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Fortune Box - Scroll of XProtect (Possible Pet) - FlyFF WIki

Fortune Box - Scroll of XProtect (Possible Pet)

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image:Fortune Box - Scroll of XProtect (Possible Pet).png
Cost: 200 gPotatoes
Count: 1, 1
Info: This special chance box contains Scroll of XProtect x1 and Silver Fortune Token x1.

This Fortune Box also has the chance to give you extra items at no extra cost and even features a new, never before released buff pet as part of the chances! This new Lil' gPotato Buff Pet will NOT be sold individually in the future.

The following items have a random chance to appear in your inventory upon purchase of this Fortune Box:

Note that the Lil' gPotato Buff Pet is a no-trade item.

In addition you will get the following item:

Note that this pet is worth 75 Silver Fortune Tokens. Contact to redeem!