Halloween in Flyff 2019 - FlyFF WIki

Halloween in Flyff 2019

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image:Halloween in Flyff.jpg

Halloween in Flyff


image:RedCandle.gifimage:Charm.gif Halloween Box's Quest image:2014_Halloween_Pumpkin.pngimage:2014_Halloween_Box.png

Starting NPC

Mysterious Robed Lady Location
Mysterious Robed Lady Image:NPCMysterious Robed Lady2.jpg

Quest Starting Location: Flaris
NPC : Mysterious Robed Lady
Quest Requirement : Level 15~170
Objective : Collect a Halloween Candle, Halloween Charm and Halloween Pumpkin (from monsters level 15+) for the Mysterious Robed Lady. She will give you a Halloween Box in return.

Red Candle 1x
Charm 1x
Halloween Pumpkin 1x


Halloween Box 2019

Next Stage in Quest

  • Quest Complete. This Quest is repeatable!

image:Gas_Can.png Chain Saw's Quest image:Chainsaw.png

Starting NPC

Romero Location
Romero Image:NPCRomero2.jpg

Quest Starting Location: Flaris
NPC : Romero
Quest Requirement : Level 15~170
Objective : Collect 10 Gas Cans (from monsters level 15+) and bring them to Romero. He will give you a Chain Saw in return.

Gas Can 10x



Next Stage in Quest

image:Fragmented_Zombie_Box.png Zombie Boxes' Quest image:PetZombie.png

Starting NPC

Dr. Frankenstein Location
Dr. Frankenstein Image:NPCDr. Frankenstein2.jpg

Quest Starting Location: Flaris
NPC : Dr. Frankenstein
Quest Requirement : Level 15~170 and Chainsaw
Objective : Dr. Frankenstein needs zombie bones. Kill male and female zombies and collect their Zombie Boxes. Once you have all zombie pieces, Dr. Frankenstein will reward you with your own little zombie - Baby Ripper Cage. This quest can only be completed once!

Female Zombie
Male Zombie


Zombie Box

Next Stage in Quest

  • Quest Complete. This Quest is repeatable if you have not obtained Baby Ripper Cage

Name Description Icone
Braaaaains It took some elbow grease to get this little sucker in the game, but we finally got it. Hope you enjoy him as much as we do. - Raizei and Polynikes image:Baby Ripper Cage.png
image:Zombie_Head.png+image:Zombie_Rib.png+image:Zombie_Right_Arm.png+image:Zombie_Left_Arm.png+image:Zombie_Right_Leg.png+image:Zombie_Left_Leg.png=image:Baby Ripper Cage.png

Halloween Ticket

Starting NPC

Blood Dragon Queen Location
Blood Dragon Queen Image:NPCBlood Dragon Queen2.jpg

Quest Starting Location: Flaris
NPC : Blood Dragon Queen
Quest Requirement : Level 15~170
Objective : Bring the Halloween Ticket to the Blood Dragon Queen, she will exchange it for a Halloween Mask Box. The Halloween Mask Box contains one random Boss Monster Mask for Male or Female characters.

Halloween Ticket 1x
Image:Halloween Ticket.gif


Halloween Mask Box
Image:Halloween Mask Box.png

Next Stage in Quest

  • Quest Complete. This Quest is repeatable!