Rock-Paper-Scissors 2013 - FlyFF WIki

Rock-Paper-Scissors 2013

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image:Rock Paper Scissors 2013.jpg

You're participating in the Flyff Holdem Event, but you want to play more?

Why don't you try the RPS game!

Starting on the 4th of July and running until the 1st of August 2013,You can gain Pumpkins as drops from monsters of level 15 and higher! Do I hear you ask 'Why Pumpkins?'

It is well known in Madrigal that the Pumpkin is a symbol of good fortune! (Please note: You can gather Pumpkins in stacks of 99 which should be traded in to avoid issues with the economy of Madrigal!) You will need 10 pumpkins and 50,000 Penya to get a Rock-Paper-Scissors Coupon from the Mayor of Flarine.

Once you have this coupon you can visit the shaker Demian to play Rock-Paper-Scissors! The more you play, the more you can earn!

Here, take a look at the list of prize.

The key to success is knowing when to stop! And you? Will you be able to stop before winning the Blessed Cloak of the Light?