Re-Skill (Event) - FlyFF WIki

Re-Skill (Event)

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Info: Condratulations on achieving your 1st Job! This will allow you to redistribute your skill points once.

  • When used, this scroll will instantly return all of your skill levels to 0 and allow you to redistribute your skill points.
  • You will have as many skill points as is appropriate for your current level to distribute among your skills.
  • Vagrant skills require 1 point per skill level.
  • 1st Job (Mercenary, Assist, Magician, Acrobat) skills require 2 points per skill level.
  • 2nd Job (Knight, Blade, Ringmaster, Billposter, Elementor, Psykeeper, Jester, Ranger) skills require 3 points per skill level.
  • All prerequisites must still be met to add points to a skill. (Character level and prior skill requirements as stated on each skill)
  • This scroll is not Bankable, Tradeable, Mailable etc. It is yours, you may use it or delete it but that's about it. It may be stored in backpack by pressing "B".