Grow Green Event - FlyFF WIki

Grow Green Event

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image:Go Green Event.jpg

Madrigal’s Grow Green initiative has begun, and citizens are called to do their part for the environment! A renowned botanist has come to Saint Morning in search of the rarest plants, and he needs your help - bring him what he needs and he’ll reward you for your noble service to science!

Bob the Botanist Location
Bob the Botanist Image:NPCBob the Botanist2.jpg

Quest Starting Location: Saint Morning
NPC : Bob the Botanist
Quest Requirement : Level 15~170
Objective : Collect 20 Seeds of Nature and 30 Buckets from monsters (level 15+), then bring them to Bob the Botanist who will exchange them for a Green Nature Box

Seed of Nature 20x
Image:Seed of Nature.gif
Bucket 30x


Green Nature Box
Image:Green Nature Box.png

Next Stage in Quest

  • Quest Complete. This Quest is repeatable!