Halloween event: Bobo Brothers: Zombie Hunters - FlyFF WIki

Halloween event: Bobo Brothers: Zombie Hunters

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image:Halloween event- Bobo Brothers- Zombie Hunters.jpg

Bouhououhuohouhou !!
You were scared ? Don't be for so little...
Indeed for the next 4 weeks, you'll face the worst fears you ever had...
For you it's not 1 not 2 not 3 events but 7 events for Halloween !

More information below!

With the Halloween Extravaganza you will Parade with a wonderful Blood Red Unbrella!
On the Halloween Quest you'll hide your face under a scary Neko Soul Mask!
You'll also have to Protect yourself from Vampires, only 1 solution: the Van Harlen Necklace!
In the time of Halloween you will also find 2 hideous baby pet in kit, a Bone Golem and a baby Zombie!
Talking about Zombies... They are back! Get a Chain Saw and chop them off!
If you succesed, you'll receive a very powerful item: the Zombie Hunter's Cloak!

Not enough for you ?

During the whole event monsters will also celebrate Halloween with you! How? By sharing Trick or Treat Boxes with you!

Still not enough???


Enjoy a double (Yetti=Triple!) EXP and double drop event during the whole weekend! From Friday morning the 1st of November until Sunday night the 3rd of November!

Happy Halloween to all of you!

Your gPotato Team.

Event 1) Halloween Extravaganza 2013

NOTE- from the same NPC as the Halloween Quest 2013 !!! Please be careful this quest gives the Bloody Umbrella as final reward!!!

Box Drop event, a new box called Funky Zombie Candy Box will be dropping from masquerpets lvl 15+ below is a list of what may be found in this box. Happy hunting !!!

image:Magicbroom.gif Magic Broom For Beginners (Event)
Image:Little Pick Up Zombie Box.png Little Pick Up Zombie Box (7 day)
image:Pumpkin Mask Box.png Pumpkin Mask Box
Image:PumpkinPie.gif Pumpkin Pie
Image:Starcandy.jpg Star Candy
Image:Vanilla Cupcake.png Vanilla Cupcake
image:Ampere.gif Giant Mr. Pumpkin Trans
image:Pumpkin Soup.png Pumpkin Soup
image:Chocolate.jpg Chocolate Bar

Event 2) Halloween Quest 2013

Some candle, check, some Charms, check, 1 soul mask coming right up ^.^

NOTE- from the same NPC as the Halloween Extravaganza 2013 !!! Please be careful this quest gives the Soul Neko Mask as final reward!!!

Event 3) Protect yourself from Vampires 2013

It's that time of year again, get out your steaks lols opps that wouldn't be too useful, I meant STAKES, its time to go get 'em vampires.

Event 4) The Bone Golem Quest Event 2013

Rattle them bones and get your very own bone golem!!!

Event 5) ZOMBIES! 2013

You know the drill, fill up your gas powered chainsaws and go shred those pesky zombies !!!

Event 6) A Last Ditch Effort 2013

Build your very own zombie !!! ***Please Note: Brains are not included!!!***

Event 7) Zombie Hunter 2013

Srsly u will be sick of zombies by the time this is over xD !!!