actually pretty easy!


What is a Screen Shot?

In short, a Screen Shot is a picture of your screen that you can post, edit, and admire. For example, all of the pictures on this Wiki of items, characters, etc. are all Screen Shots taken in game.

Here's how to take your own!

Output format

Previous versions of FlyFF wrote the screenshots as bitmap (.bmp) to your harddisk.
Currently FlyFF stores the pictures as .jpg files.
This reduces the filesize per screenshot by 50% - 75% and enables you to store way more screen captures on your harddisk.
Also the smaller file size allows faster uploading.

How to take a Screen Shot

Get ready for your picture, pose, use emotes, have fun with it and press the "Print Screen" button while you're in Flyff. You have now made a Screen Shot which is placed in your default Flyff folder, C:Program Files/Webzen/Flyff/Capture.

How to Zoom

Need to get a closer picture? Here's how you can zoom in on flyff.

On your keyboard, there is a "Scroll Lock" button. This is what is used to Zoom.

  • On First Click, Zoom x1. This is like a first person view of the game.
  • On Second Click, Zoom x2. This is a first person view, magnified by 2.
  • On Third Click, Zoom x3. Same thing, magnified by 3
  • On Fourth Click, Normal view. Back to a third person, normal view.

How to Clear All Windows Temporarily

If you want to remove all windows from screen without closing everything, just press the (*) button on your numpad. To bring all the windows back, press it again.
(For Laptops hold down the funtion key[fn] and press the letter with the (*) on teh same key. Usually it's the letter "P")
Ex: [fn]+P

How to get your pictures

I've taken C: as the default hard disk here. It may be different on your system, so replace the C: in this guide by your default hard disk.

  • Go to the C: Drive
    • Program Files folder
      • Webzen folder
        • Flyff folder
          • Capture folder

View your pictures!

Warning: If you reinstall or uninstall Flyff, all of the screen shots in this folder will be removed.

How to post your picture

Host the picture on:

  1. TinyPic
  2. PhotoBucket
  3. ImageShack
  4. or any other picture hosting site

Post it on the forums in the following format: