Over 9000, Power Up, and Sunstone Drop Trifecta Event!!! - FlyFF WIki

Over 9000, Power Up, and Sunstone Drop Trifecta Event!!!

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image:Over9000 Trifecta Event.png

Greetings all, for the next 7 days we've got a trifecta of events coming your way. From February 24th to March 2nd (that's next maintenance) the following 3 events will be in effect:

A Sunstone Drop Event

  • Extra event sunstones will be dropping off of any masquerpet level 15 and up. This event speaks for itself and we had run it before in the past; get to farming all, you know you need those suns!

The Power Up - Increased Attack Power and Defense Event

  • All players will be receiving a static +150 bonus to their attack power and defenses! This should help you all with your gianting and grinding Do note, however, that you will not see this on your character status menu; the buff will be a global one that affects all players.

It's Over 9000!!! Unlease the FURY!

  • This is a special event that has never before been run on any version of FlyFF despite bearing some similarities to the Snow Event. To be honest it's kind of our little experiment and an obvious nod to a popular meme. Throughout the next week, at random intervals throughout the day, and only for 1 minute at a time, ALL players will be receiving a +9001 bonus to their attack power :333 Yes you read that right!!!

So there you have it all. I hope these events help each and everyone of you in your endeavors in Madrigal. Please enjoy them and have a blast with em !!!