Happy Birthday Flyff US - 14 Years - FlyFF WIki

Happy Birthday Flyff US - 14 Years

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Image:US 13th anniversary.png

It is time to celebrate !

14 years ago, on December 25th, 2005, the "Lawolf" (then "Tanuki", now "Aibatt") server opened its gates to the players.

We would like to thank all of you for keeping the Flyff dream alive by supporting the game, and we hope you can make more memories over the next years!

As a token of gratitude for your loyalty, we're holding a Triple EXP and Power Up (+150 Attack and Defense) event exclusively on the US servers from the 25th of December (8 am UTC) until the 29th of December (8 am UTC).

Thank you so much,

Your Flyff Team